Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (796) From Argo's past memories...

"Conversely, if the most able-bodied old man Grace is set off, I am afraid that the overall long-term condition of our station here will be greatly improved!"

"So let's see if we can last until the next day, right? How do you feel about it?"


Similarly, after looking at each other and falling into their own thoughts, they slightly compared the situation that can be said to be the best combat effectiveness now.

Knowing that Elder Grace, who was the most troublesome to the four of them because of taking care of them before, couldn't get out of her back, she also recalled that she helped her completely intercept the doglegs of Lord Gus in the ‘Beginning Town’.

In this way, the best personnel adjustment plan is proposed under the current situation.

Although she didn't know the true strength of Old Man Grace, she did see the merits, and he was probably the oldest person who could become the three balanced strength qualifications.

Compared with my own furry archery, inferior short weapon and one-handed sword technology, it will be more able to have a good response to the current situation!

(Master Grace? x2)

" is true~ if the old man joins hands with the two of us, coupled with the efforts of the good guys, it should be no problem until tomorrow!"

"Yes, after all, because no one can deal with the four little boys before, I can only let the old man to comfort them and worry about it a lot. Now that I have the words that are most familiar to Miss Argo, then I can really reverse the situation. Maybe!"


But Lilith and the others, who were suddenly awakened for a while, seemed to have a glimmer of life and applauded Argo's proposal.

After all, it was the same as the sadness that Aigels had before. If it weren't for taking over the four little guys, how could it be so embarrassing for them to be in such a lot of embarrassment under the situation of Master Grace beforehand.

Therefore, Lilith and the others, whose morale has been boosted this time, are a little eager to try a lot of gears.

(So...that what~what, is Old Grace very strong? After all, after seeing the skills of Sister Lilith and Aigels before, I was a little surprised!)

(Especially after Ms. Argo’s conviction in her strength proposal, is it possible~ Can it really help us alleviate the huge pressure of being besieged? I always feel that I don’t understand a lot...)


That's right~ When I see Argo, who has a businessman's inertia and vision, and Lilith next to him, they are so excited when they mention an old man.

In fact, some of Hexiang started to care about this kind of existence, and even cared very much about what kind of strength he has, and even what kind of majestic appearance.

For this reason~ I just follow what I said before and Argo and others just do what they are told, and don't go to her who expresses meaningless opinions or asks too much.

So just keep saying nothing~ Just like desperately lighting my little head, unconditionally approve of all their proposals...

"Well, I can only wish you a prosperous martial arts! After all, you will have to rely on your efforts in the future to allow so many of us to stay here to survive!"

"That's natural! Miss Argo went to replace the old man Grace. After I went out to deal with Aigels for a while, Hexiang, you and the old man who came down for a while, will rotate with us for a while! Can it be done? "

"No problem! I happen to have some pain in my feet. If I wait for a while, it's okay to play for a while!"

"Good! Let's split up!"

"Hmm~hmm! x3"

"Ga~Da, Da~Da~Da"

Also after almost finalizing their opinions, Argo and the others received their current tasks in this way, and they started to act as if they were divided into three groups...


"This lady is...xN"

"I'm here to replace Old Man Grace! Also the closest relative of these four little guys!"

"What? Is it possible that you are the previous ~ that client! Miss Argo?? How do you feel completely changed! xN"

"Yeah! Surprised, right? Actually I am the most surprised existence..."


(This voice and the wonderful ending sound really seem to be the little Argo girl? Is it possible~ She really managed to sneak in, and also found Lilith girl together? That's great!)

"Let her come in! I can tell it is her!"

"Yes~Yes! Father! Come in! Miss Argo! xN"

"Thank you!"

"Ga~Da, 咣~咣~咣, Da~Da~Da"

And just like this, he climbed all the way to the fifth floor in a row, and when he came to the end of a corridor, he could clearly see that there was about a five mercenary guarding the huge gate.

It is clear from the inside that Argo, who is to them and Mr. Grace, walked so quickly to the front as if they deliberately amplified their own unique voice, and talked with the mercenaries who felt incredible outside the door.

Naturally, it was obvious that she was the real person's next door. After hearing the old man Grace, he spoke from the inside out, so that the outside staff opened the door to it like so respectfully...

"It's great that you're okay! Argoya...huh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? It's unbelievably long!"


"Pah~da, wow~ wow~ wow"

It is also in the situation where I saw such a slight backlight, and then slowly walked in from a long distance without seeing my appearance.

The old man Grace, who was so excited, stood up and looked in the direction of Argo with the oil lamp swaying on the side.

But ~ when the light hit Argo's figure and appearance, he seemed to be taken aback or even slightly taken aback, so he subconsciously rubbed his old eyes with his other free hand.

But after doing this, seeing Argo's current appearance, it was indeed almost the same time as his daughter who married him and went away from home.

He just made his eyes full of tears, so he subconsciously called his daughter's name and sighed again and again...

Naturally, because the old man suddenly left them, he was insecure and got up and rubbed his sleepy eyes towards them, and found that they were so beautiful~ but some Argo, who looked dirty, asked the old man very curiously. .

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