Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (568) Targeted Orc Skeleton

In the next second, the barrel was penetrated by a certain effect, and it suddenly emitted a dazzling light, completely blinding the bones of the orc who had no eyeballs but had the ability to see.


   (Damn it was put together! But I can still perceive your existence!)


   "Think beautiful!"




   Similarly, even if he lost his visual ability for a short time, it was still able to capture the trajectory of things thrown by Yun and the others through ‘magic perception’ and ‘danger perception’.


   "Really? Do you think that's escaped?"


  ‘Pap, patter, smash, hiss, sizzle’


   "Ahhhhh...what is this? It seems to be corroding my bones!!!"


   Naturally, even if it did avoid the tracks of several thrown things in time, but with its overly arrogant tone, it suddenly made Yun a lot of laughter and asked him the same way!


And just shortly after Yunhua’s voice fell, there were a lot of crisp noises around it, like glass bursting, and a very hot and corrosive liquid sensation in the next second made it panic. Quite a few screams like this again and again.


   Yes, depriving its visual ability is not simply affecting its visual ability. The most important thing is to make it rely on the double life-saving ability as it should.


   The same follow-up attack was a hit and thrown away an object. In fact, there was not much threat at all, so when it reached the designated position, it shot down the situation, and in turn made the unsuspecting orc bones hit their arms!


   "Cut it all! Don't think that it's so easy to kill me! I'm not a dry food!"


  ‘Buzz, buzz, buzz, patter, buzz, buzz, gada, gada’


  Naturally, it was the orc bones that had already reached the cloud, and immediately picked up the giant saber in his hand and cut off without hesitation, all the bones that were corroded by the liquid.


   Then after a strong stomping along the way, it bounced back and forth along the wall, the ground and even the roof with one foot, quickly opened the distance to the clouds, and subconsciously activated a good speeding regeneration ability to escape and recover.


   (It seems to be the same as Kirito-chan said, this non-combat system method is not within the scope of its sealing method, at least not being punished is the best Zhengming!)


   (Not only that, it does use a certain degree of magic, but it also subconsciously pulls away from our simple trap, and it may also realize that we do have the cost of killing it!)


   [Then it will be a little easier to do next! Kirito sauce, love sauce! Keep chasing this orc bone with me! 】


【no problem! Is it possible to implement Plan B now? x2】


   [That is natural! After all, the attack that has been seen once can't help but work for the second time, so we have to kill it in another way! And you two little guys, remember to give me a message to the Rock Warriors and let them keep the Red Dragon Sauce! 】


  【OK! Leave it to us! x2】


  ‘Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz’


   also means that after seeing their sneak attacks and effective targeting methods for the first time, it is clear that the similar sulfuric acid bottles they bring are very effective.


   Yun immediately doubled his confidence a lot. After all, this was also a kind of compound product he must use when he was working as a pharmacist and a blacksmith. To be honest, he didn't expect it to be useful in this situation.


   And Kirito, who can immediately think of these clouds sometimes ignoring objects, is indeed snowy and smart and has great responsiveness, otherwise they may not be able to chase after the current victory!


   (Damn...These guys didn't expect to have such dangerous items in their hands that are outside of my rules, and there is no way to activate the ‘danger perception’ before the hit takes effect, not to mention the fact that there is no magic inside!)


(Yeah! It’s because these two things can’t be detected that I’m fascinated by my visual ability. Damn, who told us the undead’s effect on extreme light has a long-term side effect, otherwise, how can it be conspired Success!)


   "Cut it all! I hate such a feeling of powerlessness!"


  ‘咻咻咻, 嘭哐嘭哐, zizizi, patter, patter’


   was also unexpectedly caught by Yun and the others, and he was quite restrained from the bones of the orcs who were now directly blinded.


Don't mention how uncomfortable it is in the heart. After all, such auxiliary means are generally difficult to predict in advance, so it can only maintain desperately without any trajectory to move, to avoid those who come to it as much as possible. Said that there is no way to predict the attack.


   And that's how it is used to the darkness, but completely lost in the darkness, it can be said that it makes it as an undead but feels ashamed and throws it at home.


   And every time that kind of glass shattered around, or something was thrown directly into its surroundings, it seemed to be evasive with large movements and distances.


   In the eyes of Yun and the others, it seems as stupid and silly as a funny Every big move makes people want to laugh a lot.




   (Then the longest adaptive immunity time for the restrained ability is about a few minutes, almost its visual ability has to be restored again!)


【no solution anymore! Tongren-chan and Ai-chan, in the next sound attack, completely killed them in one breath, otherwise it would be troublesome! 】


【To understanding! x2】


  ‘Buzz, buzz, buzz, click, click


   "Cut it! You guys are really annoying!"


   "huhuhu, da da da"


   is also in a situation where it is probably still particularly adaptable to this, and even slightly able to predict some clouds and their decoys and real double attacks, now it is becoming more and more obvious.


   I suddenly recalled the cloud that I had seen from a certain degree of research and records of Shuramie Dong Xier, and immediately understood that it was time for the final effect of blindness.


   Therefore, in the next joint blockade, they must get rid of this orc skeleton as soon as possible! And that is under Yun's orders.


  Kirito and the others have used good auxiliary magic, and after speeding up their own skills each other, they walked towards the blockade in three directions and outflanked them!

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