Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (916) should have been blessed by ancient magic...

"Okay! It doesn't matter here anymore! I am afraid that this situation will appear along the way. If it does not appear, either there is a new defense method, or it is a safe zone with no traps at all!"

"Oh! Let's start again! After all, it's still a little time wasted!"

"Hmm! x6"

Click, click, click, click, click, click

Also after fully confirming that the defense mechanism is being restrained by his own little tricks, he almost felt that he would be in chaos except along the way.

And the situation affected by the unknown has not triggered the new trap, which greatly affects their safety.

The clouds that felt as if they could rush on again, just like Argo and the others who were eating melons, pushed forward and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong...

After all, no matter how you look at it, the sky will be dark! Therefore, they felt a little fresh, curious, and even reluctant to give up, so they returned to the road again...

Isn't there anymore from here? Looks like!

"It looks like we are in a more complete zone, right? Man!"

"Yes! My lord, we will relax a lot from here, and in a few minutes, we should be able to reach our habitat!"

\'Pattern, patter, patter\'

That's right, it was after Yun and the others came so quickly and began to descend gradually, and then it looked like a huge stone forest below, a very ruined area.

Yun, who almost felt that he had passed the most dangerous zone, slowed down to the leader's side, and this time confirmed his expectations from his mouth.

However, in his heart, after all, he still cares about the remnants of the previous \'run text\', and the follow-up obviously began to see regional problems like ancient cities.

For this reason, he showed a wicked smile, so he immediately laughed again without saying a word and continued on the road...

\'Da, da da da\'

"Who is here? wxn"

"It's our good brothers! We followed the order of the chief priest and returned with \'Moon Angel\'!"

"So, please come in, adults and fellow clan!"

\'Gata Gata Gata\'

That's right, after passing through countless odd shapes and strange shapes, it looks quite azimuth stone forest and winding down the mountain road.

Yun and they soon reached a mutilated and incompletely carved gate of the city's high wall.

And soon the people were surrounded by the same black fog in front of the door, and they stopped the first Yun and them in a very friendly manner with high vigilance and full armor.

Naturally, seeing this inevitable situation, and after a short period of leadership fell behind, he immediately came to the two sides to persuade them to avoid unnecessary conflicts!


It turns out that if you insist on saying what the environment here is like, it's like a sense of architecture that combines the cultural scale of the tribe and the desert people, it's very interesting and old!

It's a pity that most of them exist in this huge lost city. The apparently remaining \'run script\' inscription spells are now almost in a damaged and inoperable condition!

"Otherwise, it will have many more interesting effects, it's a pity..."

"Master Yun? x7"

"It's okay! It's just talking to yourself, so nothing special! Ahahaha!"

Indeed, as soon as I entered it, the large and small inscribed on the relics of many tall buildings, as well as some of the city walls and residential roads, have now completely lost their original function and are in paralysis...

For this reason, he subconsciously regretted the words, and all of a sudden, Argo and the others who were not aware of the surroundings, once again squinted their eyes and asked them.

It made Yun still hide his feelings in his heart, and haha ​​to them a lot...

"By the way, how far is it! Haven't we entered the city?"

"\'The Temple of Stars\' is still behind! So it doesn't matter if you ask the adults!"

"That's it! Don't worry, don't worry!" あ奇奇 Novel 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)


I also felt that I had been in for a long time, but it hadn't been there yet. I saw the cloud of the so-called destination and changed the subject.

Not only does it improve the overall embarrassing atmosphere, but it also makes everything impossible, and once again returns to the state of being speechless all the way...


"May the Star God protect you and me!"

"Hmm, let it go!"

\'Gata dong dong dong, dong dong 咣咣\'

It's worthy of being called the \'Star Temple\' zone, it looks really too solemn and rigorous! If you enter the door and use these very religious words, you can let it go!

It seems that the religious beliefs here are much more rigorous than the \'Saxia\' tribe of Nayachan!

It can be seen that they pay more attention to etiquette and education than we who respect martial arts!

After all, it seems that along the way, although they can't see their camouflage status for a while, the words and deeds from passers-by to soldiers are more indicative of a good cultural accomplishment!

It always feels like seeing Master Yun who came to us for the first time, and it made me even more aware of our cultural level and development. We really lag behind a lot!

Ha ha ha!

Yes, I saw the people and sergeants who met on the street before ~ ​​ all of them paid attention to etiquette, words and deeds.

It also gave Yunnei's original impression of being backward, which brought an overly innovative effect. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

For this reason, in these private conversations between Yun and the others, Naya became more aware of the ethnic environment she was in, and she felt ashamed of her insignificance...

Fortunately, this time the arrival of the cloud brought to the \'Saxia\' clan, which brought a lot of profound exchanges on things related to agriculture and science and technology in addition to magical knowledge.

Let the hunting people who rely on hunting in the mountains and wild herbs for a living can open up wasteland at low latitudes at once.

Then enter farming, capture small and medium-sized prey and turn it into a food source, which is closer to stable, and it is in a developing era!

This is a cross-new reform, and it is also beginning to make Naya straighten her back to speak, it is best to have confidence and basis...

All right! The chat ends here, it should be almost the most important zone! You see that the location of the gate is clearly guarded, and you can see that the chief priest and the \'secret treasure\' are located!

Hmm! x2


That's right, during the further chatting between Yun and the others, they soon reached the back of a large front hall, in a long straight corridor almost the width of three people.

The interior style of the corridor is very simple notation, but it is full of magic lamp lighting conditions made of low-level magic stones and stone lampstands.

And the end position is not inferior to the outside gate of the temple, but the only difference...

I'm afraid it's the \'Runn text\' inscription technique engraved here, but it's still working as if it's intact...

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