Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (878) Admonition from Naya's personal experience...

In the same way, as Naya was moving, she was really a little uneasy and didn't know how to talk to Nash.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that it had already been exposed to the rain outside the residential area, so that it would look like a drowning dog.

Too much~ Naya, who was worried about whether he would fall ill, took it inside but didn’t notice it for the first time. In her memory, why would he look slightly too cheerful and confident at this point in time? With sorrow, and even a lot of low tone.

After he took him to the chair and sat down, he kept using clean coarse cloth to dry him desperately from the rain...

"Naya...Did you start to get sick today?"




That's right~ After wiping him a certain amount of jade hand in this way, the first words that she said after a little thought really shocked her a lot, and she chose to be strong as if she was playing haha!

After all~ She didn't know why Nash would be so rainy outside, and even said such strange things all of a sudden, so she did not want to worry him as much as possible to reply like this!

"Really? Do you know why I became like this, and still come to visit at this time? Naya..."

"I~ I... don't know..."

That's right~ While Naya was still pretending to be in full health, she finally noticed the appearance of Nash who was obviously depressed now.

In my heart~ In fact, she had some speculations, so she shook her head as if she was so unconfident and replied...

"Actually, the Lord Priest has already received the revelation that you will face the illness, and has summoned me and your father in the situation not long ago, and this has sounded this alarm for us in advance!"

"Although~ I didn't believe it at first and I was outside your door, thinking about it for a long time... But finally I saw you like this... How could I not see that you were lying to me? Naya!"

\'Huh~Da, Hu~Hu~Hu\'

Indeed~ this is almost the same as the appearance of the \'Saxia\' tribe, but he is a young male with almost multiple dirty braids.

As soon as she walked in, she saw that she hadn't had time to clean up, she belonged to her own stone bed with scratches and broken stones that seemed to be fighting too much.

Coupled with the situation of Naya's sudden unnatural and aggressive behavior, which is different from the past.

Let Nash, who knows her nature well, confirm even more that, just like Apocalypse, Naya is indeed ill and begins to have signs of illness.

So when he immediately picked up the topic, what he saw was that Naya was stunned for almost a moment and showed her expression...

"Really? I didn't expect the Lord Priest to be implicated by me so late, and her body wouldn't really be a sin~ sin..."

After returning to her senses for a while, Naya knew that she could not lie at will, so she smiled bitterly, and even whispered a lot like the chief priests involved in excessive repentance...

"Naya! I~I..."


"Now that you are clear, then I only say that you don't mind your own thoughts and will! Nash!"

"Hmm~Hmm! I'm listening by your side!"


"Naya! You are..."

Similarly~ Under the situation that she felt that she couldn't hide it, Naya, who seemed very depressed, smiled and asked again and again.

I finally felt that Naya had finally told the truth and needed to rely on Nash, so she held her jade claws so intimately, ready to share the joys and sorrows with her.

But this time comes from Naya's very resolute and sudden act of slapped his big paws, making it seem to be very puzzled or secretly aware of it ~ some kind of impossibility to question her homeopathy!

"Don't understand? Nash! I have started to get sick now, which means that I will slow down for several months and years!"

"I will enter this branch of the lineage! The weakest disease is in the dying period!"

"If you are allowed to face and bear the worst experiences and memories so early! There is no happiness and future for both of us at all! So let's terminate our marriage and future relations!"

\'Dick~dick~dick, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

That's right~ It's already clear that even if such a body is happy for a while, it will cause a nice female in love with each other, carrying such a medicine jar and the other half of the life situation!

Just thinking about it, Naya felt overly selfish and even harmed a good male. She showed her grief-stricken appearance, so she raised her words to stop marriage and break the relationship!

Coupled with the sorrow that couldn't help but show his true feelings, the corners of his eyes had already flooded into tears.

Knowing that she had been thinking for a long time at the time of the onset and came to the best conclusion of both worlds!

It can be said that they will all go through a period of emotional downturn, but it is better than hurting and dragging the other party at the same time!


"Why... you have to agree with your sincerity and make a decision that is correct but not good for yourself! It's impossible~ You don't believe that I will be like your father or even the leader of Lutz~ www.readwn .com~Can you always be nice to you for a lifetime without complaining?"

"Is it possible~ I am a very unfaithful, unfair, selfish, and selfish in your heart, not even worthy of entrusting a life-long male? Naya..."

Indeed~ when I heard that Naya wanted to make a clean break, it would make people suffer from such a terrible life-to-death loneliness as long as short-term pain.

In fact, Nash was very sad about her pretending to be strong, but from it, she seemed to suspect that she did not do well, and she even couldn't bear such responsibilities and obligations at all. It was a lot of sadness... …

But even if there is such an overly sad situation, he still wants to keep Nash in front of Naya as a manly man.

He didn't burst into tears like a woman because of this, but just checked Naya as if he was confirming that he was not doing something bad!

Because ~ Naya herself is not wrong, so the problem that she thought of is taking it to herself in one breath, and reconfirming Naya...

"There is no filial son for a long time. This is also in the branch of our medicine jar. There are many cases of excessive pain because of the divorce from this situation!"

"Although I don't know what is going on with Leader Lutz! But since I was a child, I have always seen my father take good care of my mother on his birthday, but from time to time I leave midway to rest for a while!"

"I will find an inconspicuous soundproof corner outside or in my home alone, crying secretly from time to time, and even constantly crying for the ‘Secret Treasure of the Moon’ we believe in, praying for my mother and me to be safe and even able to recover in the future!"

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