Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (936) The tragedy of Glenya


(A communication from an old friend of the black-robed priest? It seems that there should be some good news, right?)


[Say it! Old friend~ I'm listening! 】

And that is, after Yun Lima returned to the room, this sudden black-robed priest's communication situation.

Make it feel just right, connect with the trend and listen to the other party's reply...

【Is such that! The arrangement has been made, and the leader's personnel dispatch situation has been in accordance with the situation ordered by Master Yun, and further action has been started! 】

[For this reason, do we also have to let the personnel arrive at the next stage of joint operations in advance? 】

That's right~ That is to say, after hearing Yun's inquiry, the black-robed priest on the other side consulted him for his opinions and arrangements.

After all, everything is ready, but Dongfeng owes it. After Yun gave an order, it ordered the relevant operatives to take further actions.

Let the Glennian faction, who wanted to take the opportunity to do things, completely fell into an impossible situation, and was finally completely resolved...

[No need, after all, this seems too rushed, it will make the opponent who is desperate and make unnecessary dying struggles, then our frontline operatives will return to normal with injuries and suffer. Necessary to infringe? 】

[But... Alright! Now that Master Yun thinks so, then I can't oversee it...]

[So is there anything else? If it's gone, let the big guy take a good rest, and then recharge for the next situation! 】

【understand! 】

‘P~p, p~p~p’

Similarly, after eliminating the urgency of the black-robed priest, it also fully understands what it means to say "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry".

I still chose to compromise Yun's arrangement silently, and for this reason, he said goodbye immediately, so I won't disturb Yun's rest time...


"Have you been busy for a day? And it's still the kind of way of overcalculating others, or visiting and doing business with them..."

"Forget it~ Forget it! Let's wash and sleep! After all, I have to wake up and give the opponent one last attack tomorrow..."

"Wow, wow, papa"

For this reason, after finishing the conversation, Yun suddenly fell backward on the bed.

Just like using the forearm to block the forehead, slowly recalling everything that happened today...

The same~ It seems that he had put aside all unnecessary thoughts in a moment, so he went to the bathing place and simply washed his body, and then enjoyed a short relaxing time in the bath in the wooden barrel.

Then, after getting out of it and drying his body, lying down to dissipate a lot of heat, he comfortably fell into the bed and entered into a dream...

After all, he is indeed a bit too busy today, so he relaxes his body and mind as much as possible during this scarce rest time at this stage.

Let yourself completely give up all your worries first, and make good use of a good enough and efficient sleep for a night to be a good trump card for his final battle tomorrow...

‘P~p, p~p~p, puffy~puffy’

"Who? It's...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Woo Hey~ Hey Hey...xN"


That's right~ it was just in the early morning of the next day.

This sudden killing to Glenya, and the surprise attack situation in the residences of his party members!

For a time, all the residents who were awakened by the huge noise had to make a certain degree of resistance, escape, and obedient actions.

There are a lot of souls under the sword that let them turn into third-party personnel in this way...

Although most of the people who trust in Glenya are pitiful people like being sold in by pyramid schemes.

However, the situation that was still mentally obsessed made him annihilated at the same time as if he was dead and unclear.

Even if some of them had received notifications of this wonderful situation in advance, a lot of people escaped, but it was a pity that it was because the inside and outside were working together.

For this reason, people who fled to either the bright side or the dark side will only be like throwing themselves into a snare, and they will die a lot more miserably...

It's a pity~ it's just that some of their thoughts can't be saved, or else Yun wouldn't let the two parties kill them like this.

It is simply dragging them back into a very severe dungeon, and then cooperating with various methods to make them as clear as possible about right and wrong.

But it's a pity~ this time, we must cut the grass and roots as fast as possible, or else we can't once again deter the conspirators among the priests.

After all, it is also such a situation where one person is under one person and above ten thousand people. After all, this situation with many members of the Glennian party.

You need to do it again, so that the similarities exist within a short period of time.

Don't dare to make a pointless resistance to Glenn Hays, and get an unnecessary total annihilation...


(How could this be? Not only did our long-term cooperation collapse completely, but it also caused it to harm me in turn, so that everything that was originally planned for a long time was all in this time when the outsider was a guest, and it was all in vain!)

(Obviously I did this series of things to protect our treasure, even if it does contain some personal affair and purpose, but in the general direction, I have always been with Chief Glenn Hais Consistent!)

"Why~why!!! Is it possible~ Is this a tragedy about me planned by ‘The Secret Treasure of Star’?"

"Really everything is above this absolute power, is it all meaningless? It's so love and hate...that is, why do you have me if you have Glenn Hayes... I'm not reconciled~ ah what!!"

"Huh~la, zi~zi~zi, pa~da"

That's right~ The situation of party formation and private business was completely exposed, after all the powers and personnel were completely wiped out.

Glenya, who was almost the only one left, was really in a hurry, trapped in his residence.

And suffering from the situation that the outside is almost about to hit the inside and he will not end well, I really don't understand, and he hates Yun, which is a good fuse and his own destiny.

He immediately concretized a good one-handed sword, so lamented again and again~ and immediately summed up his last life...


"Grab the Glenya for me, to see people or the corpse! I will never let him have a good end as if it were a whole corpse!"

"Oh oh ~ oh oh! Kill this dog who turned his face and didn't recognize people! xN"


"It's here~ It's here!!!"

"Very good! Kill him for me, then cut it a thousand times, and throw its bones into the field to make fertilizer!"

"Oh~oh~oh!!! xN"

\"唰~唰~唰, Zi La~ Zi La, Pata~ Pata\"

That's right~ The worst thing is more than that, but after the other party died, he was chopped into terrible pieces of meat...

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