Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The EX Chapter Christmas Eve Christmas (535) rampage like a bully...

Then, like that kind of peculiar tracking missile, it broke away from its skeleton in an instant, and for a while it bombarded the cloud ahead like a tiny dense bomb rain.


(My God! I still have the heart to attack me under the siege! It seems a bit interesting!)

‘Hu~hu~hu, ding-ding~dangdang, da~da~da, crackling~pap'

Similarly, Yun, who suddenly felt that there should be nothing big, was reminded by this somewhat threatening ‘dangerous perception’.

Immediately turning around in mid-air like this, he moved forward in a back-to-back style, constantly waving the giant sickle in his hand, directly smashing the halo bone spurs one by one.

After hearing the violent noise and the good impact, it was obvious that the power and speed of Pelt's special sword skill were still slightly dangerous.

But fortunately, Yun's strength is not bad. If he were to be replaced by other personnel with slightly normal combat strength, he would still be beaten into a sieve and riddled with holes.

(It’s a bit interesting! Although there is no magic added, Pelt’s "bone spur", which is purely a sword skill blessing, can still penetrate the defense of about a hundred generals! I did not expect that it was just after splitting into multiple ones. , His overall strength has improved so much!)

"Hurry up, and while he is going to be a decoy to attract our firepower, let's get closer to him and cut it off! Can you keep up with my rhythm? Old buddy!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!! (Of course! Let's use that trick to combine sword skills!

"That trick? It's really useless for a long time after having magic! Hmm~hmm! Let's get started!"

【Dreadnought Chariot】

‘Om~Om~Om,?~?~?, Da Da~ Da Da~ Da Da, 咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, slap~ slap~ slap’

And just after seeing Pelt’s attack, he was so easily resolved by Yun at will, Feruda, who refreshed a lot of his three views on Yun’s current strength, made a good suggestion from Pelt’s fighting spirit under his crotch. under.

It seemed to remember that at a time when there was no magic before, he and the pure sword killer that Pelt often used to woke up.

Later, it can be said that it is nostalgic or can only be used, making it even more like Pelt's blood boiled a lot. In an instant, under the halo of shining azure sword skills, the speed of the two turned into a speed. You can't see a huge afterimage like a figure.

And at the moment of the eruption, the place it passed by seemed to have been shoveled by a huge bulldozer, directly creating a huge straight downward semicircular depression, and the terrible path effect of destructive force like a crack in the surrounding area.

Then the distance from the cloud itself was so fast, it was only a short ten seconds to get closer to less than a few tens of meters!

It can be described as a rampant and overbearing chariot with super-normal speed, destructive power, and penetrating power, wherever it goes, it is ruthlessly equivalent to destruction, and the effect of destruction is...


(Let me go! How could it be such a terrible speed? It's almost forced behind me!)

"Cut~Cut! Lift me up!!"

‘Om~Om~Om, 咚哐~咚哐, 嗵~嗵~嗵’


‘Hu~hu~hu, bang~bang~bang, bang~bang~bang"

Also, after receiving the chanting reminder of a lot of ‘danger perception’ that was even more explosive than the previous flying ‘bone spurs’, it became clear that there was no time for him to overconsider the cloud.

Immediately relying on his first straight feeling, he climbed to the right side and left the track of this terrible straight line attack.

And that is, at the point in time when it can't avoid the trajectory that deviates by more than ten centimeters, that huge mixed figure full of sword skills halo.

It just passed by like a terrible comet, but suddenly passed through the center of the road because of the rapid passing by, under the good suction of the speeding intensive effect.

The cloud that was pulled strongly for a while was sucked backwards into the middle of the escape route, and then was affected by the effect of its subsequent impact.

Although it did make Yun suffer a lot, overall, compared to being hit directly by the attack, it is obviously a good result that is a lot lighter!

‘?~?~?, p~p, shoo~shoo~shoo’

"Oh~ Duo! It seems~ the deity is still being hit by the other's Xiaoyin! All of the clothes of the whole person are torn and torn, and the hair style is quite frizzy!"

"Library~library~library! It's true~ funny enough! xN"

"Hey~hey~hey! It's me who is injured! You guys laughed at me. If you have the ability, please try it!"

"Don't dare~ Don't dare! The old saying goes well! "Heaven descends from the great Ren and the people...""

"Don't talk about the big reason, the enemy will turn the spearhead in the next wave of offensive! Leaving its sphere of influence quickly is the best policy!"

"Understand! xN"


At the same time when Yun was still greatly affected by this ripple effect, the shadow warriors who were chasing from behind took advantage of the opportunity to enter it, and hugged Yun, who was still circling and stunned, and rescued.

It was like watching the cloud jokes collectively, and there was a lot of ridicule about them, but the cloud that forcibly interrupted their words immediately asked them to quickly scatter and lift off before Firuda and the others re-adjusted their direction of travel. Fleeing in other directions.

(Is it crooked? It's really a good opponent! In such a situation where there is almost no time to react, UU reading subconsciously changed its direction of travel, and then barely escaped our trajectory!)

"A big turn ahead to chase back! Pelt!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!! (No problem!

"DaDa~DaDa~DaDa, 咚哐~咚哐"

And because of excessive acceleration, after realizing that the clouds have deviated from their path, they were probably rushed out by their speed for about 300 to 500 meters.

Slightly admiring Yun's good adaptability and experience Firuda, after pinching Pelt's abdomen with his feet in this way, the two big guys continued to maintain this good sword charge effect.

Suddenly turned around in a clearing position in front, and then continued according to his own ‘magic perception’ position, and then violently rushed towards the clouds that saw the slightly dispersed and converging situation again.

But it's a pity ~ the cloud team that made collective changes in time, suddenly turned into a scattered situation, quickly evading the effect of its subsequent advancing again.

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