Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (586) See the clouds clearly

"Who? x2"


And just after passing by this time, more than ten minutes have passed, and the other side has already planted a cloud of warning magic in the direction of the two entrances and exits in the second room.

In this way, they got the shared magic feedback for the first time, making them look at each other in such a very alert manner.

Naturally, because of the long contact time, Yun Du recognized the beast mother Aisha at first sight, even if the magic power was completely degraded and disturbed, but it was the reason why she cared the most.

After all, it hasn’t been long before Yun and Kirito joined together, so even if they knew a lot of simple information, it seemed that they didn’t fully understand the specific situation of her and the personnel acting together. Whoever let the time be too rushed did not fully explain a lot of details!

(Beast Mother Aisha Sister!!! x2)

"How come... why did it look like this! x2"

It was also after Kirito, who was still confused besides the cloud, saw what was wrong with the visitors, for a while, they really scared the insiders and sweated a lot.

After all, they didn't expect the inner blow to the beast mother Aisha to reach the point where they were out of control. Now they are completely ignoring them like two people, so they rushed straight to the only entrance of the third room.

Obviously~ because although the door was opened, there was only one side. At the end of the opposite corridor, there was the next zone where the undead advanced existence was stationed, so her goal couldn't be more clear, and she came straight to that side.

(No! The next zone is definitely more dangerous than the previous two. If you let your sister in at this time, I'm afraid it will be killed on the spot!)

"Sister Aisha! The next place will ask us to do a little rectification together and go together! Now it is too risky for you to go alone!"


"Yes! Beast mother Aisha sister! I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"


Even now, even though his body is surrounded by peculiarly distorted negative emotions, Yun, who knows his internal situation has not yet been enlightened, immediately stands in front of him, and speaks actively to him like a sweat.

Naturally, she realized that the current beast mother Aisha had a very weird mood with Kirito and the others, so she stood behind Yun to stop her and persuade her.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll be rude to you before taking the **** undead!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Boom~Boom~Boom, Buzz~Buzz"

But at the point of time when I saw that my closest person was obstructing them in all manners, it was indeed her current mental state that was extremely extreme, as if she did not eat soft or hard, such a high concentration mobilized the whole body's purple and dark negative energy magic. flame.

It can be seen that she has eaten the weight of the weight, and she wants to rush in this minute and fight with the undead guards in the next area. Otherwise, it will be impossible to calm the malaise and hatred that has been suffocating in her heart. Consciousness, anger.

Even her friends and relatives, under her eyes burning with raging revenge, gritted their teeth like an accomplice and wanted to do a lot.

(No! No matter how you stimulate her, we will take it! If it doesn't work, let my sister go in first, and then let us let it be observed outside! It's better to rush in when she really doesn't work! )

"Good~ good! Let's let it go! But please be careful! Sister!"

"Yun~Yun/Dear!!! This is really...x2"


Also at a glance, after seeing that the beast mother Aisha does not have any real sense of reason at all, and seeing the stronger purple flames on her body, she will immediately keep going backwards and carry the Kirito and the others behind, giving her so quickly. Get out of the way.

Even in the midst of it, I still receive objections from Kirito and the others, but Yun who knows that there is no way to effectively intercept her is still acting so arbitrarily, holding Kirito and the others behind him to prevent them from being overly reckless and hurting them in turn...

"Thank you! Yun~Yun, I will come as soon as I go!"


And that is to say, after seeing the person she loves, so keep protecting herself and let her move on to her goal, she still has a certain subconsciousness ~ she moved to the point of time passing by.

Using a very weak and low voice, he expressed endless gratitude and apologies to Yun. From this, Yun knew very well that the beast mother Aisha was very painful. In order to completely try to calm this anger, she could only give everything to her instinct. Let him vent all his negative feelings!

Because she knows very well that otherwise, she will be too clumsy~ she will completely collapse her spirit and become a neurotic or a vegetative person.

Only in this way can oneself be able to return to her original world and daily life as if she wakes up from a dream after completing the final


"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Tongren-chan, Ai-chan, why do you take a big bite of me! Huh~hu~hu..."

"You are finally willing to let go, let's not hurry up and chase the beast mother Aisha back, this is not the time to be arrogant!"

"Yeah! My dear, even if she really won't die, but at the same time she is killed by the body, the beast mother Aisha will also bring a huge magic feedback, destroying the body of the deity in one breath and causing him to suffer serious damage. !"

The same is also the time when Zaiyun is like two big tongs, clinging to Kirito and their jade wrists so that they can't move at will.

In a hurry, they immediately looked like small animals, biting on Yun's big hand with one bite, so that they had to subconsciously let go of their hands and forcibly untied the two of them.

But because of Yun's questioning, the two little guys who got rid of control and were too worried that they were about to reach the next door in front of them, so they pulled Yun's collar again, trying to take them to stop her from doing all the actions.

"I know... I let my sister go because I knew it! Because otherwise, she would not only harm herself but also us! So just let her go by herself, and we think it is necessary to go again after observing silently outside. Intervene in this matter!"



"Listen to me! Otherwise, it would really harm others and self, and treat the symptoms rather than the root cause!"

"This~this...Okay! I'll stand at the door and report to you dear and Kirito-chan anytime and anywhere, and then please continue to recharge your energy and wait for the future Asuna-chan to come and make a long-term plan! "

"Hmm~hmm! x2"


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