Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (527) The beginning of abuse

It can be seen~ He should be trying to use his explosive advantage in close range magic sword skills to try to directly defeat Pelt's flame barrier ability.

(Are you serious? The shameful tactics of running around without pain or itching, I really can’t stand it with Pelt! Sure enough~ the direct communication between the soldiers can make people excited a lot. what!)

"Come on! Necromancer kid! Come on if you break it! Haha~hahaha!!!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!!!"


Naturally, after seeing that Yun is not so obtrusive and cautious, the huge armored knight Philuda was so excited and made a defenseless posture that allowed Yun to attack at will.

Apparently, I want to see if it can really break the barrier of Pelt’s flames, laughing like an old gambling dog...


(It's so hard! It's like knocking on a liquid metal plate, there is no way to simply break through!)


‘Hu~hu~hoo, papa~papa, papa~pah~pah’

I also saw that Yun himself was dismissive of letting Yun attack the situation at will, and Yun himself was slightly underestimated, and there was still a certain unconvinced situation in his heart.

But when I was the best at linking to the continuous good magical sword skills, I was able to easily wipe out a lot of sparks by just relying on the change of Pelt’s shape. After the next step without injury, I can say that all of a sudden. Relieved that many of them fall in a certain distance with a good continuous backflip.

Then began to run a circle around it to avoid the possibility of its follow-up counterattack. It was obvious ~ all the skills in Yun's hands are just like bugs and bugs that can't hurt the existence...

(Sure enough, all my knowledge is too weak for the enemies behind? But even if I want to force some advanced magic or mixed sword skills that have not yet been developed, or even just take the risk of pebble and stone, it is impossible~ Is there no one most effective way to defeat it?)

"Damn... after all, I am too weak, so I fell into a dilemma of excessive inferiority? I really don't accept my extremely weak sense of sight..."


That’s right~ Just like Yun You’s self-awareness, all the techniques he has learned now are in front of a good combination of Pelt and Firuda who have entered a new cooperative tactic in front of him.

It can be said that it is really a boring situation in front of Guan Gong, but now they have accepted their gambling agreement. Under the condition of the contract that cannot be ended until one party falls, there is no strategic retreat at all. This way can be said.

Naturally, there are only two paths left to him! Either you become stronger and break through the limit and kill these two monsters, or you are completely tortured and let it harvest your own soul. For the cloud who has no better choice, it is a very good high-wall challenge...

(The fullness of magic power is still in its heyday, and from the situation of constantly using such slightly improved magic or mixed sword skills, it may just be that the skills mastered did not meet the limit of one's ability!)

"What a sad story! Even with good prerequisites, the current education and knowledge have always been forced into an inevitable bottleneck, which is too regrettable!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!!! (Then why not just give him a happy one! After all, in the later stage, we will only torture him because of the absolute gap, it is better to give him a sever as the greatest manifestation of kindness!)

"Yeah! Indeed~ it is better than being blocked by a high wall all the time! Then~ Pelt! Form change-attack mode!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!!!"


"This is!!! Not so good..."


And that is, after seeing the cloud used this way to make it feel painless, but still not fully using the magic power he possessed to burst out of the situation.

Firuda, who had almost calculated something based on the current situation, directly lifted Pelt's flame barrier defense state under Pelt's proposal.

But what was replaced was the situation where the whole body was armed and his own armor was suddenly attached to a large number of karma fires, and then it was already a sign that Yun was about to be attacked by the enemy.

For this reason~ Although Yun, who felt the most troublesome defensive ability had been lifted, suddenly felt a lot of horror, speeding up his body skills with instinct to prevent the sudden attack of the enemy...

【Feng Yanxiang Dance】

‘Om~Om~Om, 咚~哐, 咻~咻~咻, 嘭~嘭~嘭, paki~ paki"

(So ​​fast! I'm afraid it may not be completely avoided!)


【No Shadow Step】

‘Da~Da~Da, 噌~噌~噌, Zi~la, boom~ boom~ boom’


"Huh~huh~huh, pa~ta, huh~huh~huh"

And that is, when he kept changing his position and preventing Firuda's assault sword skills, he saw that the opponent had just flashed a faint blue magic sword skills halo.

The ground in front of him was facing the direction of his landing, and now he slammed down Firuda and followed a straight line quickly spreading to a certain range of invisible conditions to a certain point in time.

Knowing that his speed can't keep up with the opponent's movements, he can only rely on the high reminder from the double life-saving ability. At the same time, he uses a good "Shadow Step" and is ready to try to evade the enemy. This is a simple but crude and terrifying magical charge sword skill. stand up.

But in the end, when he was less than ten centimeters away, the gully had penetrated where he was before, and continued to bombard the last wall.

It's a pity that although Yun was not hit directly, the mixed damage from shock and burning to a certain extent still penetrated the semicircle of his left abdomen extending about 2~3cm inward. Penetration injury effect.

Although the flesh of the cloud was completely taken away from the wound that penetrated it, it did not cause any fatal injuries in the actual sense, so that Yun continued to crawl to the side and gallop with other escape trajectories.

Looking closely at his senior, his face is pale, and he is still missing the wound position of the meat, and is still being burned by a cloud of blue karma. It is clear that if he does not cut it as soon as possible, he will directly set himself on fire and set himself on fire. Sex...

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