Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (694) Strange knowledge has increased

"Although they are meat, they dare not attack our existence in groups like this. This is also the information passed by our vanguard!"

"But... they have been staring at the green eyes on both sides of us, and they have been looking at us directly! o(〒?〒)o"

"I said the captain! Is it really okay? (?ó?ò?

"It's okay~ It's okay! It's just like watching a rare animal, and it's okay for a while!"

\'Da~Da~Da, DaDa~DaDa~DaDa\'

It was also in this that suddenly there was a lot of forehead positions, and there was a good upper half of the bone-skinned blocky wolves, so full of peeping around the Yun and their team, and they walked together with grinning teeth as if they were staring at them. Condition.

In the beginning, Yun and they all subconsciously embodied their own weapons, and fell into a very vigilant feeling.

But looking back at these rock warriors, it seemed that they didn't look at them like the predator's encirclement and suppression behavior, and kept moving forward as if they were very relaxed and relaxed.

Argo, who had made it impossible to get used to such a strange atmosphere, was a little bit scared and tears, and kept his body close to Yun's side and did not dare to continue to look at him.

After all, you instinctively feel that the other party is not good, and you still have the kind of sense of seeing you want to pull yourself apart. How can you completely relax your mentality and let the other party look at yourself?

Even if the surrounding rock warriors can do it, it is a terrible situation for the female Argo.

(But~ they really don’t have the tendency to attack. Although they look fierce and blatant, they really don’t activate the ‘danger perception’ and the sense of hostility...)

"In that case~ My sister kept her eyes closed, and then covered her ears with her jade hands. Let me support you along the way! I think it will be much better this way!"

"Really? Then I'll try it first!"

"Da~Da~Da, Pa~Da, Da~Da~Da"

The cloud, who has maintained a good sense of alertness and line of sight to these wolves who say they are not hostile, has analyzed their behavior further.

In the end, he still concluded that what the Rock Warriors said should be true, but taking into account the factual problems of Argo's status as a woman, he offered this kind of good advice like a compromise.

Even if it is not certain that this method can really help her, Argo still believes that Yun closed his eyes and covered his ears, so he looked like he stumbled and stood unsteadily, and was guided by Yun's support.


"Ooo~ Ooo!!! xN"

"DaDa~DaDa~DaDa, 唰啦~唰啦"

But it was in this situation that Argo had kept the absolute darkness as silent as possible. I am afraid it would be 20 minutes. These skull wolves seemed to feel that the time had come, or that they had been absolutely dull.

After a group of wolves, accompanied by a group of wolves, who looked a little bigger, they scattered from the surroundings like poles blooming.

But the neat and tidy formations and the not particularly disorderly manner of action during the departure are enough to see that they are absolutely organized and disciplined social animals.

Not only that~ their curiosity for new things is also one of the best. Otherwise, how could they be like many of the animals here before, and they will mobilize all their tribes like a family, so they are surrounded by the inner third floor. Attitude of onlookers like three-tier outside.

So sometimes such a wonderful and cherished species is also a kind of alternative scenery...

[Go away! sister! You can now open your eyes and withdraw your jade hand! 】

【really? 】


"Haha~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! After all, being so onlookers by a bunch of carnivores and even deterring **** partners from doing things, really makes people a little cautious and unbearable.

"Haha~hahaha! But~ they also have their own cuteness, just don't know what kind of species they like to hunt, and then feed so many wolves!"

"This...actually, there was feedback from sentry patrols on this road. Now that they have finished watching us, they have gone straight down to the dense forest on the other side to hunt down several tons of furious elephants! And fighting! The scene is very miserable!"

"I don't know if the two adults are very happy, let me share the real-time video of the other side who is watching their specific actions?"

"Eh ~ Eh? There is this kind of operation! But ~ what is the rage elephant? It sounds like it is not only huge, but also very powerful! x2"

And that is, after seeing the skull wolves, Yun saw the skull wolves and left in a group like this very chicly and simply, they used private chat to slowly report the situation to Argo.

Naturally, after she opened her eyes as if she was skeptical, and looked around to see the condition of the wolf pack that had long since disappeared, she was so deeply relieved to tell Yun her inner feelings.

But Zaiyun and the two are still talking about why these wolves don't attack them, and then what will be their real staple food time.

The captain of the Rock Warrior, who was beside them, brought up a very interesting topic for them.

But after the two of them heard it, they seemed to be particularly interested and even shocked a lot, and they consulted it again for more details.

"Well~Well! The Wrath Elephant was also found by our advance team when we pioneered the field with a diffuse range It was found to be deep in this branch stream. It is flat and low-lying, and there are even dense forests around as a good cover group. Gathering herbivores!"

"Moreover, the appearance of elephants is not much different from the conventional ones, but ~ only they have the ability to enter an unstoppable runaway situation alone or with their partners in times of crisis!"

"Come to overcome all the effects of their volume and gravity within a period of time. Not only can they act in elephant fighting methods when they are on the ground, but they can even suddenly turn into standing upright with their feet, using their very strong nose and limbs. A strange creature as far as fighting skills."

"The specific feeling of the two adults can be understood as a short-term half-orc effect, allowing them to achieve full hand-to-hand combat as agile, and they may almost use brute force to die.

Also after suddenly seeing Yun and the others humbly asking for advice, the head of the rock warrior squadron began to whisper to them like this!

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