Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (six hundred and seventy) to send propositions

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

And it is on the basis of the mutual barrier-free language of the world itself, the embodiment of this new skill of the cloud, in one breath evoked many wonderful associations, Shurami Dong Xier, and he said to him. People their serious questions.

Kirito and the others, who felt that there was no problem at all, all raised their hands in agreement, and felt a lot of joy for the possibility that Yun could beat the heroes in various scenes in the future...

[That being the case~ After the accurate countdown, let's let the professional responsible personnel ring the midnight together, and then end the final ceremony of welcoming Christmas with the most final fireworks show! 】

"Oh oh~ oh oh oh!!! xN"

"3~2~1! Merry Christmas!!! xN"

‘Dang~Dang~Dang, 咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, bang~ bang~ bang, wow~ wow, da~ da~ da"

After such a short spare time was properly used by Yun's performance, Yun Lima looked at the magic screen in front of him, aiming at the real-time time of this different world.

Then, with all the people below, counted down the last time, followed by the sound of three large bells that were accurate and just right.

The countless special-made cloud fireworks that have been planted from the edge of the town soared into the sky, turning into countless wonderful patterns from animals, plants, and even the flags between various allies, towns and nations, to make peace. The night is slowly coming to an end...

"It was crazy to play yesterday!"



And that is the large-scale dinner. After the curtain was completely drawn, the layout of the town yesterday and the good performances were kept full of praise, and then they slowly moved to the inside or outside of the town. The various settlements moved.

"To be honest~ I didn't expect all the activities yesterday to be so lively and extraordinary. It really made me feel like organizing a new festival. It really deserves a lot of attention! What do you think? Little cuties!"

"Well~Well~Well... it's really good, at least for a person who is completely ignorant of me, it is full of good fun like many new things, and it also allows me to benefit a lot. It's just a multitude of things in one fell swoop. Travel!"

"Oh~hhhhhh! It is good that Shurami·Dong·Xierjiang is happy, after all, it is the first time for us to experience the huge feast of multi-racial together. Generally speaking, there are a lot of participants happy! It's one A successful large-scale event has been launched!"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

At the end of the song, people are scattered, it can be said that there is no permanent banquet in the world, after seeing all the people below, such a magnificent scene of leaving each and every one.

Yun and the others, who are still in the high-rise building, felt like discussing this celebration with each other.

After all, just like what they said, such a large scale including outsiders, local towns, and allies can fully enjoy the coexistence ceremony without any obstacles.

According to the actual situation, it is indeed a very difficult comprehensive and complex project, but ~ because of the various efforts of most people.

It was made to reach the most complete effect and ended smoothly, so Yun, who was leaving while discussing, went to the carriage downstairs.

"Several adults, please get in the car! In order not to be crowded, we have prepared a preparatory passage for all the adults, so that you can go directly back to the boss who greeted you before!"

"Ah~Ah! You have worked hard! Lena-chan and everyone, when they go back, let's have a good rest!"

"With your auspicious words, we will replenish our energy! Please~please! x2"

"Please~please! xN"

"Ga~Da, Da~Da~Da, Da~Da, DaDa~DaDa~DaDa"

And after Lena and the others have made such a very good arrangement, after Yun briefly blessed them a few times, he took Kirito and the others to the boss’s wife...

(Wait for a minute~ There seems to be a particularly important...)

"Wait, Yun~yun! I remember that in the words you just announced, it seems that today is also a holiday, right? What is it called~what... yes~ yes! Christmas is coming, then~ you wake up today , What are your plans?"

(Good question! Shurami·Dong·Xierjiang! We want to know this content too! xN)

"Goo~ Lu"


But on the way in the carriage, Shurami Dong Xier, who slightly remembered something, blinked at the cloud and asked about the beautiful gemstone.

Naturally~ Kirito and the others, who also wanted to launch a fierce offensive today, seemed to be absolutely silent as if they had held their breath quite a bit. They swallowed so much and waited for his reply.

After all~ if there is an opportunity for an invitation, then this minute is the time for additional inquiries and actions, so they are too concerned about looking at the unanswered clouds together~ terrible~ The reason why everyone was so quiet and harmonious yesterday was all for today? I just said that it always feels too smooth, but there is something wrong...)

"Well~Well...I haven't decided yet. After all~ I don’t know if Lena Chan and the others will come to me again to do something. Anyhow, didn’t everyone see the situation yesterday? Once this situation is involved, My attendance will always be unavoidable!"

Suddenly, I felt countless pairs of eyes, staring at me so stubbornly like a group of predators staring at an arrested person, which made people shudder a lot.

Knowing that this is a blockbuster cloud, after rolling his eyes like this, he took the pretense of Lena and the others who were sitting outside in the front parking space to avoid the topic of showing who he was going to spend with.

(Okay! Are you very active at this time and want to go to work? There is no way!)

"Eh~ Eh? Today? It seems that there is nothing to find Master Yun! Generally speaking~ I troubled you so much yesterday, I should give you a holiday or something! You say yes! Fokker!"


Naturally, Lena and the others, who could hear the topic behind Yun and the others, seemed to understand that someone wanted to use them as a good shield, just as they discussed with each other secretly, and kept the way of singing and playing and forcing Yun to take a day off.

After all~ if Kirito and others are to blame in the future, they will always feel that they can’t eat it, so~ they will decisively withdraw the cloud again, giving themselves a cleansing effect on the roots of their ears!

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