Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 42: The use of the slave system and the establishment of infiltrating troops

"Okay! Now there are only two of us! Let's talk about it!"

Yun walked to the bound person with a smile, patted his shoulder and said.

"Don't! I've said everything that should be said! What else do you want to know?"

"It's okay! I will soon know if what you said is true!"

Yun smiled very coldly. Even the tied person felt a little bit of chills, and the next second the cloud slid the interface, and then a dark shackle locked the man’s neck tightly from the void, and then it was huge. The pain spread throughout the man's body, causing a black flame-like brand to appear on his chest, causing him to faint temporarily.

"Although the first time I used it seems to be successful! The guy's name has already appeared in the list! But it doesn't matter to me! Huh? Can I still use the nickname? Okay! You will be number 1 in the future!"

Li took a look at the iron collar on his neck and the mark on his chest. He was sure that his experiment was successful, and he nodded with a smile, then picked up the bucket on the side and poured it on No. 1's body, all of a sudden. The feeling of cold caused No. 1 to regain consciousness. He shook his head but still felt a little dizzy.

"You! What did you do to me? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The man still questioned Yun impolitely, but the mark on his chest lit up as if punishing him for being rude, and then he convulsed with painful grief.

"I advise you not to insult me ​​or deceive me, otherwise this brand on your body will torture you to death, and you will eventually burst into death!"

Yun gave him a gentle explanation of his situation. Although No. 1 didn't believe it very much, he felt a little scared when he remembered the feeling just now. After all, saving his life is important and everything else is secondary.

"Yes, yes! Please also Yunbai people will ask questions! I will answer!"

He nodded to Yun with some compromise.

"That's good! Who sent you here!"

"I'm from the'Gluttony' here! The man who is in charge of directing our actions is the Tooth King!"

"Tooth King? What kind of person is he?"

"He's a little man who loves to brag and can only move his mind."

Yun sighed as soon as he heard it. He said that someone so stupid had fallen into that obvious trap. He didn't expect that the other party would let a person like this to command a sneak attack on him, which was simply an insult to Yun's trap.

"Has he come this time?"

"No! After he brought us here, we disappeared halfway through, and most of them ran away!"

"That's good! Who gave the order this time?"

"It was an entrustment of Lord Diss from a person called a military division! He said that while he was holding you, he made a surprise attack! But I did not expect to be caught in your trap!"

After hearing these things, Yun also knew the ins and outs and solved this number 1.

"Listen! Now that you are my subordinate, I will let you and the others who are still alive go back to the'gluttony', and continue to get along with them obediently! And your task is to climb up! Then give me Report the internal situation well! Did you hear that?"

"Yes, yes! But... I don't know if they will let us go? After all, we are a failed person..."

"Don't worry about this, I have prepared a piece of information for you to let your people go back for business! And in fact, with me! You still have a lot of benefits to enjoy! Come on! See your partner together!"

Yun patted him on the shoulder and took him out of the room with him. As soon as he left the door, he saw the man in black and the soldier guarding the door, but after seeing the first cloud coming out, he greeted Yun without much question.

"Yun Hundred Talents!"

"Take me to see the other 3 live ones! And also! Help me get Sanjubi to where we are going!"

"Yes! Please here!"

Hearing Yun's instructions to the soldiers to call Sanjubi, the man in black led the two to a room some distance from this corridor, and when he pushed the door, he came to a gloomy and damp dungeon where several people were locked up. , It seems that there are not only the three people mentioned before, there are other people who have also been locked in here, which has attracted Yun's attention.

"Are those three people who attacked here this time? Why are the others locked in?"

Yun looked at the man in black with some interest and asked him.

"Back to the boss! The one in the cage on the left is the attacker this time, and the others are just some criminals who have been locked in! It's not a big deal!"

The man in black pointed to the cages on both sides and introduced Yun.

"Okay! You go out first! Three teases are coming in a while! You just let them wait outside for a while and come out!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The man in black left the room knowingly, leaving Yunhe No.1 and these criminals to get along with each other.

"Isn't this Yun Hundred General? Can you let us out? We know it is wrong!"

"Yes, yes! Please forgive us! We are just being ordered to act and eat!"

After all, there are still more people who have seen Yun. They recognized Yun all of a sudden, and then collectively grabbed the cage and pleaded for it. Seeing this, Yun smiled and brought No. 1 to the center of the two cages. After seeing the desperate criminals in these two cages, he had a certain extra plan in his heart.

"Since you want to go out this way, it is not impossible to let you go! But there is one condition!"

"Yunbai people will tell you! What are the conditions! We all promise you!"

"Yes, yes! As long as we can go out, we can be cows and horses!"

"Please also Yun Bairen will be kind!"

"Very good! I'm relieved when you say that! From now on you are my lackeys! Although it is ugly, it means literally! Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Yun directly announced to them without concealing it. The few people nodded quickly as soon as they heard that they were being somebody else's running dog. Seeing their positive attitude toward leaving, Yun made the previous one. What No. did, put a collar on all the criminals present, and branded a brand on the chest, and the names of all the personnel appeared in the cloud list.

"Okay! Now you are the lurking troops I sent out! Rest assured that no one else can see the collar on your neck and the mark on your chest. Only you and I can see these things! No. 1! Go and give it to others. Let it go! But I remind you that if you are disrespectful to me or want to harm me, or even do not complete my order, you will suffer pain like an electric shock, and the final result will be an explosion and death. Who is the stranger to die? I don't know what's going on?"

When Yun helped them open the cage on the 1st, he reminded them, otherwise Xiang would be ready to die if he took the opportunity to kill him later, and heard how Yun said that some of them were a little stunned, it seems that they did have this before. Little abacus, so they also nodded slightly with a sigh.

"Three teasers! Are you at the door?"

"Yes, boss!"

"You come in!"


Following Yun's call, Sanyoubi walked in with the outfit she wore before. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Boss! Do you have any instructions?"

"From now on, you are their leader! And your task is to sneak back into the'gluttony', take this scroll, and let the soldiers here prepare the supplies you want and set off! Right! Yes! Your corporal leader will be led by the person in charge, do you remember?"


"That's good! If you have anything to do, just use the'troop command' to find me! Go!"

Sandoubi nodded and took the group of people out of the cage, and went to get the corresponding supplies to sneak into the work, and the arranged Yun returned to the office, began to review the latest information and prepare to fight against these internal trouble The preparation plan...the gray wheel dancer of the sword

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