Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (918) Inadvertently prevented a tragedy...

Unless there is some kind of sky-reaching technique, or it is easy to dissolve the existence without triggering the defense mechanism.

I am afraid that no one can take this treasure from it, which is completely upright and suspended...

"Hello, Chief Priest of the Reed tribe, I am Yuezakiyun who came straight from the Sasha tribe. This is a token for visiting from the chief priest of the Sasha tribe Luiz Winter!"

"Please take a look! And the believers of the Reid clan are committed to their duties, so there is no offense at all!"

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

And that is, after the other party's very high-ranking existence, so after greeted them first, he naturally did not dare to neglect Yun.

So he took advantage of the opportunity to visualize the token given by Luiz Winter, and let it pass the waiting leader to submit it on the way, and then he replied as flattered...

"Yeah! It is indeed a token of Luiz Winter, in fact, even without me, I have been prompted by the \'Star Secret Treasure\' apocalypse, otherwise you won't be able to get to us!"


That's right, after seeing the authenticity of the token, the Chief Priest Glenhead, who seemed to be smiling again and again, shook his head like this and slowly walked to Yun and the others to narrate.

Does it seem to be so simple as saying that we need to do something extra? But we didn't know this situation before!

"Ha ha ha! I can only say that I like to be prepared, so now that I can come here, I am indeed fortunate to have a lot of three lives!"

After hearing this reply, Yun was indeed a little embarrassed.

After all, he didn't expect this to be the case. Otherwise, how could he work so hard, like a bargain, to ask for this token guarantee from Luiz Winter?

"But I don't know if I'm looking for something, can Master Yun agree to me?"

"Ooo, what's the matter?"

That's right, after this feeling of being told, the sudden request of the other party made Yun feel as if he was going straight to the subject with a lot of energy...

"Could you let me observe \'The Secret Treasure of the Moon\', and let me take a closer look at the difference between them? After all, they are out of the \'Mountain Temple\'."

"I have never seen one side, and I always feel that it is a great regret in my life... Naturally I can see the other two, so it would be even better..."

The same was to see Yun slightly ashamed. This Chief Priest Glenhead, who seemed to be smiling, demanded to Yun as if he was still begging!

It can be seen that its awe of the four great secret treasures and the \'Mountain Temple\' has reached the stage of the \'Sasha\' clan, which is completely incomparable.

This phenomenon can also be attributed to conditions such as curiosity and piety, but it looks like a good research scholar to Yun.

I finally found the root of the invisible research object, and it seemed to be overly excited, and I was gradually unable to restrain my emotions!

"Well then! After all, there is nothing to refuse!"

\'Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing\'

"Oh oh oh!! Resonating the voice of the sky! That's right, that's right, this is \'The Secret Treasure of the Moon\', there will be years of life and years of life!!!"


That's right, after the cloud was so half-pushed and half-just like that, after the realization of \'The Secret Treasure of the Moon\', two azure magic halos resonated spontaneously.

Let these two \'sorcerer's stones\', who love their brothers and sisters, shine with an extremely beautiful halo for this, and it is not only the chief priest Glen Hais who is very excited.

Even the surrounding \'run text\' inscription magic circle, as if celebrating their reunion together, desperately radiated a resonant dazzling brilliance!

And this scene is not an exaggeration if it is called a universal celebration...

I feel that no matter how much I let them go, I am afraid that they will fall into an out-of-control situation for this runaway. If so, it is really regrettable!


"Eh eh eh! Why did Master Yun want to put it away at this time! I haven't received the blessing of heaven yet!"


And that is to say, seeing the surrounding \'run text\' inscription magical brilliance, it is getting worse and worse, after entering an image of a visual spark that quickly emerges like an overload.

Without a word, Yun immediately took back the slightly hot thing, and immediately interrupted the good connection.

As if he was still full of joy just now, the Chief Priest Glenhead, who had just raised his arms to get something, questioned him like this in shock!

After all, as he said, the good resonance is that the two secret treasures have issued new will and blessings to him. For this reason, he is really puzzled, and he feels a lot of regret...

"Really? That is indeed a bit sorry, Chief Priest Glenn Haiss, after all, I just saw that the magic power was over-charged, so I made an advocacy to take it back!"

"After all, the preservation of the ancient magic here is too complete, and I don't want to destroy it completely because of my Please forgive me..."

That's right, Yun didn't expect it to be this situation. After all, the magic power was filled with Sheng's words before. If you don't manage this situation properly, and then let your freedom...

Then this magic power is really likely to gradually get out of control, causing the only place with the most historical value here.

It is directly transformed into a nuclear explosion with the same effect, so that the radius of a hundred li becomes a big pit...

Overfilled with magic? Oh oh! It's true, it's true! After all, when I just received the blessing, the temple did give me feedback on this problem!

So it is a high-risk hidden danger caused by my overexcitement, and I also blame Master Yin Yun for being nosy! What a sin!

"No, no, no! There is indeed such a thing. Thank you, Master Yun, for stopping this embarrassment halfway through. I am so grateful..."

"It's okay. This is what I should do! It's okay if everyone doesn't interfere with this place."

After hearing the words of this cloud, I suddenly recalled what it was, and then I was grateful to him again and again.

After all, if there is no cloud to make a move, it will not be able to contain two almost the same amount of magic power, and it will also affect the surrounding inscription spells, almost bursting.

It made this Chief Glenn Haiss feel terrible just thinking about it...

For this reason, it can only apologize and thank him frequently so that it can express its own feelings of guilt and comfort in its heart...

"Never mind if that's the case... I would rather ask Lord Priest Glenn Haiss to find a good place to rest for me for these two companions!"

"Then you are asking you to take me around and talk about the mysticism here! I wonder if you agreed?"

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