Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (852) First enter the "Sasha" tribe...

However, there is no obvious hostility, just like being a surveillance personnel, it is only right to keep reporting our whereabouts to our tribe!

It seems that the decoy and deterrence plan formulated by us has been implemented very well. Together with the black shadows and their tribes inviting us to be guests, the effect will be more significant!

Indeed, it is better not to take the cloud lightly. After all, we cannot guarantee that every tribe in it will exist in good faith!


Da da da, slam slam

They were also fully aware of these existences, but after they had no intention of attacking them, the natural undaunted clouds continued to follow the black shadows in front of them, constantly passing through the dense small jungle, and came to a stationed area about In the rocky terrain like the West!

After entering this smoky zone, Yun and the others immediately detected a group reaction of a large number of wandering living creatures within approximately less than 500 meters in front of it.

Coupled with the billowing smoke and fire that can be seen with the naked eye, it is clear that they have stepped into the territory of the Sasha tribe. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://m.qq*717^m.q^q717.c^om/

He still maintained the necessary state of vigilance, and looked around like this, as all the mountain walls formed a dangerous and geographically advantageous environment, and in a few seconds, he was in front of the main entrance into the internal checkpoint.

"The shadow is back! And it seems to have brought guests!"

"Open the door and open the door!!!"

Quack quack, dong dong dong

That's right, after passing a narrow road corner almost inside the valley, I saw the huge simple rock wall and heavy sliding gate that were simply polished.

The city wall was filled with braziers and torches, and the people of the Shasha tribe who were stationed in the upper and lower armours like leather armors, have been passed down like this one after another.

As soon as I saw that the door was slowly opened like a boiling inside, they were so neatly and orderly greeted them in a line to welcome them up!

Does it turn out to be a complete tribe plus the original mason-like cultural condition? Coupled with their words, they are very close to us, so it will be beneficial to the possibility of us establishing diplomatic relations...x2 Qiqi novels will be released on the whole network

"Hello, hello! x2"

"Welcome to the Sasha! Guests from far away! xn"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

And after looking at the opponent's approximate construction technology level, the opponent still lined up on both sides of the original army-like welcome of beating their weapons and armors.

Yun and the others smiled again and again to express their friendship and say hello to each other, and overall their hostility has obviously decreased a lot.

Even if there is indeed an instinctive sense of strangeness between the two parties, the vigilant behavior is completely excusable from the senses!

Therefore, after passing through the twists and turns of the original and slightly steep road, and passing through the most typical general tribal cave dwelling style built on the mountain, Yun and the others further understand that their living environment is as novel and novel...


"Two adults, please come with me! Our leader is in this palace, which is slightly inferior to your fortress. Please also two adults not to mind too much..."

"It's okay to see the situation of similar tribes. We have visited it many times, so the shadows shouldn't look at the accumulating cultural situation of your own, or else it would be disrespectful to your ancestors! "

"What the lord said! This is indeed the foundation of our countless generations of ancestors. It seems that I am still too superficial..."

Ta ta ta

That's right, after passing through the complex leading to the deep inner valley, that one looks slightly more angular than other rough-cut cave dwelling buildings before and after the gate.

After all, I have seen that stationed landscape that has undergone a lot of tempering and is completely behind the technology. After all, it is still a dark shadow who feels that his tribe's architectural level is too backward, so I am a little ashamed to introduce Yun and the others so humblely.

But that is, Yun didn't read them and the words of cultural traditions this time, so that he could understand how he was confused by the appearance of his eyes.

Therefore, I feel that he taught the very impressive shadow of the shadows, and I admire him for his words and broad mentality, and he also straightens his back for the many inheritances of his tribe, and is full of a lot of awe. .

At any rate, they have survived so far, relying on their ancestors' generations of research and development, and then they have slowly passed on to the present condition that allows them to live on their own.

And just in such a situation that made the shadows more respectful, the huge and heavy stone gate of the palace in front of Yun and the others slowly opened...

It turns out that this is indeed a good These frescoes full of Stone Age are enough to reflect how colorful their history is! x2

"It's so beautiful! So much!"

"Yes, this is the cultural crystal that belongs to their race. Almost all creatures will slowly go through similar stages, and then slowly evolve into different eras and new cultural conditions!"

As soon as you enter the interior, you can see the condition of the interior walls that have been initially polished smoothly. Generally speaking, the palace is almost quadrilateral.

Among them, the pre-processed wall, using carving or some kind of paint-like method, records many of the development history of their tribes, as well as many records of classic entertainment, singing and dancing.

In terms of historical value, there is at least a tribal model of the Stone Age that is as good as more than a thousand years old.

And in the center facing it, there is a throne like a wild mountain king like a stone with coat and animal skin.

Together with the old torches distributed above the murals at intervals in the interior, as well as the typical brazier decorations on both sides of the throne.

Coupled with the very simple appearance of a banquet hall with several stone tables and chairs, it can be seen that this is a compound public place for meetings, banquets and even official business.

So there is no bedding here, the office and banquet hall are really simple and practical...

"Welcome to the two adults. I think you will be very tired and hungry when you travel a long distance. You can see that I have prepared a rich banquet here, so that the two adults can catch the wind and dust!"

"Polite and polite! But let's postpone the banquet a little bit. After all, we are not hungry now, so can we use tea and wine as a way of getting intimacy before the banquet, and then have a long conversation together? Chief Lord! "

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