Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 78: Attacked by a man in black taking advantage of the void

In a dimly lit place, there was a man in black sitting at a table and chair as if thinking about something, but the sudden severe pain made him fall to the ground all of a sudden and died of pain, even supporting himself with his hands. His forehead is intended to relieve his headache.


In this way, he rolled on the ground for a while, then stopped and lay down into a big font on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Damn! My clone is back! But the news is not entirely good!"

"O~O? What do you say?"

"This time someone intervened in my experiment. Although it was not very complete, it was still quite effective!"

"That's good! Let's do this next?"

"As usual, proceed as planned!"

"That's good! I'll do it now!"

The black-clothed man slowly stood up, holding his head with his hand and muttering to himself, after he had finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of this dim place...

Among all the lands in Yun, the mother and daughter of the lords who were forcibly brought back here were very worried, pacing back and forth in their rooms, not knowing what happened to Yun that encountered that strange event.

"Two ladies! Don't worry! Three hundred people in the cloud will give a good luck! Even if it is a devil! It won't be troublesome to him!"

What's interesting is that he was brought here together with Coron. Although he was a demihuman, he was taken back here by the soldiers for secret protection because of Yun's special instructions. After all, Yun is going to deal with Asuna's affairs, so he had to Place him in the safest place to accompany the lord's mother and daughter.

"I hope so! But Lord Columb! What do you think about demons?"

"Indeed, I am also very surprised! After all, I saw the devil for the first time! It's just nothing because the Yunsan Hundred people will bring us the blessing and favor of the goddess Yui! It is human nature to have demons or evil gods!"

Hearing the words of the lord’s wife, Colum remembered the miracle of the goddess Yui. It was her shelter that allowed them to obtain self-reliance from food sources, so he said to them very indifferently.

"So... maybe!"

Hearing Colum's statement, the lord mother and daughter sighed slightly. It seemed that they weren't particularly open, but at this moment a strange situation happened.

"Ding Ding~ Dang Dang"

Suddenly, there was a violent metal collision sound in all the ground of the cloud, and there are many more to hear this amount!

"Two ladies! Do you have any prepared weapons and armor?"


"I suggest you put it on first! Maybe there was an attack here!"

"it is good!"

After all, it is a demihuman evolved from an animal. Colum has heard a bad voice and urges the two to change into a leather armor and caged inside the clothes. Colum himself embodies a delicate short knife. Holding it in his hand, he put his head on the doorway to start a'listening'.

(3, 6, 9... are still increasing! And still fighting! It looks like someone is watching here!)

After detecting the chaotic chaos by his voice, Colum retreated to the side of the lord's mother and daughter with a short knife.

"Two ladies, be careful! Someone has broken in! We may have to escape or stay on the two paths! But the number of each other is a bit huge! I suggest that it is better to escape!"

"But... if you are right! The other party should have surrounded this place and won't leave us a way!"

"Yeah! It might be better to defend yourself! After all, the space here is very small. We are all weapons at close range and are not limited by the venue! And the three hundred people in the cloud will often mention an old saying! "Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins" and "One man Guan Wanfu don't open it! It fits the current situation!"

Although their resolute fighting spirit was not bad, it was indeed due to Yun's influence that the two had the idea of ​​contending with the enemy, so they made up their minds to come to Yun's side to help him and get rid of the control of the Lord Diss.

"That's good! The two ladies should save their strength as much as possible. I don't know when Yunsan Hundred General's troops and himself will arrive! It is best to prepare for a war of attrition!"

"To understanding!"

After the three people were determined, Colum went to the back of the door, waiting for the other party to come...

‘Ding Ding~Dangdang, 呯呯~嘭嘭’

At the gate of Yun's land, a large number of people in black were already crowded. They took their weapons and attacked the few troops that Yun was stationed here.

"Damn! Too few people! Haven't the support troops come yet?"

"No! Captain! Other teams are blocked on the way to come here to support! It seems that the other party is already prepared!"

"Disgusting! I was taken advantage of! Keep it for me! Protect this place!"

For a time, the soldiers of about two groups of clouds were desperately blocking the men in black at the entrance, but after all, the large number of people clearly opened up a huge gap in combat power.

"Oops! Someone went up! Damn! Can't get out of it!"

When the two Wus were stopped by these men in black, many men in black ran along the corridor to the second floor.


The chaotic running sound was already heard by the ‘listening’ Column, he was already holding the short knife in his hand, ready to face these unkind enemies anytime and anywhere.

"Xxx! How do I know where the lord's mother and daughter are in so many rooms here!"

"Don't you know if you are afraid of kicking the door open one by one and rushing in?"

"That's what you said! Guys come and find one by one!"

That rude and savage voice made his own barbarian column frown.

(Unexpectedly, human beings will have some similarities with us! At every turn is the use of force to solve everything!)

As Colum was still thinking this way, those voices were very close, just as they said. With the sound of the door and the sound of their conversation, it didn't take long to come to Colum and the lord mother. In front of the room where the woman is.

(Come on! Everywhere!)

Knowing the arrival of the other party, Colum made a gesture to the lord's mother and daughter, and began to look for opportunities.


With a loud noise, the door was kicked and tilted outward by a huge force, and Colum was just hidden behind the crooked door. With the sound of'ta~ta~ta' footsteps, many people in black hurried away. Came in.


"Nothing! I haven't opened every corner of the room for me! I don't believe that a cooked duck can fly!"

"no problem!"

After getting orders, several people lined up to find and left one person at the gate to let the air out.

(It's almost there! "Shadow Walk"!)

As these people gradually approached the direction where the lord's mother and daughter were hiding, Colum, who saw the opportunity, used the same skills as Xiao Mia, and suddenly came to the back of the man in black.


With the dark purple faint sword skills halo and the gesture of covering his mouth and nose, the short knife suddenly penetrated the left back of the man in black clothes, before he was struggling, he was taken behind the door by Coron.

"What sound? Huh? Huh? What about that bastard? Didn't you let him out? Why did you turn your head around and disappeared."

As one of the people who looked like a boss said, the others subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the gate where no one was there. Just when a few people turned around, the two phantoms lifted up and shone with the light of the sword. The weapon violently penetrated the chests of the two people with their backs to them... The gray wheel dancer of the sword

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