Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (six hundred and six) Where did you go? Go back there!

He clenched the weapon in his hand in this way, and while maintaining such a loud explanation, he quickly descended to the plank road where Yun and the others were.

Then a heavily armed infantryman went to check the injuries of the nearest personnel, while the corporal leader himself took another heavy armed infantry.

So it looked like it was covered in obsidian-like glorious scales, and there was a big guy who was not much different from a tall and thin man, who was still flaring his teeth and claws.

(The combination of pangolin and mouse is the same thing? So it can really explain how it got out of the mountain wall! But ~ this is comparable to a heavy-armed thing, but it seems to be very unaffected by weight! It is obvious on the plank road. It's very troublesome, okay!)

[No way, the location here is too narrow. Your mid-length weapons are not suitable for combat. Hurry up and take out short swords, daggers or claws of good materials from my shared inventory to defend against the enemy! 】

[Lead! xN】

‘Om~Om~Om, hum, hum, hum, patter, patter’

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!!"

"Cracking~cracking, dang~dang~dang, zi~zi~zi"

Also under Yun's urgent instructions, the Rock Warrior Corps and the Heavy Sword Infantry immediately changed into a combination of short swords and small bucklers.

Then, it didn’t take long for this big guy who was completely impatient to exert a lot of pressure like crazy grabbing. It can be said that he was completely restrained in the reverse direction as soon as he came up. I am afraid that it will be difficult to move for a while. That's right...

(No! You still have to let the "Shadow Warriors" go up and help! If this goes on, the corps leaders will soon be broken!)


"Oh~oh! xN"

Naturally, it is clear that this is very good at ambushes, and now it is completely focused on assaulting the enemy in front of him, I am afraid that the Rock Warriors will not last long.

Yun Lima contacted the "Shadow Warriors" who had been preventing the hunter birds from rear-ending and sneaking attacks, and then suddenly emerged from the shadows very quickly, and attacked the armored war rats with their backs in front of them. stand up!

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!!"

‘Boom~ boom boom, boom~ boom~ boom’


But it's a pity that the Rock Warrior squadron said before that this thing is a social animal, so from the beginning there was no possibility of hunting alone.

So when the ‘Shadow Warriors’ who were replaced with indoor warfare equipment stepped into the back of this big guy, I’m afraid there are still about 10 meters away.

Another attack that suddenly broke the wall like a surprise, still affected the ‘Shadow Warriors’ who were reminded of a high degree of ‘danger awareness’.

Among them, three of them were bombarded by the blasted **** everywhere, and they smashed very quickly on the wall of the plank road on both sides that happened to be side by side!

The rest of the personnel also kept dodge fast, and then retreated to the front position where Yun and Argo were, staring at the direction of the new aid of the enemy behind with a lot of confusion.

(Not so good! Although it is indeed not as cruel as the hunter bird, which has both flying ability and three-dimensional maneuvering, but in such a narrow place, if you encounter a guy who can destroy the terrain, you may also directly collapse the plank road. It's all over!)

"Sister, leave it to you! The rest of the staff follow me!"

"Understand! xN" "Yun~Yun!!!"

And that is to confirm the current terrain here, it is too unfavorable for yourself and the people around you who can't find a way to dig in a mountain or dig a hole.

In this way, Yun Lima pushed Argo, who was slightly afraid of the situation, into the embrace of a ‘Shadow Warrior’!

Then they directly took the remaining ‘Shadow Warriors’ who were still able to move, and in one stride, they intersected each other in a scattered formation, and once again confronted this newly-appearing armored war rat.

Seeing this situation, Argo felt more and more feeling how weak he was and squeezed his jade fist, and then chose not to give Yun Tian chaos anymore, in a temporary safe zone where the'Shadow Warrior' was on high alert, so quiet. Waiting for his good news...

(Damn~ The most trouble-free cliff direction is probably not enough at this angle to knock them down, it seems that they can only roll where they come from!)

"Get me back!!! You bunch of stinky mice in armor!!!"

[Shadowless Step, Benglong Jin]

‘Oh~hh, hh~hh~hh, hum~hum, hum, hum, hum’

"Oh oh~ oh oh...xN"

The same ~ it is about the same, after carefully watching some of the currently only two armored war rats, and their remaining free positions.

Knowing that there is no way to shoot it out of the cloud of the cliff, so and the "Shadow Warriors" use the fast and hidden displacement effect of "Shadow Walk" It came all at once and still attacked their own identification The enemy's direction, and there is no scale armor covering the enemy's oblique abdomen position.

Then, he didn't have time to react at all, and he used the powerful explosive physique sword skill that was bombarded together.

The two irregular holes that came out of them were once again blasted back viciously with a great compound impact force in one breath.

For a while, they felt a lot of pain and kept their sorrows. They just didn't know that they flew so far, and then there was a loud noise that hit the wall violently...

(This continuous internal noise, sure enough, there are still many companions hiding behind! Waiting for your companion to be knocked down and then make up? A group of stinky mice who love to play wheel warfare!)

"Follow me!"

"Understood! xN"

‘Da~Da~Da, Zi~Zi~Zi, 嗵~嗵~嗵, ding~dangdang, pa~pa~pa’

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! xN"

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!! xN"

Also after confirming that the enemy was more than these two big guys who flew back, Yun, who immediately felt that it was imperative, once again brought the ‘Shadow Warriors’ who had just retracted their attacking posture.

It was as if rushing to Huanglong, rushing into these two caves together, and then launched a very rapid surprise attack on the enemies that had already been encountered inside.

In the opening of the cave, the very fierce fighting voices reverberated continuously, and if you listen carefully, you can understand that the interior is larger than the plank road, and has a lot of sense of sight...

(Are you gone? So now is the time for me to act on my own!)

"Da~Da~Da, woo~Da"

"How! Are the other players okay?"

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