Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 50: The hard-to-fight "Gluttony" and the 3 funny cynicism

"You figured out that Yun Bairen would indeed walk into the forest with Yaren?"

The boss of the ‘Gluttony’ leader looked serious, looked at the trembling black man who was kneeling in front of him and asked.

"Yes! Boss! I watched him take a girl with my own eyes! I followed two demihumans, one large and one small, into the deep forest, but because the guards of the Yun Hundred Generals intercepted it, it was difficult for me to run out. Confirm so as not to reveal your identity!"

The man in black nodded and looked at the boss and said.

"So that's it! But what exactly does Tsukizaki Yun want to do this time? He actually fooled around with this group of demihumans! It's getting more and more invisible!"

The boss frowned, stroking his chin, shook his head and said.

"I don't know! I hope that this situation is set by Yaren! In this way, we can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

The deputy leader came out from the darkness on the side to respond to the boss.

"I don't think it's very likely! And it may be that something is wrong on the side of the demihuman! Otherwise, they risk their lives to commit suicide acts like this! We may have to go further out of the city to inquire. To the point! Otherwise we would be blinded like headless flies to the outside world."

At this time, the military division also slowly came to the two of them to analyze.

"Damn it! It's really bad! By the way, why did you let the waste tooth king do the task before? There is a better candidate to use, but you let him go? Isn't this unnecessary?"

The boss looked at the strategist and asked not quite clearly.

"No! After all, we are at a loss as to the direction of the tavern occupied by Yunzaki Yun. If we let the talents go, it will be a loss of soldiers and soldiers, but this time I asked this fool to take the lesser personnel to explore the reality of the place. , I sent a few more people behind them to observe and record the situation at that time! I got a lot of gains! But..."

The military teacher obviously paused with some scruples when he talked about this, and the two people who listened to his words were obviously a little anxious.

"But? What did you find out?"

Hearing the ambiguous words, the deputy leader on the side made him stare at the strategist and ask questions.

"But! That day Lord Diss just went to send a lot of things to Tsukizaki Yun. Although he was to distract Tsukizaki Yun's attention, he actually paved the way for himself, letting it happen in case we get there. If you don't have a goal, you can rely on Yuezakiyun to live his life as a carefree lord!"

After thinking about it, the military division told them the worst possibility.

"Huh~huh! That **** who eats the outside! Obviously let us do a lot of things for him before, and when we don't have it, let others get rid of us, in order to destroy the corpse to seal it! This tortoise bastard! Just a treacherous man! If it weren't for the critical situation now! I would have let him do it!"

With a slap, the boss once again slapped the arm of the sofa he was sitting on. It was obvious that he had long been tired of Lord Diss, a sly man.

"Forget it! Now he must help us or kill us with a knife! But there is hope, after all, he still doesn't want our reactionary beings to be slapped to death, or else there is a big tiger, Yuezaki Yun, wandering around him. Sooner or later, he will be served! So we just need to do ours! But this starting town can’t be stayed! Their revival work is progressing too fast!"

The deputy chief recalled the current situation and comforted the boss.

"It's really cheap this turtle son!"

Thinking of the current dilemma, the boss gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Report boss! Some of our people who were sent out before have escaped! Now outside the gate! What should we do?"

At this time, another man in black pushed the door from the outside nervously and asked the three people for instructions.

"Huh~huh! These rice buckets are dragged out and hacked to death! I don't allow waste here!"


"Wait! Boss! I think they knew they would die when they came back, but they still came back! What should be gained! Or should we move to see if we can see it? Originally, our news is not in time! Okay. It’s easy for some people who might have good news to be killed by us for no reason. Isn’t it a dead end?"

Seeing this, the military division advised the boss.

"Boss! I think you can give it a try! I was in a desperate situation, and I don't know much about it. It's not too late to kill!"

The deputy leader on the side also began to persuade him.

"Okay! Let's see if the waste can be recycled! Let's go!"

The old man who thought it made sense took the four people to the outside of the room. After walking down a shabby staircase, he came to a spacious but badly damaged wide place, and there were many people in black in the center. Holding various melee weapons, about a dozen people in black, who were the same but somewhat embarrassed, knelt down on the ground.


"Boss! Deputy Chief, Master Sergeant!"

Everyone present nodded to the inside of the three.

"Hmm~hmm! These guys are the ones who escaped? They don't look great~ right?"

The boss squatted down and looked up and down at these black-clothed men, and didn't find anything extraordinary about them.

"You are our boss? It seems to be a bit domineering!"

"Yes! But I think it will be a lot worse than that Yunbairen!"

"Hey~hey! It looks like we are done!"

The familiar way of ridicule, this is San Doubi’s favorite thing to do. As soon as he came up, he shook his head critically at the boss of the glutton, but they did tell the truth. After all, the boss in front of him and Yun is still a lot worse than that.

"You want to die, don't you? Then I will fulfill you! Come on! Give me... What are you doing to stop me? Sergeant! Most of them are traitors sent by Yuezaki Yun to harm me! You bastards! Lao Tzu I must kill you!"

"Wait! Boss calm down! Stop your anger! Deputy Chief, you also come to stop the boss! Otherwise, you will be hit by Yuezaki Yun's suspicious plan to kill someone with a knife!"

The military teacher felt his body weight grab an arm of the boss, but the boss's brutal force still dragged him forward and continued to approach Sanzubi.

"Wait a minute! Boss! You let Yuezaki Yun succeed like this! He should have guessed some of your qualities to let you cut your own life like this!"

After feeling what the military commander meant, the deputy leader also stopped in front of the boss, which made the boss hesitate.

"Forget it! If you want to kill, you have to kill you! We are really blind! What kind of sb leader did we follow! Originally wanted to hand over a piece of information we obtained by hand-in-hand! Look like this! We It's a waste of work!"

"Yeah! We are really not worth it! I had known surrendered and went to Yunbai Renjiang's place, and there could be a warm cell to eat! In vain, we escaped without preparation!"

"Hey~hey! There is really no harm without comparison! We are really kind and not rewarded!"

Three funny than one singing and one harmony, they are really telling the truth. After returning to the cloud, they are full and dressed warmly, and sometimes they have to do such a terrible job! But in fact, it was what they got in exchange for their lives. Compared to the bitter days of hunger and fullness here, every time their heads are tied to the belt of their trousers...

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