Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (one hundred and eighty-one) Chief Priest "Qili" who is not

"Ah ah ah ah ...... - how to say all the same! Your attitude, too much to do 'Qi Li' family disgrace!"

"So you have to do it? But you have to figure out the identities of both of us now, or else we will make a big mistake, then it will be more than the gain!"


That's right~ After seeing this terrible and naive situation, Yun threatened them without hesitation.

After all~ they are guests or they tend to be exchange students. If the other party is so unreasonable to make trouble, then the next situation will definitely be out of control.

This is an effective way to use their identities to take advantage of these rude or immature ‘Qi Li’ students to fight back!


"It's true~ we can't do it directly against you, but~ dare to fight with us one by one? Even if you are really an outsider, the situation in the duel should be acceptable! This is an upright and fair situation! There will be no such thing. Gossip?"

Indeed~ even if the young "Qi Li" students around want to fight against it.

But ~ under the very powerful threat of passing through the cloud, they also feel a little worried about this proposal of the cloud!

After all~ direct hands-on will definitely welcome a bad situation, but this time through a duel~ so long is another matter!

I have to say~ They still have a certain amount of brains, otherwise~ they will really cause a catastrophe...

(It's interesting~ I can only say that their brains are flexible enough to bring back a trace of the face of their own people in this dignified way, but overall they still lack a lot of consideration!)

"But yes~ but class is about to start, and I have free time after class! How about I go to an appointment with you?"

"Okay~Okay! It's a deal! Before that, we will maintain a certain etiquette for you! At least let you see~ Our ‘Qili’ clan are not uncultivated people! Wait and see!"

"I'll wait and see! It would be better if it could do this!"


That's right~ At this moment when the class was about to start, the student Qi Li, who was the first to talk to him, made a reservation with him.

For this reason~ and because of such a small conflict, I can only say that the members of "Qi Li" are not as rude as before!

However~ the hostile eyes cast from time to time on the way will be slightly better than before!

Of course, the gaze was aimed at the cloud, and for a while, Argo, who was completely ignored or didn't need to care too much, was relieved all of a sudden!


"Okay~ class! Before Master Yun and the others have completed their studies, we must get along together! After all, they are our distinguished guests, and they are also good students who are very curious about knowledge, then let's get to the topic!"

‘Om~Om~Om, wow~wow~wow’

About 10 minutes after the small contradiction occurred, the chief priest ‘Qi Li’ with the sword sticking his sword looked very happy physically and mentally, and walked in slowly with a very orthodox opening.

After all~ after the class, those eyes that were aimed at Yun suddenly disappeared, accompanied by Yun subconsciously looking back at these gaze directions.

I found that these ‘Qi Li’ students are still studying very hard, and they are fascinated by the explanation and operation content of the chief priest ‘Qi Li’!

I have to say~ Although they are a bit overly emotional and obvious, they also have a very weak bottom line!

But generally speaking, it is still a group of serious students and people who are overly enthusiastic about alchemy.

So ~ it's not the kind of unreasonable dude, it can be said that there are good and desirable things, so that the slightly distracted Yun quickly returned to the enthusiasm of learning new knowledge...

"That's good! Today's course is here. Although I really want to give the Yun adults a little tutoring, let’s look at the content of the class today!"

"Almost keep up with everyone's progress, so ~ let's have a friendly chat with everyone after school! Then ~ everyone is free to move around and disband!"


The same ~ after this morning study has been completely finished.

I have to say~ Argo, who has activated the ‘Magic Circuit’, can be said to be safe and cloud. They have kept up with the current alchemy progress, making the chief priest ‘Qili’ and other students surprised and delighted or admired a lot!

After all, according to the general teaching progress of "Qi Li", it takes at least one week at the fastest and half a month at the slowest to keep up with the current progress before it is possible to reach the overall progress of Yunyun.

So ~ the chief priest'Qi Li', who was very satisfied with the results, stroked her beard in this way, which was equivalent to letting Yun and the others get along with these school companions actively or passively, allowing them to move freely with everyone after school. write!

After all, in this class, there is still a lot of necessary content or additional knowledge that has not been fully inserted, and there must be more or less flaws.

And the three-person line must have my teacher, knowing that the biggest assistant teacher belongs to these classmates, it is so simple to explain, and they take the lead to leave and wait for Yun to find their own door to further study the situation... …

(School is over and free? So the next step is...)

"Let's go! Lord Yun! Even if you are really talented, you still have to understand your grievances in time! Don't you?"

"Eh~ Eh! Let's go!"



That’s right~ It is generally understood that the chief priest of'Qili' is letting them take the initiative to interact with these There may be people in the neighborhood who have their own skills in alchemy, so they will collide at close range and are not prepared to intervene in their grievances. Down.

I saw the ‘Qi Li’ student who was bothering him, pointed out the door like this, and invited him to the duel place.

Yun, who didn't hesitate or flinched at all, took Argo and many others who were very interested in the result of this duel, or according to what they had just learned together, they were still very good and cared about the people.

Such a large group of people seemed to have nothing to do and wanted to watch the excitement, and left the temple in a mighty together.

Just this rare, or rather interesting sight, suddenly attracted countless ‘Qili’ people around, and kept whispering to each other.

And that is, in this situation where the focus is good along the way, Yun and the others came to a very spacious suburban open space about 2,000 meters away from the temple, so that people can easily draw a square. After the simple venue.

Confirmed the total area of ​​the duel arena and the specific scope of activities!

(It’s a bit narrow! Although it’s within a reasonable range for me, but ~ Although I know that this guy is ranked in the class for strength and theory, I just don’t know how to shoot like this? What method and method should I use to fight against me? There are a lot of unknowns!)

"Anyway~ It can be said that the soldiers are coming to cover the water and earth! Even if the opponent may be below my level, they can't be taken lightly and carelessly! Otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing..."

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