Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (650) The beginning of the aftermath

"Hah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It's too big a concept..."

And that is, it can be almost called this time, after adding whatever large-scale magic changes are almost the same.

Some felt like two people who were tired from outings, so they kept lying on the ground and panting like this, and then they talked about the future development of this place...

"In fact, I have already planned this. After all, your races have their own advantages, and you can use the many characteristics of the undead to gain a lot of communication possibilities! But ~ let's talk more about this later!"

"Now that everything is ready! Then it is time to withdraw troops and move to this aftermath work!"

"Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we squat in the castle and dare not come out during the day? after all, according to the old rules, isn't this here for nothing?"


And that is, after almost everything that should be done, Shurami Dong Xier also asked various questions, even if he got the corresponding answer from the cloud follow-up, but looking at it, it was still under the moonlight. Very beautiful territory appearance.

Suddenly recalling the obvious weakness of the undead, Shurami Dong Xi'er asked Yun with a slight trauma, and she could see that she still liked it very much~ and wanted to keep such a coveted environment.

(So~ Didn't you think about this problem first when you were doing it? It always feels like a lot of hindsight!)

"Well~Well! It’s not a big problem. You only need to set a little bit in the area here. Isn’t it all about the sun’s ineffectiveness for you? After all, this is my world, so I can do a lot of things outside. What can't be done!"

‘Hu~hu~hu, bang~boom~boom, bang~boom~boom"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ I always feel that there is no such a situation as seeing the light outside!

And after hearing that Xiurami Dong Xier finally mentioned the most critical point, for a while, she felt that she sometimes had a lot of forgetfulness, so after a simple adjustment of the interface of this area. ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​are​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I saw that the world of its own dark night suddenly recovered its day-to-day condition of the sky and the sun. Although Shurami Dong Xier was unable to open his eyes by the sun, he was not completely rejected and rejected by him as if he were outside. The occurrence of destruction.

After a while, it made him feel as if he had fulfilled his wish for a long time, jumping around the cloud happily, seeming to enjoy the almost unlimited zone feeling.

(Heh~he~he, even if he is very old, but in many cases he will behave a lot like a child!)

"Well~Well~Well, as long as you like it, in that case~ let's start the follow-up work! Xiao Xier is responsible for succession, announcing my current position, and then scheduling the migration of the undead. I am responsible for my own territory. All follow-up to save work!"

"The direct access and management here and other specific permissions I have handed over to you, but in general, it is like opening up the territory and expanding the land. You must authorize me to use it, so that you will become the real master of the party here. !"

"Understood! See you soon!"

"Hmm~hmm! See you later!"

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣’

And that is, after explaining what should be given and the follow-up plan, Yun and the little guy shook hands with each other politely, and each went into a portal to fight on the battlefield where he should go...


(This is??? xN)

[All members of the undead have heard the order, and now we have obtained a new land, and I, Shurami Dong Xier, formally decided to become a king on this land, and then reorganize our honor and empire style here! 】

"Have you heard?"

"Yes! Compared to this small place, we have a new world!"

"That's not a big deal! The priest is finally on the throne, and many of them are acting as kings!"

"Oh oh~ oh oh ah~ ah ah ah~ quack!!! xN"

And that is, at the same time that Yun and the others leave, they are entrenched in the territory that Yun rules and the relevant personnel in the "Holy Land of the Undead".

Because of this joyous event, I felt cheered and even gratified a lot of ghosts and wailing wolf howling to celebrate the birth of such a great moment.

It can be seen that they have long been expecting the Shurami Dong Xier, who has been acting as the ruler, to officially become the king of the undead and obtain his own home.

[Ah~huh! Let’s be quiet, I can understand how happy your mood is, but the next thing is the key. Through the trial of the necromantic technique-Moon Saki Yun, I will officially inherit my position as the priest of the undead. The right man! 】

[And now because the territory wants a large number of compatriots to return to construction, so we used to temporarily stay at the station as the personnel ~ we must quickly move to my designated portal. 】

[Now we don’t have time to take care of such a small and meaningless land! There is no need to continue wasting time for such a small place and tickling enemies! All staff are repatriated quickly and lightly~ above! Our territory needs your full help! 】



"In other words~ our previous aggression was in vain?"

"How come~ If there is no such temporary resting place, there will be the king's enthronement and the acquisition of territory! Since there is no point here, it is nothing to give up!"

"That's good~ everyone, hurry up and prepare their own luggage, we want the class teacher to return to the court!"

"Oh oh~ oh ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~ ah!!! xN"

And it was a pity that Shurami Dong Xier seemed to need manpower very and the occupied cloud territory seemed to be tasteless like a chicken rib.

These undead people even hesitated a little, and even looked back at the several territories that they had taken away.

But in the end, they followed the orders of the new king to discard all irrelevant things, and then they were relieved one by one. The neat and tidy teams that kept their spirits swayed and went to their designated portals one after another in an orderly manner. Evacuate...

"Da~Da~Da, 咚~咚~咚"

(It seems... they seem to give up here! Is it possible~ Is Lord Yun already relieved of our crisis? xN)

"How? Did the enemy's garrison really leave?"

"Ah~Ah! All gone! Ever since Master Yun came back to rescue us, and then the rebellion team was ready, the opponent has finally withdrawn quickly, but~ it seems like it is not a pity that I can feel it!"

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