Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Kirito and a soft spot with love special 1

(Why is it like this...why? At that time, I was so devoted to me... but now is it because I am too cold to him, so I lose interest in my conspiracy if I don’t let him succeed? Why? ?cloud…)

5 days! It has been five days since Yun left. After learning that Yun and Miss Lord have a firm marriage contract on that day, Kirito feels that these days are as long as years. He washes his face with tears all day long. This is his number one. How sad he was crying the second time, even he himself didn't realize that he was almost the same as a girl now.

(Kirito sauce...)

In the past few days, Aisha, who also knew about the marriage contract but had cheered up, has been accompanied by the goddess Yui. The two looked sadly at this tearful Kirito and didn’t know what to do. agreed.

(Goddess Yui! This is the first time I saw Kirito-chan cry like this! What should we do now?)

Seeing that it's not a problem to go down like this, Aisha pulled the corner of the Yui goddess and started chatting with her privately.

(Well... the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell! He has a heart disease! He wants to treat it with heart medicine, but I don’t know how to do it! I also didn’t expect Miss Kirito to suffer this way. The blow!)

The goddess Yui also shook her head, which was something she didn't expect.


"Who is it?"

"It's me Asuna! How's it going? Is Kirito-chan still crying?"

While Aisha was still worried, there was a knock on the door and Asuna's greeting.

"Come in! Asuna-chan! Kirito-chan still hasn't walked out of the shadow of this thing!"

Hearing Asuna's voice, Aisha opened the door and greeted her in. Asuna was carrying a casserole tableware. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Kirito's depressed, self-defeating and dejected look lying on the big bed. Feel distressed.

"Ah~Ah! Kirito-chan! What are you doing for Yue Qiyun? The saying goes well, "Why hang on a vine?" You still have me! That **** Yun would abandon me like this Kirito-chan! Or come to me! I will take good care of you! Come~Come on! This is the hot porridge I made by myself. Let's eat something! Or you will break down!"

Seeing Kirito, whose tears were already dry, Asuna helped him sit up with one hand, and then put the spoonfuls into his mouth, but even though he knew that he was eating, his eyes were still bleak. It seemed that the mental shock was not so simple anymore.

(Kirito sauce...)

Although Asuna saw that Kirito was finally willing to eat the food she made, she couldn't help but feel sour when she saw him looking like a walking dead. She pressed her small mouth slightly and chose to feed the food obediently, holding an empty bowl. And the dinner plate of tableware, angrily hurriedly left Kirito's side.

"Hey~hey! It seems that Asuna is about to vent her feelings! After all, it is more or less uncomfortable and angry to watch the person she likes become like this!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect this incident to turn into this situation!"

After Aisha and the hand of the goddess Yui watched Asuna's departure, they continued to accompany the haggard Kirito.

"Yukizaki Yun! Tsukizaki Yun! Why is this stinky man's Tsukizaki Yun again! Since the last exclusivity declaration! Even doing this kind of thing made my lovely Kirito-chan so heartbroken like this, I I really don’t get angry! No! To this kind of grief who doesn’t cherish my Tongren sauce! Never be merciful! I'm going to trouble him!"

Thinking of this, Asuna gritted her teeth and returned the tableware to the kitchen, and hurriedly ran out of the tavern towards the gate with the two thin swords tied around her waist...

As soon as you get to the street, you can see the local people happily preparing for the wedding of Yun and the lord, they began to hang white veil and tie flowers, etc., dressing up the original town in a very unique and simple Western European style. And here, the crowds are all talking about this great happy event for them.

"Great! I have been preparing for 5 days! But I always feel that it is almost a charm!"

"Yeah! This is the wedding of two big men! Don't be sloppy!"

"Okay! We are checking! See if you can add some good things to celebrate the union of the two!"


All the locals did not dare to neglect to make detailed preparations for the wedding of Miss Yunhe Lord. Seeing this situation, Asuna became even more angrily bypassing the crowd and continued to walk towards the gate.

(Damn it! These locals are so enthusiastic about the wedding of the grief! I feel a little irritable when I see it! These people don't even know the ugly face of Yunzaki Yun! I don't know if this looks handsome and handsome Man is indeed a **** who is drunk with flowers and weeds, and he has already harmed a lot of girls!)

Seeing these people in the dark, Asuna could only shook her head and reached the gate of the town. Without thinking, she was ready to cross out.

"Vice-General Asuna!"

And the soldiers in front of the gate greeted her without paying attention. They walked out of the gate angrily, leaving the soldiers looking far away. They watched Asuna leave and they discussed cautiously.

"Eh~ Eh? What's the matter with this Vice Admiral Asuna? It feels like I ate an explosive barrel today!"

"Just watch your door obediently! It's better for us to take care of things like this one less! Now we are spreading internally. The women who serve as lieutenants next to Yunsan Hundred will share the same relationship as our Yunsan Hundred will. Ambiguous relationship! Now the three hundred people in Yun are going to marry our lord lady, the girl who was abandoned after playing like Vice Admiral Asuna is naturally the most angry and sad!"

"Really? Oh~oh! By the way! I heard that Vice Admiral Kirito has a daughter!"

"Really? Is the daughter beautiful? Whose child is it?"

At the same time, the previous scandal about Kirito and Yui goddess also spread.

"Very cute! Like a delicate-looking doll, and there is a news of a side door! The news says that the father of this lieutenant General Kirito is Yunsan Hundred General! You say it is amazing and not amazing!"

"Really? No wonder I haven't seen Lieutenant Kirito in the past few days! It seems that this wedding of General Yun San Hundred will hit so many girls who admire him! It's really a scene like Shura!"

Not only was the story of Kirito and Yui goddess being reported, UU Reading even added extra oil and vinegar to make it even more exaggerated...

Asuna, who came outside the gate, clearly heard the rumors of the soldiers just now, and now it is becoming more and more difficult to relieve the hatred in her heart.

(Only this time! I can’t forgive this **** man! I want to officially issue a pvp duel to him! If Kirito-chan is still in the hands of this scumbag! The future destiny is to become a yellow-faced woman! Then Ren Lao Zhuhuang will be squeezed out by the anger of Yunzaki Yundu's provoking trouble! No! Only this kind of future is not something my dear Kirito-chan should accept! I want to take back my love from Yunzaki Yun! Don't let this **** waste Kirito-chan's youth!)

Asuna, who is determined, will never give in again this time! She knew that if this went on, Kirito would sooner or later be disgusted by Yun Wan and discard it, and she would definitely use her own force to retake her lover this time...

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