Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (538) Another reminder from Yun

Although it does not understand whether this other mechanical movement phenomenon is the ultimate concept of obedience to the fighting consciousness mentioned in Yun's mouth, it can only rely on this method to continue to maintain the appearance that it now looks evenly matched...

(Oh~Oh! Isn’t it great? This is the first time since tens of thousands of years, someone has forced Pelda and I into such a desperate situation, but~ From my eyes, his ability seems to be Rapid decline!)

"That's it~ Your special magic power and'intrinsic enchantment', or is your current body not sure of the ability to fully control it? It is worthy of having the blessing of the'necromantic', or else I am afraid that it has already died Maybe! Do you want to continue struggling? Necromancer, no~no! Lord Yun!"

‘Hu~hu~hu, slap~ slap~ slap, dang~dang~dang, cocked~cocked, ding-ding~dangdang’

It is also slightly seen that although the cloud barely keeps up with all its rhythms, it is replaced by the sense of sight of the body and the heart that has more than enough power.

As a good tribute, Firuda actually called Yun's real name very interestingly, and it can be seen that it is very likely that he has obtained a little information of himself from Xier, or it is impossible to call himself that way.

(Sure enough~ Is the king in their mouths Shurami Dong Xier? It seems~ If it really fails to pass, not only will it not be able to relieve the undead's hostility to my small world, but also will have to get in with many people! )

"How can I back down! I'm afraid this is the same for you! Firuda! It's useless to say more~ Let's fight until we die!!!"

"Ha~ha~ha! You have to do your best, or else you've been guarding the gate for so many years! Then let's squat to the end! Pelt!"

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey!!!"

[Fearless Encounter with Emperor Heart Sword Thoroughly Definitely-The Invincible Array]

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣, 噼噼~papa, da~da~da, zi~zi~zi, ding~ding~ding"

In the same situation that he heard from Firuda persuading himself in such a situation, the cloud, which has indeed reached the limit of the current body's ability, naturally would not give up just because of this little word.

Therefore, as his biggest struggle, he immediately performed a good scarlet magic sword skill halo with all the surrounding shadow warriors, and then immediately focused on Firuda on the ground.

Suddenly, a multicolored polygonal array was formed, and then everyone's figure turned into a swift appearance with afterimages, and immediately launched a cross-attack against them in the center of Firuda.

Naturally, he would not sit and wait for death, and move his body along the way to roughly observe the situation of the surrounding enemies, Filuda, after calling Pelt in this way.

It also broke out a good orange-red sword skill halo, like a Jedi fighter, the long spear in his hand was enlarged and extended with the rich sword skill brilliance.

Sweeping around in a frantic frenzy like a slanting vertical and horizontal rotation, it is also the same situation that produces afterimages at high speeds, protecting it like countless circular shields.

After that, he kept blocking and defending the subsequent continuous offensive of about 729 combos, and he kept countering bruising or severely injuring the bodies of the Shadow Warriors in the middle.

Only then can Firuda feel like they are invincible under such a disadvantaged situation.

Both parties are now given their fullest strength, so they keep dissolving the enemy's attacks, even taking advantage of certain gaps or chaos to continuously weaken each other's strength.

From the beginning, this was a perseverance and lasting contest. In order to achieve the idea of ​​benefiting oneself, the two sides kept using their own coping methods to cause harm to the other party.

‘Boom bang~ 哐哐, wow~ wow, da~ da~ da"

(Damn...I'm about to enter the real limit. My wound healing speed is rapidly declining, which means that if I continue to be injured in the future, it will only make myself more irreparable!)

"But~ what should I do? The companions have reached the limit and extreme damage, and I almost can't hold it..."

‘Soo~Shoo~Shoo, slap~ slap~ slap’

That's right~ Just like Yun is now observing the damage and situation of his surrounding personnel while fighting, even the magic and the merits of the "Infinite Blood Realm" have allowed him and the Shadow Warriors to temporarily resist Firuda from the beginning.

However, this is due to the biggest disadvantage of his own race and various aspects, because he is now caught in a long and protracted war, but it has become more and more exposed.

If you continue to hold on like this, it will be of no benefit to Yun and Kirito. Naturally, Yun is fully aware that this problem is indeed getting worse, and has to be forced to think more about the follow-up response methods...

['Blood Magic', this belongs to me or Yuezaki Yun you! One of the magic systems from the most roots, even in the past countless years and even the space world! It is one of our primitive abilities that belong to the same soul! 】

【Since you can use our first ‘treasure’, the ‘blood magic’ should be caught by hand. They are similar but different. After all, the essence is not exactly the same! 】


‘Om~Om~Om, Guru~ Guru, woah~ woah’

The same is also true when it can be said that there is almost no way to subvert the and when Yun is distressed, it is possible that Yun is soft-hearted again, so that after sighing on the other side, he does this Proposal.

And this time the explanation is even more abstract and jerky, after all, what is involved~ what kind of soul! The nature of the root cause is even more confusing to Yun.

But I don't know why... When I heard Yun say such a vocabulary that made him very impressed or reflected, Yun showed a slightly sad expression as if he had obvious feelings.

This is not because of anything else, it is simply that the same soul has a deep understanding of this thing, so that it can understand what this magic is.

But it didn’t take long for Yun’s eyes to return to the state full of warfare, and not only that~ the scarlet liquid in its entire "intrinsic enchantment", as if restlessly and more ferociously surging. All kinds of peculiar sounds rang!

(Hmm~hmm? What's the matter with this ominous magical power, obviously not from the body of Lord Yun! It seems like...)

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