Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (six hundred and seventy-three) After all, know the roots and know the

  "This~this...Well then! We would like to hear the details!"


  When I saw the beast mother Aisha and the others, it seemed that I did not go too deeply to understand the characteristics of Yun's whole person at the time!

   Feeling a little helpless love sauce, so he interrupted their words with such earnest words, and let them listen to their own words slowly and choose to act like a listener...

   "I think everyone understands~ As long as a dear loves a woman, I am afraid it will be due to various reasons, and then it will gradually look like a force majeure situation instead of falling in love!"

   "Then~ it would be the most unlikely phenomenon to cut off their thoughts of mutual affection, right?"

  "It is true...After all, compared with women in this world, the brother Yun, who came from another world together, beloved them, will be more familiar and even more affectionate than Jin Jian's situation! xn"

But after Ai-chan confirmed the feeling between Yun and Kirito at once, and it must be difficult to make a final analysis, the beast mother Aisha and the others, who felt very advantageous and felt a little inferior, nodded so subconsciously. Generally agreed.

After all, this is like the advantages and disadvantages of childhood sweethearts and latecomers. childhood sweethearts are destined to have a huge gap in mutual understanding and understanding. Even if the two sides cannot be together for various reasons, it is difficult to give up after all... …

"So why did I take the initiative to put forward the reasons for not letting me and everyone intervene? This is even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of success, but in the final analysis, if we are the one who has the idea, we will definitely be smashed by the Tongren sauce. Or just remember it!"

"That way~ our situation is getting darker and darker, and we are still sitting on pins and needles and asking ourselves a lot! In that case~ it is better to jump out of this question, and then take a good look at how they deal with it will be safer, and also Much better!"

   "So that's it~ Although we are also enlightened, you still love the sauce and you bravely refused to accept it! But~ Isn’t it the most troublesome thing like this, it’s Brother Yun’s dear? xn"

  In fact, the beast mother Aisha had already noticed these situations, and they were even prepared to a certain degree of hatred, but they still had the courage and knowledge to lead them all out of one of the most troublesome incidents.

   But they all understand these principles, but in the end they returned to the original main problem, and for a while, they all existed again, and they still looked like a lot of troubles.

  "Hey~Hey! This is probably because the sisters don’t understand the beloved’s temperament, so that’s why they have been trying to share unnecessary doubts for him!"

   "In fact, after encountering such a problem, my dear will keep thinking about all the intelligence, information, scenes, personnel, etc. in the matter several times beforehand!"

"Then I couldn’t find a solution, so I completely emptied my head, and then I didn’t have any doubts at first, so I just did what I should do! It seems that everything is so natural and disorderly, so at this time we I can't be with him anymore!"

   "That's why I deliberately created an environment for my dear to let his heart fully release, and finally pulled everyone to leave bravely together for the real reason!"

  And after seeing these words, they still did not have the most critical persuasive effect.

   Ai-chan sighed slightly, and then went a lot deeper and talked to them.

  (Is there still such a characteristic? Is it possible~ Is my dear Yundi really such a person? xn)

   "Do you know this?"

   "I don’t know... after all, many things are dear in the workplace, or the necessary related areas have already been thought out, so I rarely bring them to life...xn"

  But suddenly I heard that there was no such thing as a crazy Aichan who was not worried about whether Yun would think about it. This time, there is really not much real feeling after many related inferences.

   For a time, it made the beast mother Aisha and the others, they were all a little unsure about talking to each other like this to confirm the fact.

  I finally realized that when I saw Yun, I did not see him too much in work or personal affairs, and he would be as panicked as it is today.

Naturally, there is no such wonderful behavior and habits like another person, as Ai-chan said, so they feel that they have refreshed their three views in a short time, and they blinked and blinked like each other's beautiful gems. stand up.

  "This is normal. In fact, my dear's completely defenseless appearance can only be released completely without scruples between me and another woman called Yun!"

  "After all, I am different from my sisters. Ever since I was taken away by my dear in the habitat of'Natata', I have lived in the isolated world for a long time~ in a small world!"

  (Love sauce......xn)


  “So in the world of different flow rates, in my dear free time to accompany me in ample time, in turn, it is possible that I am the 4th longest partner among all the dear favorite girls!"

"Naturally, in the longer and closer time and longer loneliness, a person silently stays in the and this loneliness stays in the back of the'Niya' and people of other races. Later, I became more lively than before, and even felt a lot of happiness!"

   "It turned out to be like this... It's true that the rest of us haven't been together with Brother Yun's dear for how long, so we either separate the two places, or simply can't be together for a long time..."

   "Hmm~hmm... I always feel ashamed...xn"

   And when I heard Ai Jiang, it was an analysis and at the same time, why I made Yun more at ease, after exposing a lot of reasons for not being too strong or weak.

  For a while, it seemed to be able to understand the longest gain and the longer the loss. The beast mother Aisha and the others, who have a slightly similar mood, are so ashamed that they are not as good as many, and they lower their heads and apologize to them.

  (Why don’t you dare to look directly at me like this! In fact, everyone’s situation is almost the same, and they have not received the exclusive satisfaction in the true sense, okay!)

"Okay~ okay! I'm just analyzing my dear's situation for you, and then let everyone try not to worry too much. It makes me seem to be playing a miserable game and win the first prize. I feel unhappy and even have a lot of headaches!"


   "So~ the parties concerned are left to the parties to solve by themselves, we just need to wash and sleep."

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