Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (558) The little guy who barely compromises

Then he mapped Yun's heart and many memories from the past to the present on this mirror in one breath, and then used his own eyes to take a good look at what he was thinking...

(This is...what's the situation? Terrible fighting between different races! Plundering each other's people is a good tool! The memory of this almost continuous battle is indeed too rich!)

[The only way to prevent the undead from continuing to invade your small world, I am afraid that only by passing multiple trials can it be possible for these guys to listen to your opinions! Do you want to? Moon Qiyun? 】

(This is... So that's it~ This guy didn't target me from the beginning. It seems that this kind of experimental behavior was made on a whim...)

"No, I don't fully understand you yet! Let me see more!"

It was also like this, as if a large number of memories from the beginning to the present of the cloud that had made her slightly unexpected, all appeared in front of her for the first time like a spring.

For her~ it was almost full of huge shocks that shocked her heart a lot. After all~ from many signs, it seems that most of Yun's actions are made for others and herself, and they rarely carry maliciousness.

Of course these are only the memories of his belonging to good and evil, the others are not shown directly or are not required to be shown...

(But~ it always feels like being watched by others, it feels a lot of peculiar sense of seeing!)

"Oh~oh...then you hurry up! After all~ it feels like being stripped naked, it's really weird and there are still people waiting for me outside!"

And that is, the cloud that is being operated on, always feels very peculiar and unspeakable, but in exchange for this little girl not to follow-up nonsense, it is better to let her continue to delve into it as much as possible...

"Papa~Papa, wow~ wow"

(Overall~ this guy is indeed not a heinous, but~ but when I think about what he actually made me shame, I always feel like a lot of anger...)

"So...Is this finished? Red Dragon sauce? Can you go with me?"

Also after this little red dragon girl just watched for a total of more than 30 minutes, she roughly fully understood all the important memories of Yun from the time she came to this world to the present.

That piece of mirror condensed by magic power just exploded and vanished as if it had fulfilled its mission.

Naturally, seeing this situation that should be almost finished, some clouds who still don't know what the little red dragon girl wants to do, so they only questioned her...

(For the time being, it's a guy who doesn't have too many problems, but it's not too late to talk to him...)

"Ah~Ah! I would like to bet and lose. After all, it is enough to understand that you rarely have bad-mindedness. Of course, this is only the initial inspection of the default situation. If you have any problems later, I will naturally let it be like this. You can't laugh or cry!"


"Eh~ Eh~ Eh! Wait for me! Who is the master..."

And that is, the little red dragon girl who came to a conclusion after some thoughts, she didn’t want to talk too much to Liyun and said a few simple words, she just went straight to the one who was blocked by a lot of rocks without looking back. The only way to go.

It feels that the cloud, which is indeed neglected a lot and has an extremely low status in his eyes, can only follow the past with such helplessness...

‘Bang~bang, hoo~hoo~hoo, pa~da’

(I have to say...Her strength is really not proportional to her body! She is obviously a little girl, but she has the terrible brute power of a giant, and she still has no other blessings to reach the point where she can solve many existences with bare hands. Up!)

"Goo~ Lu"

"I always feel as if I have a lot of difficulties in my future, and I can feel it..."


That's right~ That's how the little red dragon girl is not talking to Yun at all, Yun can only follow behind like a little follower.

And seeing the stone the size of a car that almost completely seals the hole in front of him, it seems to be insignificant in front of him, and it is submerged with two jade fingers as a good support point.

Then, as if effortlessly, he threw it out to the ground very lightly, and continued to move forward into the dark black tunnel inside.

In a sense, Yun once again saw that her strength was not a false state, and at the same time he began to worry about the future situation. After all, she still wanted to hammer herself into meat sauce or something inadvertently.

And as long as she doesn’t die, she can play tens of millions of back and forth. I’m afraid it’s more frequent or even harder to provoke, compared to the time when Shurami Dong Xier studied her own ‘necrotic art’ time...

(Hey~hey~hey! This is the second time! Do you see me as a devil or something! Am I so scary?)


"Furthermore~ I just wanted to terminate the contract. I am still very calm-tempered! Hmm~hmm? Who is there? If I don't come out again, I will throw this nice ‘weapon’ behind me!"

"Wait~wait! I'm not a weapon! Don't mess around!!!"

‘Wh~ah, hoo~~hoo~, bang~bang, wow~ wow, da~ da~ da’

Naturally, the little red dragon girl who has been using the "real" to observe the cloud anytime and anywhere, she sighed like this and began to defend herself.

But who expected that his voice hadn't completely ended, the next second he would lift up the cloud that hadn't fully reacted and directly screamed, and threw it in the direction of the moving target when he detected it.

The situation with quick hands and eyes is too thrilling and a lot of excitement, which makes Yun very regretful for taking him as his dependent...


(From the perspective of the fluctuations of magic power and even the various senses of existence, these other two are also real! But they don’t look like false illusions! It’s interesting!)

"Oh! Why are you three again? And the magic and everything are exactly the same! Could it be multiple births?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

It was also this little red dragon girl who slowly walked over to find out the time point, and she immediately saw three identical clouds on the ground staggering.

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