Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (Five Hundred and Forty-seven) The Prisoner in the Hidden Room and Ins

Although the cloud stepped into the internal ground conditions in such a slow and vigilant manner, it did not listen to the process of letting its body slowly penetrate, using its whole body to perceive organs, cooperate with'magic detection', and detect magic. of.

In the first time, he kept giving him feedback on the specific environment and other information of the current internal space. Even if he has not been attacked for a while now, he still makes him sweat a lot and explores left and right...

(It’s strange...Although I haven’t detected the existence of the enemy, what is this very disturbing feeling? Or ~ It’s really unnatural to be stared at by someone like this!)

"Goo~ Lu"

That’s right~ It’s like Zaiyun keeps widening his eyes and narrowing his pupils. Using the dual combination of physics and magic, there is no way to eliminate such peculiar feedback time for the first time.

Even the clouds that have seen a lot of scenes will be slightly shaken in their hearts because they are too unknown, so they seem to be overly vigilant and look around.


"Oh! This is a very rare situation! I didn't expect to be able to meet humans in the zone of the undead!"


", this is full of the breath of life and death, is it possible~ Did you inherit the'necromantic technique' and change your body? Ha~ha~ha! It is an extremely extreme The user of the method! How did you appear here! A monster in human skin!"

‘Boom~ boom~ boom, hoo~ hoo~ hoo’


‘P~Da, Gada~Gada, Om~Om~Om’

It is also when Yun is still not sure what kind of enemy or friend situation exists here.

A certain degree of spatial distortion appeared in the area in front of it, which may be due to the removal of the blindfold.

A huge whole body was formed by a double chain formed by entity and magic, and it was completely pierced throughout the body and was tightly bound inside a huge cavern with a crimson dragon.

He shrugged his nose so strangely, exposing his physical phenomena to Yun, and then greeted him as if he were friendly.

However, looking at the situation where he can only move above the neck and slightly distal limbs, it may be difficult for this guy to make more movements.

Coupled with the arrangement of the surrounding inscriptions and the physical chains, there is a certain degree of obsolescence. I am afraid that it is at least constrained in this way. It is more than a thousand years.

But looking closely at its complexion, I am afraid that it hasn't been as energetic as it has declined. For a while, it really surprised Yun a lot...

"Eh~ Eh! Dragon species? It's a name that makes me miss a lot, or I don't know how many years I have communicated with other people or races. Generally speaking, it feels good!"

"Gada~ Gada, Ding Ding~ Dangdang, Boom~ Boom~ Boom"

At the same time when he heard Yun calling himself this way, I am afraid it was a red dragon who was a little empty and lonely and cold for a long time, so he moved his neck slightly, closed his eyes and sighed a lot.

(It's just that there is still a living dragon of such a huge height as a skyscraper that is still imprisoned here. It can be seen that it should be quite hated by the people who originally sealed it, right?)

(Otherwise~ how can you keep feeling long-lived unaccompanied lifelong loneliness years of punishment, this is the most feared criminal law for such a long-lived race, OK!)

"Goo~ Lu"

"Ah~Ah! Ancient dragon! Why did you suffer such a terrible felony? You were not killed but sealed in such a hidden place. What a terrible situation!"

Also looking back at the various techniques and ideas of the undead, I felt that there must be some special secret cloud on this red dragon. After giving myself a little bolder, I used a very loving and pitiful way to lament its misfortune.

After all, how could the existence of the undead tolerate the living long in the undead holy land, Yun naturally needs to understand clearly to complete the subsequent series of trials...

(Is it half-truth and half-false? Although the emotions in it are not all true, the enthusiasm for exploring knowledge and the way of compiling my intelligence is still commendable!)

"Little devil, you have the ability to continue acting in front of my eyes! Even if I really can't make any big moves, it is more than enough to kill you from a long distance at once! For example, like this!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Gada~ Gada, 噌~噌~噌, 噌~噌嚓’

(Ice magic? Isn't it a red fire dragon?)

"Goo~ Lu"

Also under the ‘Nature’s Magic-Reality’ he possesses, no one can hide his heart in front of this red dragon, so he knows what the red dragon wants to do in the cloud.

So he stared at the direction of the cloud with a very vicious look, and then under a halo of azure magical power, a broken rock beside the cloud seemed to freeze suddenly, and then it was broken by ice thorns from the internal blasting. It's the same, bombed everywhere by Yun's side!

It can be seen that it is still a very jealous, even the most upright existence of others who lie and act in front of it.

"Who said that a red dragon must be a fire element? You should update your common sense that is too stale! Little devil head!"


(My mind has been read! Then the slight instant purple-red magic halo on the dragon's eyelid just now is...)

"Ha~ha~ha, it's a complete defeat! I didn't expect ~ the ancient dragon species and this kind of terrifying magic to see the essence of other people's this is indeed my miscalculation!"

"So I apologize to you for the rude remarks just now, but ~ I want to know what you have experienced and the information you have in it is absolutely true. Please Hong Long-sama to tell me?"

Also after hearing the red dragon uttering his inner thoughts in such an unpleasant manner in front of him, as well as the other side's deterrent methods and many wonderful phenomena.

Knowing that he wanted to open the skylight to the upright red dragon to speak brightly, he bowed and apologized to him so politely.

At the same time, he did not hide his purpose, and consulted again with deep respect and sincerity.

(The ability to react and respond is pretty good, so it’s probably not as simple as luck to find it here!)

"So~ what price can I get? Is it possible that you can still let me go? Little devil head! The ugly thing is at the front, the seal here uses the inscription technique and the physical chain, and it is not a high-level or lower magic person. , You can easily get rid of the situation!"

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