Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (823) From Argo's past memories...

In the next second, I fell asleep like a heavy eyelid...

‘Pah~Pah, boom~ boom, boom, grunt, grunt, crash, crash, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

(There is a smell of boiled broth... It feels like it's delicious...)


"Huh~Huh, Huh~ Huh"

(Not being xx? And it still seems to be washed clean and changed into new clothes? What's going on? Is it possible~ Did they touch our body after seeing it??)

" guys!!!"


"Drink it! Your body will be warmer! And we did wash you a little with hot water, but you know what you didn't do!"

"Well~Well, but~ after all, we acted arbitrarily and there is a certain degree of offense, but~ we are also afraid that it will be okay for you to wear cold and get sick! Please forgive us for the presumptuous act!"



That's right, in the dim consciousness of this girl, she suddenly heard that besides the sound of a bonfire rising around her, there were also multiple sounds of many other people.

She still had the feeling of being attacked before in her subconscious, she immediately opened her eyes and felt like she had had an overly real nightmare.

Panting so hard and still using his jade hand, this time subconsciously touching all parts of his jade body, making various judgments.

Even though there was no such thing as what I expected ~ the worst case of being abused by the opportunity, but the jade body that seemed to be too clean for himself and the sister beside him, and this brand new leather suit appeared in front of and behind the eyes.

Knowing that after all, she was still seen and touched to a certain extent in the middle, just like a little cat with fried hair, trying to pretend Argo, who is still cooking the broth, sternly and angry. .

But who knows that the other side cared so much in the next second, suddenly he scooped a bowl of hot, and the broth smelled very delicious and handed it into his jade hand.

A girl who made her feel caught off guard against the heat and filled her jade palms, which made her body react naturally.

So while quickly putting the broth on the ground aside, he heard Argo's words of apology.

(What do you mean? After seeing and touching someone, did you try to forgive him by saying a few words of excuse? You have such a good thing in the world?)

(But ~ why didn't you tie me up? It is reasonable to say that in this situation, it is impossible to look so defensive, is it possible to put me down again?)

\'Goo~lu, hu~hu~hu\'s huh, huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

To be honest, after the girl kept her mouth open, she kept instinctively, blowing her little jade hand to dissipate heat, and complained too much and felt weird in her heart.

He remained vigilant, and subconsciously glanced at the surrounding situation.

And he glanced at him not far away, who seemed to be taciturn, sitting on the ground and looking in his direction.

Let her feel that even if the opponent's skill is good, or the situation of blind arrogance, it should not be so open to her unsuspecting appearance.

For this reason, she still had some doubts in her heart, so she tried to be as clever as possible and continued to take care of her eyes. This time she didn't seem to make any broth of hands and feet, and temporarily remained unresisted and tried to poke the other person underneath.





But this behavior by Argo's side by his side suddenly made him stare a lot of eyes, that is, even if his sister continues to keep her eyes dead.

But after Argo was so cautious, after blowing the broth and slowly feeding it into his mouth, he ate too greedily as if he was eating instinctively.

As for Argo's over-skilled skill in caring for patients, he still treated her sister's behavior and attitude patiently without arrogance or impetuosity.

Even though she still has disability and suspicion in her heart, she slowly lowered her vigilance and continued to watch her actions in silence...

"Hah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Let's talk! What do you mean by being so close to us? After all, this over-exposure can't come from your pure goodwill, after all, it's your purpose."

And even if there is such a girl who feels unavoidable after being in doubt, she will not pursue the former problem for the time being, so she will be straightforward with a certain attitude.

(Is it finally possible to have a normal conversation on an equal footing? Sure enough, her sister is the biggest weakness)

"Ha~ha~ha! I told you my purpose from the beginning! It's just that you didn't believe it! Now it's just going back to the original It depends on how you reply to me! "

\'Da~Da~Da, Guru~Guru, Bhag~Bhag\'

And that is, after seeing this girl slowly trying to chat with her, it seems that Argo, who had succeeded in the conspiracy, continued to serve her sister and eat, and then brought it up again.

It can be seen that she is patient, and it takes a long time to express her attitude so easily.

(I said before...Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Is that the job problem full of tricks?)

"Then please tell me in more detail! If it really solves the problem with my sister now, everything can be discussed in the long term!"

"That's good~ the situation is probably like this..."

After hearing that the girl seemed to be slightly enlightened, and after listening to her words carefully, Argo confessed to her so honestly.


(Isn't this the condition of my body? But ~ he was right, although I also asked about the reorganization of the shopping street before!)

(Although it is indeed possible to take in refugees over there, it still has to follow the principle of working for them. There is a shortage of personnel in all aspects, especially the demand for heavy manual labor!)

(But with this condition! I am very worried about whether my sister will be bullied by others when I leave work. Although this situation is also required here, in general, I can stay by my sister's side most of the time...)


Silent ~ After all, even if she is still young, the situation of this matter is clearly a situation of betraying herself and supporting herself and her sister.

Moreover, I suffered the most, and the identity of a woman is the one that makes it difficult to decide on major events!

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