Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (602) The first step is to open the big, as a respect

He immediately turned into the look of the Pelt full of karma war horses, and he kept stroking the cloud, which itself can turn touch into ashes, karma fire mane.

Seeing Kirito and the others, who had already embodied their weapons next to him, geared up as if they were on the stage, they looked at Chimei who was also gazing here...

(Sure enough, there are four! But according to the magic reaction, the situation of two of them seems to be lower than before! Especially the girl who has been entangled with troublesome negative magic, now seems to return to a relatively average level. !)

(Is it the reason why they didn't do anything before, is that the reason? Well~ Well! I am afraid that for me now, the reverse is a good thing!)


[Stone bullets, hymn of the earth, rain attack, speed stone white breath]

‘Om~Om~Om, Gada~ Gada, 噌~噌~噌, 咻~咻~咻, hu~hu~hu"

(On the one hand, there are horizontal, vertical, oblique, underground, and above-air hybrids of the same four-fold magic connection? This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!)

[Kirito sauce! everyone! 】

[Ah~Ah! Leave the defense to me, the beast mother Aisha sister and Aijiang share some magical powers for me, Yun~yun! Take the opportunity to swim out, and then fiercely contain and attack it from other directions! 】

【understand! x4】

[Mixed Magic Barrier Shadowless Step x4]

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~ 咣~ 咣, 嗵~ 嗵~ 嗵, patter~ patter, 咚~ 咚~ 咚’

It was also like this that suddenly it almost clouded their location in all directions. Suddenly, there appeared four kinds of identically charged, powerful earth magic, like a mixed quartet, and now there is no way for them to easily be able to use them all. Completely out of the way.

Yun, who was shocked and was about to erect a magic barrier to call everyone in a private chat, was completely interrupted by Kirito's very sensible words.

Naturally, knowing that I am now Aichan and the beast mother Aisha who are dragging the oil bottle, they immediately put their magic power on the shoulders of Kirito's Xiaoxiang with both hands, and set up the three colors of red, green and blue at the same time. Magic barrier.

At the same time, Yun also understood that they painstakingly and quickly used their footwork to quickly evade all the predicted attack trajectories through the double life-saving ability, and then through the extremely tricky movement route so quickly to get out of the dangerous zone.

And this kind of mixed quartet magic, which seemed to be earth-shattering, covered the position where Kirito and the others were guarding like a pouring rain.

The destructive sound of ‘Cry~Pala’, coupled with the situation of the rubble flying everywhere, is enough to make people understand that this offensive is indeed surging like a tide...

(It's okay...I didn't feel how the lives of Tongrenchan had fallen. After all, the continuity between magical powers has not been interrupted. Now they are just temporarily trapped in place and unable to move!)

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om~

"I was spotted? It's really a monster with a keen sense of magic power! But ~ it's not necessarily because of such an attack... No! What else should be right! Woo~ woo~ woo"


It was also in such a situation that he quickly separated from the attacked front, Yun Lima turned his head slightly and kept probing Kirito and the others' magical powers.

But fortunately, the continuous effect of magic power still exists, so it turns out that the Kirito who was attacked are now intact, but they just have to work a little bit.

But at this point in time when Yun was slightly relieved, several stone flying objects suddenly appeared at the junction of his moving trajectories!

Fortunately, he raised the sickle in his hand very sharply in the state of ‘changing’, and cut it in the air in a few strokes and let it fall into different surroundings.

But at the time when he was slightly proud but suddenly realized that something was wrong, it was only after a short delay of a few seconds that a strange magical attack that flew quickly, hit the subconsciously. Pick up the sickle to protect the position of the heart.

For a short time, Yun couldn't resist such a concentrated and terrible violence, which directly caused him to be completely knocked into the ground, and he was forced to drag about 300 to 400 meters before making a large amount of smoke and dust. Walking...

(Uh~hhh! There is a sense of hit, but~ it always feels like it has used a certain kind of skill to completely offset the damage possibility, and now I am afraid that it is still unscathed!)

(Abominable necromancer, he always feels more like a monster than a synthetic monster like me!)

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!!"

[Flame Strikes, Heavenly Feather Yan Chong]

‘Om~Om~Om, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum~

Also, it still allocated part of its magic power to maintain a certain level of quartet magic attack, and it has been delaying Kirito and the others.

Knowing that the few sneak attacks just now did not cause any substantial damage to Yun, Chimera roared in less than ten seconds before the completion of the process.

Using the good high-purity magic power, it directly triggered another two fire-attribute wide-range group attack magic like a direct wave.

The first is based on the fact that a large number of them are constantly generating a large number of fiery red magic circles in constantly bombarding the direction of the cloud with multiple fireballs.

And the other is in the position directly above the place where it fell, a huge red magic circle suddenly appeared, and for a while, countless sharp flame arrows rained directly on the place where the cloud was.

It can be seen that the attack here is the kind that Chimera is very serious, so it is more explosive, penetrating, and destructive than dealing with Kirito and the others, turning the ground into a sea of ​​fire, and even bursting out countless burns. The stone fragments make people feel a little numb in their scalp...

(So ​​that's it~Earth type, non-attribute, and fire type? But ~ logically not most high-level undead should have the ability to master karma, why use ordinary fire type?)

【it's actually really easy! My lord! Because of the defensive form that I showed in advance, it is very clear that I can control or even fully absorb the karmic fires, so I am very vigilant against any means by which we become stronger! 】

[That's it~ Otherwise, if you re-formed the defensive mode now, will you turn its flames into your own magic and power? Although some faintly guessed it before, I didn't expect you to be such a national treasure! 】

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