Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (6553) before the public meeting

(This~this~this...the intelligence is too great, okay! It's really amazing to have a part-time job as a high-ranking race official! xN)

"Guru~ Guru"


And the story of this series, from what Aisha and the others first didn't know, to the end time point later, seemed like a good adventure story, which deeply attracted the attention of Aisha and the others.

And after fully understanding the follow-up results and the current situation of the great change in Yun's identity, everyone was surprised and delighted, but it was difficult to understand a lot of it. They kept blinking and talking about each other's beautiful gems.

(The reaction of course, after all, the situation in which Xiao Xi'er could be so entrapped, even by her against the generals, really made the listener feel overly dramatic, and it is really a normal situation!)

"It's true... if it wasn't because I sneaked into his camp, and then stayed in it, I kept creating various events for the original priest of the undead, Shurami Dong Xier, and then looking so highly... also I won’t make a troublesome situation where there is no news for so long!"

"But~ these are old things. Now when all of us return to the town, we have to take care of the unawakened Lisbeit-chan and their Silica-chan and Xing-chan! We all have to invest in the latter. Under the task of rebuilding and pacifying the hearts of the people!"

"This is the last thing I just said to prepare! Please let the little cuties continue to help me..."

And after seeing Aisha and the others with a somewhat unbelievable look on the side, he knew that they did not fully understand the importance of the follow-up of the matter.

That's why I warned him with a lot of warnings, and then, in order to get everyone's help, I asked Aisha and the others for help.

(That's it~ Generally is not the key that we help to rebuild our homes, and the grievances between the undead and the residents of Yun are the real highlight of what we are going to help! x2)

"Well~Well~ Well! Generally speaking, there is no problem, but it is possible that our sisters will have to work a lot of overtime!"

"It's true~ after all, the end of the battle is not long, I'm afraid we won't be able to waste any more time!"

"Uh~hhhhhhh! This is nothing, anyway~ we are all used to such a rush situation! xN"

And it was after Kirito and Aisha first understood the crucial points that followed one by one, they spoke in this way and got the good response from Aijiang and the others.

Anyway~ This is also an opportunity to continue to hone their stamina and mental power in wartime. Naturally, they will not simply give up or even be full of vitality. How can they just give up easily? That's why they are so eager to try.


"Ah~ah~ah! In that case~ I will let Ai-chan, Kirito-chan, Asuna-chan, and Aisha-chan take the lead, and then disperse them to the reconstruction areas of the internal residents, or finish the initial progress as soon as possible. Things to prepare!"

"No problem! xN"

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~ 咣~ 咣, d~ d~ d, s d~ d’a’

Naturally, after receiving the active support of Kirito and the others, Yuncai was so grateful that he bowed and thanked him a lot, so under the condition of separating the captains of each team.

Through the free shuttle portal in the shared cloud world, we rushed to the ruins of various ruined towns inside and began the subsequent reconstruction work...

"Sure enough, only Master Yun and the adults are helping us!"

"Yes~Yes! Otherwise, we will only need to repair it for more than a week if we only rely on our previous reconstruction methods, before we can only return to the original state!"

"Uh~hhhhhhh! Gospel~ This is the gospel of our salvation! xN"

And during the reconstruction work, almost wherever the personnel went, it can be said that the progress is as fast as pushing the boat along the river. After all, the cloud has been listening to the private chats of the teams in each area of ​​the district to give feedback.

Controlling the interface in his hand from such a long distance, it was as fast as rebuilding the territory for Shuramie Dong Xier before, and almost completed all the necessary reconstruction work in less than a few hours.

Therefore, in the open area in the center of the town of "Niya" where Yun is most frequent, it was overcrowded~ a large number of people gathered, and they were still discussing with each other about Yun and how well they are, and they gave good repercussions.

However, the current situation where people gather around some stages built of wooden materials is also in accordance with the situation promised by the cloud before, and an open conference on matters related to the undead and local people is held.

Naturally, so many local residents who have something to do with each other will take time out of their busy schedules to come and see for themselves how such a solution is!

(Sure enough...the people who can gather are all victims of the corresponding altitude! And looking at most of the eyes are full of raging anger, I'm afraid today's conference is full of gunpowder. what!)

"Oh ~ ~ Oh Oh ...... my son seems so simple this time both the first face to face meeting, I'm afraid not previously thought ...... after all, not long ago, although many rely on to help lead the forces of good people barely pressed down, but After all, there is still no way to last..."

"Well~Well, the bridge to the bow is naturally straight~ If it is not for the purpose of actively helping our undead to solve this problem, then we will handle this large-scale public meeting. If it is really impossible, you will not spend so much. Zhou Zhang is going to do such a meaningless thing!"

"Although this is the case~ Master Shurami Dong Xier, in this meeting, there are still most of the people's incentives that are too extreme and sensitive, and even riots will occur, so Yun is not worried. It doesn't make sense..."



And that's why it was overcrowded, and there were a large number of "Niya" who had been ordered by Yun to patrol and be on guard, and then there were still many residents who kept their eyes open, even clenching their teeth and clenching their fists.

For a moment~ Let the cloud, who was still peeping a little in the background, quietly analyze the situation that is not so good now to Shurami Dong Xier and Kirito.

Shurami Dong Xier, who was also very impressed, but obviously not under too much pressure, responded to him so calmly and naturally.

Naturally, Kirito and the others, who also felt that the form was very subtle, were a little worried and kept watching the situation outside and shook their heads and replied...

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