Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 108: The beginning of the wedding

"Ah~Ah! Three Hundred Generals of the Cloud! Today you are really the most beautiful young man in this starting town! Wow~Ah! The appearance of these two beauties! Today is really a double happiness! Come to my sister to have a good look! Look at you three! Whoops! One is really better than one!"

Yun and the others immediately met the happy boss lady. When she not only saw Yun's spirits today, she even saw Asuna and Casey carrying Rokko, she was like Yun's eldest sister. He clapped his hands and praised the three people, making the entire tavern beaming.

"Damn it... That'shiny' Asuna Chan actually has someone else's child! I really envy that bastard!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Even our sister Casey is here too! Oh my god, why is so! I want wine!"

It is also said that some people are happy and some are worried. When they see the appearance of two pregnant women, many men in the tavern who have a crush on them are already frustrated, and they even drank their sorrows. Seeing Yun, they smiled and walked out into the street...

"Wow, oh! It's the three-hundred generals of Yun!"

"Yun three hundred generals! Congratulations!"

"The bridegroom officer is out!"

"Wow~ Ah! So handsome!"

As soon as they came out, they saw that the street outside was already full of people. They danced the things in their hands to send the best blessings to the cloud, and the soldiers of the cloud had already surrounded the whole street and erected a wall of people. In case people around will delay Yun's journey.

"Calm down everyone! Don't squeeze! Be careful to trample on others!"

And Lena and the medical team are already taking the lead in maintaining order, but looking at this emotionally high appearance, I don't know that it can suppress the entire starting town staff, and the **** blessings and excitement raised a question mark.

"Brother Agil? Is this the team you prepared for me?"

"That's natural! I knew you had no experience in this area! I prepared a carriage and a motorcade for you, and let you go to pick up the bride, and then you go to the ceremony venue in the central square!"

Agil patted Yun on the shoulder, pointed to the mighty dozens of good horse teams and said!

"Thanks! Brother Aigil!"

"Don't worry! Put this on!"

Agil smiled and embodied a small box from his inventory and stuffed it in his hand.

"I got it! Let's go!"

Seeing that Agil had put so many things for himself, Yun stepped on a carriage and started walking ahead first, while the others got on the remaining carriages and drove together on the street, the mighty convoy. The cavalry squadrons formed by the surroundings cleared the way and guarded them, looking like the royal family going out to welcome their relatives, making the girls around them feel longing for a while.

"Miss Lord is really lucky! What a great fiancé!"

"No! People say that the three hundred generals are neutral in the hands of free military power. It can be said that they are on an equal footing with Lord Diss!"

"Then the two marriages are even more powerful?"

"That's natural!"

"Wow... so happy..."

For a while, the girls around were fantasizing that they were the lady lord, but no one knew what kind of ups and downs behind this prosperous and beautiful scene, which was embraced by all people, and even various conspiracies and tactics. Compared to knowing that these ordinary people will only bring the aura of accidents, they will not go into the details inside...

"Unexpectedly! This Yunsan Hundred General still understands our rules very well! This ostentation has caught up with the level of the previous king marrying his daughter!"

"Is it possible that Master Diss is unhappy?"

Diss, who had heard the sound, was already standing on the balcony of his room, looking at the visible scene outside and couldn't help but sigh, while Fokker on the side respectfully asked Diss.

"Why? This is a scene comparable to the Wang family! How could I feel unhappy! It's just that when I saw these beautiful scenes, there was an inexplicable sense of fear in my heart! It's just my instinct, It tells me that it’s impossible to have such good luck today, and I never miss it... I hope I’ve been too neurotic lately?"

"It's possible! After all, recent events do happen frequently, coupled with Lord Diss' physical illness and day and night troubles, is it possible to have such excessive irritability and doubts?"

Seeing Diss's extremely strong instinct, Fokker also secretly admired him in his heart.

"That's right! My daughter should be back home this morning, right?"

Thinking of this, Diss asked Fokker.

"That's natural! This morning, the lady and the lady came to the mansion, and then they changed into the wedding gown tailored by Yunsan Bairen personally, waiting quietly in the mansion!"

"Well, let's go take a look!"

"It's still not! After all, the three hundred people of Yun will be coming soon! Master Diss should also prepare his appearance, after all, today's marriage is very sloppy!"

"Uh~hhhhhhh! As expected of my most loyal butler! I think about everything! Good! I listen to you!"

When Diss heard Fokker's words, he smiled and patted him on the shoulder and went to the room to get ready...

"Mom... I... I'm so nervous!"

At this time, the lady lord was wearing a high-end lace wedding dress made of white gauze, and she held the hand of the lord's wife who was also wearing a good noble costume with a nervous expression, and began to seek comfort.

"Okay! My silly daughter! Naturally, the marriage event will be a little nervous! Didn't Yun Sanbai say that before? Even if Diss is removed today, I still want to marry you? Then you are still worried. what?"

The lady of the lord smiled and patted the lady lord's white gloved hand, and persuaded her with all her heart.

If it is said that these two women would talk about these things so boldly, it is also because this room has been opened by Fokker. All the subordinates are naturally not afraid that these hidden things will be spread out and the plan will be broken. This is also a blessing. The reason why Ke went to stop Diss from coming here himself, after all, he knew that these two women couldn't control his own mouth, for fear that the wind would ruin Yun's plan.

"I'm thinking tonight... Yun Sanbai will not treat me tenderly? After all, I am no longer a virgin! I hate those'gluttons' people now! Otherwise I can offer the first night Three hundred people will be given to Yun!"

"Stupid girl! The three hundred people in Yun will know our situation, so we have also accepted two unclean women! You mean to look for such a broad-minded man?"

"What mom said! My daughter is really happy..."

"If I could also have three hundred people who would treat such a man as her husband, it would be great!"

Seeing the happy expression of her daughter, the wife of Lord UU Reading also sighed slightly.

"Actually... Mom and daughter have an idea to tell you! Come on!"

Hearing my mother sighing like this, the lady lord made an effort to narrate in the ear of the lord's wife.

"This... not so good..."

"What are you afraid of! My daughter promises you that there is absolutely no problem!"

"Then...Okay! It's up to my daughter!"

After listening, the lady of the lord blushed and nodded to the lady of the lord...the gray wheel dancer of the sword

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