Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (505) Mother and Daughter Beast Mother and Daughter Trying to Escape

Seeing that Lisa had made such a blind and self-confident situation with little experience, the beast mother Aisha shook her head and tried her best to persuade and even stop her.

After all, both of them have seen the attack magic before, how subtle and even powerful, if it obtains information about them from Varudo!

Naturally, you will not make too low-level mistakes like opening your doors. It is the best choice to regard them as having ulterior motives!

【is it? Why don't I give it a try! mom! Better than being suspicious here! 】

But after taking a look at Tia, who was still facing her and the beast mother Aisha, Lisa seemed to think it was worth a try, so she made a proposal to her mother, blinking her beautiful jeweled eyelid.

After all, they have been restrained by the enemy for too long, so if there is a chance, even if there is the possibility of a trap, it is better than being kept here and caught.

So Lisa, who still doesn't listen very much, started to sneak up on herself for a hundred years to make the necessary preparations...

(This kid~ is starting to be stubborn again! But~ it's not impossible, but you can let her give it a try. Naturally, I have to provide a certain degree of support here!)

"May Yui Goddess bless us with success!"

"Squeak~squeak~squeak, buzz~buzz~buzz"

The beast mother Aisha, who also understands the greater risk, should weigh the situation that they are about to face severe torture, and finally let Lisa go for a fight.

After all, she herself knows that even if there is a slight suspicion, in fact, as long as she can seize the opportunity to escape from birth, then she is grateful for their situation.

Therefore, in order to make up for the certain degree of magic that would follow if Lisa failed, the beast mother Aisha also secretly used her "natural magic" to make a certain degree of auxiliary magic preparation after she prayed softly...


(Hmm~hmm? Subtle magical reaction? It's really a group of people with a lot of rubbish! Even in such a water release, there is still no way to completely hide their magical traces, but this in turn is better to deal with a lot, depending on how they will coming!)


"Gada~ Gada, Ding Ding~ 咚咚"

In fact, just like the situation that the beast mother Aisha was worried about at the beginning, although the current Tia's magic recovery is very slow, but the "magic perception" of the two mothers and daughters has always been controlled to the maximum. Clearly.

So after showing a slight sneer that seemed to have succeeded in a conspiracy, I continued to busy with the preparations in my hands as if I didn't care about their follow-up actions...

(OK! The concentration of magic power has been completed, give priority to restoring your hands and feet and do the next action!)

[Speeding regeneration, camouflage]

‘Om~Om~Om, quada~quada’

"Uh~ uh~ uh..."

‘Squeak~squeak~squeak, boom~boom~boom, pa~da’

Naturally, she was mobilizing her magic power to reach a certain controllable amount, Lisa kept watching the figure of Tia who didn't have too many other weird behaviors.

In this way, a subtle green magical halo was secretly activated, and another one covered the magical brilliance of this healing effect! He began to endure the slight itchy and slightly painful feeling like fleshy flesh, and directly regenerated his limbs at this moment.

For this reason, a certain degree of extra space was left, which made the rope that bound her body was broken directly, allowing her to gain freedom of movement for the first time.

(Very good! Finally solved the negative effect of being unable to move, but now because of the limbs that have just been repaired, there is no way to get flexible use in the first time. I am afraid that the force will be abnormal for a while!)

【mom! I am free here, but there is still some time to act. How are your preparations? 】

Lisa was regaining her freedom, but she hadn't been able to use her newborn limbs to make the original smooth movement ability, so she continued to monitor Tia with her back to her, and then continued to use private chat to ask about the situation of the beast mother Aisha. stand up.

"Zi~Zi~Zi, pa~Da"


(Is it still a bit reluctant? It seems ~ it is always a troublesome situation that my magic power is not fully activated. Once it is not in such a place full of magic power and full of death, it is almost difficult for me to use my magic power...)

[My side is okay, little Lisa will first see how to let us leave quietly and without interest, I will take a short rest before acting! 】

【understand! 】

‘Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da’

And the other side of the beast mother Aisha, who has barely recovered her limbs by constantly absorbing the ‘natural magic’ of her surroundings, broke the rope like her own daughter, and regained the ability to move freely.

So out of breath, he responded to Lisa, who was looking at him, and said, after getting this reply from the beast mother Aisha.

Lisa, who was slightly relieved, with a body that was not particularly sensitive in movement, and with the help of a certain amount of camouflage and concealment ability, began to try to prepare an escape route to the outside of this rock cave.

"Zi~Zi~Zi, pa~Da"


"Little Lisa!!!"

"Pah~pah, hiss~his~his"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Do you think I am the kind of place where you want to come and go? Not detecting traps does not mean that there are no traps, but your useless situation, in turn, brings me a lot of trouble Feeling happy!"

"Hoo~hoo~hoo, p~ta"


"Ding-ding~dongdong, da~da~da"

The same is when little Lisa is so supporting the surrounding wall wants to climb to the top of the cave and find her way out from above.

The azure magic clip that suddenly appeared suddenly, quickly clamped its two jade legs that stepped into it one after another.

Not only that~ the sharp serrations directly pierced through Lisa's calf bones and clamped her legs, making her unable to move as much as she felt painful.

And the strong current that followed, as if it were turned on at full power, rushed into Lisa's body.

A wisp of black smoke suddenly rising on his jade body, and his more scorched physical condition, can understand that such a vicious trap is a manifestation of the evil taste of a hunter like a way out for them.

Even the beast mother Aisha, who hasn't fully recovered her ability to move, called out like this heartbreakingly.

But Tia the operator seemed to be very happy, and came over slowly with a sneer.

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