Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (895) The awful situation

"OK! Now that the pre-operative preparations are all in place, then our most difficult example teaching, how to start, please give me ladies, ladies and ladies to carefully remember everything that follows, so that you will have time when you encounter them in the future. Good response and reference role!"

"Understand! xN"

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~ 咣~ 咣, wow~ wow~ wow, da~ da~ da’

Naturally~ that is, after confirming that all the conditions have been met, this critical operation began to be carried out with the strict vigilance of the surrounding medical staff...

(this is!!!)

[Overall it's pretty bad, and it's much worse than Miss Elise's time! 】


That's right~ that is, when Yun used his magic power to conduct an intraoperative investigation on the current Luiz Winter.

I don't know why~ It seems that it may be due to the excessive tension before the operation, which in turn made it worse than the preoperative examination.

After all~sometimes the patient's condition is overly linked to the patient's mentality, and with the negative emotions of Luiz Wintert's excessive worry, fear or even panic, it only takes this little time to increase the difficulty a lot!

[Then what to do? Lord Yun? It's impossible to terminate at this time, right? 】

[Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! After all, at this rate of erosion and damage, I'm afraid we don't have a second chance! xN】

Also~ because they don't want to bring unnecessary psychological influence to Luiz Winter, Yun and the others use communication magic to communicate directly.

But in this further intraoperative review of what kind of acute malignant situation came, it was indeed the first time I met after Elise took over.

I am afraid that it has a great relationship with Luiz Wente's pure blood. For this reason, everyone knows that if it is left as it is now, Luiz Wente is likely to die soon.

【no solution anymore! It seems that the difficulty this time is indeed the highest so far. According to the original plan, Miss Elise and Mrs. Naya are doing prevention and emergency treatment! 】

[The other little cuties will complete their own tasks and help us as much as possible! 】

[Understand! xN】

Naturally ~ it is impossible to sit back and watch the cloud, after this further distribution of the division of labor, start directly!


\'Ga~ga~ga, dong~dong~dong\'

(Luiz Winter ~ Luiz Winter!!!)



That's right~ that is, not long after the internal operation started, I heard all kinds of strange noises inside, and even after Luiz Winter was biting a wooden stick, he still made excessive pain.

Clearly ~ Internal Luiz Winter's condition and pain, obviously even the first time Ililith sounded heartbreaking, even after the pain was unbearable.

Lutz, who is a dual identity outside, can be said to be collapsed, uneasy and even helpless and helpless in the true sense.

At the gate, he kept back his cowardly voice as much as possible, gnashing his teeth and clenching his big fists, always beating himself against the side stone wall desperately.

Even if he has self-knowledge, he knows that this kind of action is really self-comforting in his heart, even a meaningless action that is useless!

But as far as the operating room cannot help Luiz Wente at all, this is the only stupid way he can pretend to share the pain with Luiz Wente...

[Internal organs and phases have been damaged and hemorrhages through the magic circuit! 】

[No problem~ Master Yun! We are done here! x2】

[Good~ good! Pay attention to the condition of the main organs and brain, otherwise once these places collapse, no matter how strong the demihuman body is, it will not last long! 】

【understand! xN】



"Master Luiz Winter will hold on to it, or she will bite her tongue again!"


"Papa, quack, quack, quack"

That’s right~ I’m afraid it’s been about 20 minutes after the operation. Almost all the staff on the operating table inside are the same as Luiz Winter, who is already so painful that he bites off a wooden stick. They are all too big. As sweaty, there is still no way to get distracted without authorization. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? M??????

For this reason, the other helpers around you, the maids, are responsible for continuing to distract Luiz Winter with words, and at the same time giving her again before biting her tongue~ Take advantage of the situation and replace it with a thicker wood. Stick just in case.

Naturally, the other maidens around, use a good cloth or something that can absorb water, and desperately wipe the sweat off the operation table outside the operating table, doing their own duties.

Moreover, the intensity of this highly-difficult operation is probably even more dangerous than countless successful cases before, and even makes Yun a little less talkative. Priority is given to surgery, rescue, and treatment.

For this reason, out of helplessness, the more experienced senior maternal mother, replaced the situation of Yun giving lectures.

Just like becoming a real-time broadcaster, as much as possible, explain the main effects of these steps to the interns who are concerned about the surgical process.

It can be seen that ~ this good emergency explanation ~ ~ can be said to have completely helped Yun at this point in time.

After all, there are some new members who have not had the chance to be on stage, so even a little white like them can at least be half-understandable and able to walk with a certain impression...

[Ililith, Naya! Protect the heart and brain of Mrs. Luiz Winter as much as possible! The rest will be solved by me and the rest of the staff! 】

(Is it so bad that other organs need to be solved first? It seems~ the situation suddenly deteriorated this time, which is much worse than expected! x2)

[Lead! x2】

‘Om~Om~Om, hu~hu~hu"

That's right~ Because of the sudden deterioration, almost the most worrying complications before, can be said to have been happening continuously and frequently.

If you insist on comparing the current inside of Luiz Winter's body, what kind of imagery it belongs to...

I'm afraid it's like being riddled with battered holes and oozing blood everywhere, which would better reflect her current dangerous situation.

Just like a metaphor, it is certain that Luiz Winter's body is now in the pre-applied preventive magic barrier that gradually collapses to its limit, causing it to crack and ooze blood, causing the skin outside the body to swell too much. Exploding again and again.

Now Luiz Winter can be said that the whole person has turned into a little red man with infinitely flowing red water, and he can't stop the flow of fluid in his body and fall into an excessively weak state...

For this reason, it is already clear that we should not fix it together at multiple points quickly, and then try to eliminate the cloud that accumulates blood in the body.

In this way, the most experienced Elise and the others are responsible for avoiding the magical control of the brain and the heart that are on the verge of temporarily blocking the magical barrier!

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