Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (611) Friendly Reminder

   For a while, Asuna knew that she would never understand if she didn't tear her face. She almost flushed her face and even closed her eyes, and spoke to her with the loudest voice.

   And after she completely blew herself up, she was ashamed as she was about to get under the table and cried a lot.

"What's that! I should be a big deal, I should have been in the explanation of the potion before, and I did mention that this thing is still in the initial development state! So the user should be careful, and it does have Such troublesome side effects! I can’t visualize myself again and take a look!"

  Also, after seeing Asuna's skin turned red like a ripe little apple, and she was ashamed of her cute look on the floor.

   After a while, my mind suddenly became clear, and a lot of clouds were relieved for a while, so it was so very natural to say to Asuna, including everyone present!

   "Let’s see for ourselves! x4"

   buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, patter

   And after hearing Yun not only disapproved, but also introduced such a detailed introduction, Kirito and the others seemed to feel something wrong for a while!

   Then it is so swift to visualize the follow-up similar medicines that still exist in the shared inventory, and then open the back of the marked label so carefully to observe carefully

   "It's just that I didn't expect to force everyone to use this drug at almost the most dangerous moment. Sure enough, the senior generals of the undead clan in front of Groot still have good strength."

   "No! After all, we have taken your medicine several times. Although the follow-up treatment was too effective and caused a certain degree of resistance, it did help us a lot in general! Even if it was a test product."

   "Well, I really have to admit it x3"

   Also, after seeing that no one in the audience was spared from this medicine, he was a little bit emotional about it, but Kirito and others hated it but had to be grateful for the tangled appearance of the medicine and made a lot of laughs.

   After all, looking at their entangled appearance, in a sense, it also proved that his pharmacist ability indeed played a very important role in this battle. For this reason, he also felt fortunate and contented in his heart.

"Okay, OK! I will step up the improvement of the medicine problem in the future, but this test product still has to be prepared. After all, there is no way to reopen it for other special medicines, so it is still possible to use it as the last life-saving medicine! "

   "Also quickly give me time to eat and get a good night's sleep. After all, the battle that follows will probably be even longer!"

   "Oh oh! x4"

   tack tack, tuck tuck, grunt grunt

   Also, after feeling a bit of emotion, Yun, who felt that he still had to hurry up, urged Kirito and the others to continue to eat well and get the necessary nutrients.

   And I took advantage of this time and kept working hard for them to make high-efficiency recovery, and replenish their energy, magic and other excellent delicious dishes, even when he was temporarily not needed for them to serve them good dishes.

   then quickly took time and the rock warriors who were constantly expanding this kind of earthen building for him, sorted out many nice big rooms or small single room lounges, and set up a follow-up high-quality recovery place specially used for temporary rest.

   After all, judging from the overall situation along the way, it is possible that the latter level is the most difficult and the last level may also be the last one, so he also abides by Kirito and the others' clear guidelines before, and prepares for the best trimming.

   "Hmm! So full! I happened to be active in the small square outside, take a walk and do a good relaxation and digestion exercise!"

   "Yes! Otherwise, it would be unhealthy to eat and sleep like this! x3"

"That's right! After you come back, you can choose the size of the room There is a special water system magic inside as a bathing system facility, so use whatever you want! There is also the first room on your right as soon as you enter It’s mine, you little cute ones are free! Don’t get in the wrong door! Especially Kirito-chan and Asuna-chan!"


   da da da

   and I saw it as soon as I came back to Yun, these little guys were eating round and round watermelon belly, and they were lying lazily on the stone chairs.

Mentioned for a while, Kirito and the others who wanted a digestive exercise after a meal, so they reluctantly stood up and wanted to walk in the direction that Asuna came in, and went to an enchantment-wrapped square specially cleared by the rock warriors. activity.

   Yun, who also reminded me kindly, pointed to a white stone door room on the right hand side behind him, and exhorted him a lot.

   Especially for a certain boyfriend who has a family and is still present, but still has a friendly hint of a little Jiujiu in his heart.

   If you continue to take a rest, or get ridiculed by all sorts of things, then don't mention the following levels this time!

   So Kirito, who was a little disappointed, had to be surrounded by Asuna, who seemed to be watching him close, and left the restaurant with her tail sandwiched like a prodigal dog.

   Naturally and clearly, Aichan and the beast mother Aisha, humming a little song as if they were happier, and even took a small jump and left like hand in hand like this happily.

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