Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (494) seems to be a weakness but has another meaning...

It immediately began to gather the rest of the magic power it had obtained from the outside world, and was preparing to apply a full-coverage magic like annihilating the fire in the entire inner city in an attempt to force the appearance of Varudo, who took advantage of the terrain.

For this reason, the rock warriors who could not let them know their eyes and received instructions all showed off their guns, bows and arrows, slings and other stone weapons.

After feeding back the coordinates of the various magic powers covered by one's own person in this flame, continuously and wide-ranging barrages of various directions are contained and covered...


"Oh duo~ oh duo! Is this going to play with a blind cat and meet a dead mouse? How to use a containment attack with a certain magical enhancement is really too random!"

‘Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm, patter, patter, puff~ puff~ puff’

And that is, under the cover of this fire that is beneficial to him, Varudo is ready to quickly turn to the next time when the enemy may move in the direction.

Through the good ‘danger perception’, this rapid and violent random attack was detected in time, like raindrops wrapped in the lightly simple burning effect attached to the middle, and then viciously pierced on the ground around it.

It made him have to have such indiscriminate aggressive behavior, and felt a lot of distress...

After all, this is almost spreading, so the high reminder of the double life-saving ability in the direction of advancement is already clear that the enemy is using magic warfare like directly blocking its movement area at all costs.

So after it got so confused, it fell into a state of over-passive defense, and began to evade and dodge quickly everywhere like protecting the pair of beast mothers and daughters behind...


(It’s just a bit~ it’s a bit!)

"Come on! I see how you can hide! Haha~ahah!!!"

[Continuous rain of sand and gravel in the desert]

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~huh~huh, huh~huh, huh~huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh

"This is!!! So that's it~ Their purpose is here! It's really put together..."

‘Da~Da~Da, Hu~Hu~Hu, 噌~噌~噌, da~Da~Da, 咚~咚~咚'

And that is, after successfully putting Varudo into a non-misleading situation, the other rock knight who kept gathering and even compressed for this rock fortress was sweating profusely.

In a state of a little frightened worry, he successfully completed all this magical inscription spells that are good to change the weather.

For a while, with its body shining with a good earth-brown magic halo, this time, in the midair of this rock fortress, it suddenly formed under the huge and completely covered quadrilateral magic array.

Under the effect of countless space conversions from mid-air, a very delicate and tiny, but very dense sand and gravel rain effect was generated in an instant.

That trend was as good as a downpour, and the entire inner city was almost completely ignited and plunged into a sea of ​​flames. It instantly turned into a puff of black smoke and was completely submerged.

The same amount of magical power released was sensed all at once, and Varudo had already eaten a mouthful of sand under the actual effect.

It made him a little bit annoyed and lamented that this trick was wonderful, and then it was still attacked by countless remote stone refrigeration weapons for a long time as if it completely exposed its whereabouts. 168

Obviously~ its current home court effect has been completely wiped out, and for a while, it was surrounded by countless rock warriors who heard the sound of the sound, causing a dilemma of three levels inside and three outside.

('s a surprising victory and barely trapped this big guy, or let it go too rampant, I'm afraid no one can suppress it and let it cross the entire battlefield, and it's right to make a lot of chickens and dogs here...)

[All members surrounded and strangled the existence of this high-level undead clan, absolutely can't let it escape! 】

【understand! xN】

‘Om~Om~Om, 咚哐~咚哐, huh~ huh’s ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"What's the matter? Where is the explosion?"

"Report to the squadron! It is the most remote West Gate that has been attacked by an unknown person. I am afraid it is probably the enemy who has been besieged here before, and is now trying to break the door and escape because of weak forces!"

Naturally, at the time when Varudo's position is now completely clear, and the artificial advantage of the field that he relied on before has completely disappeared.

He only breathed a sigh of relief, and at the time when he used the new'troop instruction' to order the encirclement and suppression of Varudo, the sudden high-power explosion occurred in the distance.

It made it seem to subconsciously verify with the surrounding rock warriors as if a lot of bewilderment, and the rock warriors on the side who were not idle likewise responded to it very quickly...

(Damn...I should have thought that the other party is just waiting for the opportunity as if they were acting separately, but which direction they would choose to try to break through. I really don’t know if they are smart? Or they are extremely stupid. After all, the reinforcements there are also famously tough. Doubt about the stage of life!)

【Well! Quickly let some of the teams around here turn quickly, and annihilate the enemy's high-level personnel team that is fleeing everywhere, and you can be the best assistance for many future troubles! Kill them without leaving! 】

[Oh oh~ oh oh oh! ! ! xN】

‘Om~Om~Om, 咻~咻~咻, da~da~da’

Also knowing that they were hidden before, after using the overly compelling Varudo as a good decoy plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

For a while, the rock knight who felt a little misguided but calm and composed, did not hurriedly continue to use the'troop command' to change the combat objectives of some personnel, and quickly and calmly dealt with the temporary situation this time.

It can be seen that in the direction of Shimen that Tiya they are attacking, they should have made some kind of equal strength and reinforcement to compensate for the lack of personnel...

‘Wow~wow, hoo~hoo~hoo’

(This is!!! x2)

"Good guy! What an illusion of an empty place with fewer troops like a This guy actually set up a complex defensive magic barrier here. It is really a troublesome existence like a lot of calculations! "

"That~that...Tiya~Are we still destroying the city gate now?"

Similarly, Tiya could theoretically destroy it all at once in his own hands, and the magic that did not know the hundreds of tons of rock walls was fruitless.

With good magic feedback and the multi-mixed writing operation inscription technique that suddenly appeared after the smoke screen disappeared, Tiya, who was best at magic for a while, subconsciously felt that it was a lot more delicate and inexhaustible...

After all~ He was misled by his own common sense, and in turn brought into a troublesome situation, which really surprised Tiya a lot!

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