Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (1991) Naya VS Long Swordsman

Remember in one second【】

That's why it can continue to play the role of bad guys, and use their strength to reflect this good necessary skills and basic value...

"Naya sauce!"

"Hey~Hey~Hey! I will work hard! Lord Yun!"

‘Oh~hh, hh~hh~hh, hh~hh’

"Wow, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"I don't know... What if you want to try one if you are not afraid of it?"


The same ~ that is, after seeing all the people present and no one dared to challenge, Yun sighed slightly in his heart, and called Naya like this.

Seeing Naya, there was a vertical jump, and immediately from the position of the audience, she rushed to the front of the long swordsman!

Naturally, when the next one is Naya, the students of Qi Li who don’t know exactly how strong she is, they also guessed that they whispered to each other a lot, but ~ I didn’t see anyone who said they wanted to try it. Continue to watch the play...

(Is this young lady next? Obviously from a different race, I am afraid that she also has a lot stronger physical ability than the one just now? Or ~ it is impossible to come to me in one big jump!)

"Then~ please further advice! Teacher!"

"Ah~Ah! I'll be with you anytime!"


It was also this time that Naya landed, and after politely bowing to her, the two immediately took out their weapons and entered the second round of wheel warfare standby status!


‘Hu~hu~hu, pa~pa, bang~哐, bang~pa~pa, zi~zi~zi"

(It's so heavy... Although she was holding a rare heavy knife, she didn't expect to have such a brutal force!)

"Hey~hey~hey ha~ahhhhh!! x2"


"Oh my God! I didn't expect that the first hit teacher who came up was actually suppressed by Master Naya? How much brute force is contained in that little body?"

"Awesome! xn"

"Wow~wow~wow, pop~pop~pop"

Indeed~ just as everyone saw and felt exactly the same as the long-swordsman of the person involved, Naya herself was a demihuman, and she cooperated with Yun to relieve her pain and cancel the great side effects of her body.

The current Naya can be said to be completely comparable to before she did not have the disease, and even more because of the effect of years of growth, her brute force can be said to completely overwhelm the current Yun many times.

After all, this is her own natural advantage. With the later manifestation of her growth to the present stage, she naturally has huge advantages compared to clouds that are as close as possible to non-physical clouds.

Of course, if you don’t count the possibility that the cloud will continue to grow later, this is the obvious result...

"What's wrong? Teacher, because of their physical fitness, have many people been playing Argo sauce a lot with simple sword skills, sword skills, and skills? Why is it that you are much weaker this minute?"

"Uh~ uh~ uh..."

‘Buzz~buzz~buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

That's right~ Obviously, Naya is now in an angry situation. Even if she understands the battle plan that Yun has revealed to them in the middle, it does not represent the best reason for hurting Argo.

This is a situation that is obviously asking for advice and entrapped in private enmity, even if it is understood this way, it is impossible to forgive it for just breaking the bottom line of its sisterhood!

For this reason, Naya, who completely suppressed the other party in strength, revealed a beautiful but overly hostile state of words, and this time further exerted a lot of pressure on her body and mind!

Clearly~ This is the situation of the opponent's complete venting of hatred and revenge. The Swordsman can still say nothing, and immediately retreats it back with his greatest strength.

Then it turned into a high-speed movement and immediately took the initiative to pull away from her, and instantly fell into a state of escape to avoid its sharp edges as much as possible, and like a good hunter, Naya carried a knife to chase after the terrible chase!

(No? It's the first time we saw the teacher take the initiative to avoid the battle, and then fell into a situation of being completely chased. Is it possible~ This Lord Naya is really strong enough to make the teacher take it lightly? That's why it is fully demonstrated. What an unimaginable situation? xn)

"Couldn't ~ really have a show?"

"It's really possible! Come on! Lord Naya! Kill this bully teacher!!"

"Oh oh~ oh oh!! xn"

It is true~ Now that the long sword has obviously caused a bitter battle situation that greatly suppresses the physical fitness, it instantly ignited these ‘Qili’ personnel who could be said to have fallen on both sides of the wall!

I have to say~ Let it be said that when she sees the opportunity, she starts to cheer for Naya, even not forgetting to lose her mouth to the long swordsman. If you want to see the long swordsman who has always been invincible and begging for defeat, you will end up. What kind of defeat scene!

Let’s be honest~ They’re gloating and watching the drama, I’m afraid no one is right, so the cloud that feels a headache~ I can only shake my head like they can’t do much...

[Triple Blade Dance, Random Blade Combat, Lieshan Combat]

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om, Om~ Om, Om~ Om, Dang~ Dang~ Dang, Zi~ Zi~ Zi’

(Sure enough

^0^Remember in one second【】

Heavy...especially with the addition of the sword skill's additional enhancement effect, the attack speed is also increasing in proportion to the crazy increase. It is really a terrible woman...)

【Heavy Step】

‘Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da’

Indeed~ No matter how you escape, Naya in the back will always be chasing after her, and it doesn't take long to rush to her side, just in the attack range of her big sword.

For this reason, under the attack of the opponent with the terrible chasing sword skills, the long sword that was moving caused him to be forced to be beaten slowly at a lot of speed!

So ~ it can be said that it was sweating profusely, and immediately used a footwork that seemed to produce multiple afterimages, trying to distance itself from Naya as much as possible.

(Is there a difference in physical ability? I did not expect the ability of the women of the'Saxia' family. Since UU reading is still above the men of the'Qili' family, it is not only that~ It has been a while since I finished the rehabilitation training. Naya!)

(Generally speaking, it is much worse than other same-sex races at the same stage that have not been corroded by the Secret of the Moon 'The abilities of women who strengthen their physique are better!)

(Now~ I’m afraid I don’t need my appearance yet, it’s enough to achieve the initial purpose of fighting! But...Looking at this momentum, most of it still cannot fully attract these'Qili' personnel. Now it will be troublesome. not enough…)



It's true~ this time from Naya's outburst with anger, it exceeded Yun's initial definition of the battle prediction situation for a while, so~ we can only take a closer look at what kind of chemical reaction they will have.

Then, let’s see how we can mediate the follow-up things, and then we will further look at the situation to adjust the attitudes of many of the ‘Qi Li’ students...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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