Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (614) 10 points Conscious Kirito and the others


Also after seeing the beast mother Aisha listened to her words completely, the happy smile that stayed on her face, and the lovely appearance that was flushed to the root of her ears.

It seems to be able to understand, feel and even understand what kind of situation it is, and even sigh the meaning...

That’s why I made Aichan that seemed to show a hint of my aunt’s smile, and I didn’t stop using the hand mirror with my jade hand holding the hand of the beast mother Aisha jade, letting her keep looking at the mirror now that is exceptionally beautiful and even energetic. She got up by herself...

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣’

"OK! The hygiene and tableware have been cleaned, let's make some medicine! After all, if the prediction is correct, I think everyone comes back and relaxes and rests for about 8 hours, there should be no problem! "

"But... it's been a long time! These little guys really have a chat! Well~ Well! They are especially abiding by the rules and they should come back when they are tired!"

‘Da~Da~Da, 咣~咣~咣, eh~ eh, dah~ dah"

In the same way, Yun subconsciously used this temporary mixture of earth magic to form a small house, and just cleaned it directly and gleamed.

Slightly looked at the current real-time time and Kirito and the others did not leave the enchantment, but they were still wandering around for a long time.

Yun, who felt that there should be no problem, returned to his room with such peace of mind, and began to prepare for the next Raiders almost!

After all, it was just this time that ended the trial in the third room, and after cooperating with the remaining available supplies and medical supplies after the observation.

Obviously I felt that the consumption was indeed huge, and even the situation of frequent and gradual lack of high-level recovery potions, and it was already clear that if I did not continue to replenish it.

If the next battle is worse than the previous one, then it will be life-threatening. Of course, this is not referring to the cloud, but referring to the Kirito and the others without the blessing of the ‘necromantic’.

Therefore, to maintain the belief of maximum medical protection, Yun will rush to produce more medicines, food, weapons, consumables and so on within the allowable range of materials like working overtime...


(Is no one outside? It seems that the big villain Yun has returned to his room! x2)

"Let's choose which one! Asuna, and remember to put a simple name tag on this door, it would be better!"

"No problem! I listen to Kirito-chan!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Ga~Da, Da~Da~Da, Pa~Da’

Naturally, Jae Yun was so concentrated in his room and worked very hard to prepare for the situation for about 10 minutes. The first team Kirito and the others went straight back to the inside of the small house.

And after unscrewing the door and seeing that only a few remained inside, and kept it open~After taking care of Kirito's "magic lamp", Kirito's heart felt slightly cold for a while.

Even though Asuna on the side was complacent about not seeing the upset person, Kirito, who was a little disappointed, gave Asuna carefully after being weak, and chose the next room with only one wall from the cloud as the bedroom.

Then the very obedient Asuna visualized a brand name of herself and Kirito on the door, hurried in together, took a little bath together, and went to bed together...

"Ga~Da, Pa~Da"

(It looks like it is the last one of us to come back! After all, apart from opening my dear brother Yun's room, a striking pink name tag has been hung on the door beside it! x2)

"Oh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, look A little peach heart or something was added in the middle!"

"Indeed, after all, it is absolutely impossible for that Kirito-chan to use such an overly affectionate font to overemphasize it!"

"Then what should I do next? Go to my dear room? Sister?"

And just after returning home like this, I saw the shining ‘magic lamp’ with no one inside, coupled with the situation where there was another room door with a brand name beside the door where the other cloud was.

Aichan and the others, who knew what it meant for a while, became so intimacy and discussed with each other about Asuna's cute interests.

However, after looking at the location of the room where Yun Yun was in the last time, and then being first proposed by Ai Jiang, for a while, the beast mother Aisha closed her eyes as if she was thinking a lot.

"Forget it! After all, many of us come for outings, so our two sisters choose the room next to Kirito-chan on the other side. Let’s wash and sleep together! Anyway, after waking up and supplying food, we will go to the monster in the back room. It's a showdown!"

"That's it...deserving to be my sister! This time is so special to take care of the overall situation, so let's rest together if you say anything!"


"Da~Da~Da, Ga~Da, Pa~Da"

And that is, after the Trinity in her mind, the beast mother Aisha who had her own conclusion held Ai Jiangyu's hand in this way, and then shook her head in response to her.

After all, just like what she said, after waiting for another battle, it's okay to find Yun's intimacy. Naturally resisting her wanting Yun's care, it also affected the decision of Aichan.

So after they smiled faintly at each other, the two of them invited each other to put a name tag on the door of the third room like a slim waist, and started their own rest time together...

"Zi~Zi~Zi, Da~Da~Da"

"Call ~ ~ call call ...... almost right! After all, have to leave some general supplies ~ ~ what a good follow-up urgent need to prevent what would be directly added!"

"Hmm~hmm? It's so late, is it possible that Kirito-chan haven't come back yet?"

"Wow~wow~wow, dick~di~di"

I'm also afraid that because no one is disturbed, Yun is quite a waste of sleep and eating a lot of work for about an hour.

Slightly glanced at the slowly displaying list of shared inventory with himself and other personnel, that seemed to be a dazzling list of everything, he nodded with satisfaction for a moment.

So subconsciously checked the current real-time time, and then slightly surprised a lot to open his map options to see if Kirito and the others were still hanging around!

(That's it~ I said no wonder no one came back to my room. After a long time, except for the inevitable Kirito-chan and them, even Ai-chan and sister had a rest in another room together?)

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