Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Chapter 11: Mutations and changes

   "King! We are back!" General Skeleton bowed his head on one knee and greeted this somewhat distracted King Skeleton.

   "..." The Skeleton King still wandered around Skyrim and did not respond to the Skeleton General.

   "King? King!" The Skeleton General called several times without any response. The Skeleton General's appearance became tense, and the Yun trio who looked behind him were a little confused.

   "My old friend...Is it gone..." Before the General Skeleton greeted the King Skeleton again, he sighed deeply and shook his head.

"It looks like it's time for my mission to be fulfilled!" The King Skeleton showed a worrisome look again, turned his head to look at General Skeleton and looked at the three people Yun. It seemed that he had already known a few things. The return of man.

   "We are back! Do you want to hand it in now?" Yun looked at the bone king who was calm but sometimes exaggerated before, a little strange.

"Yeah! No problem!" The King Skeleton nodded to the three, and the General Skeleton also got up and stood aside, looking at the two NPCs, Yun was like Kirito behind him beckoning, and Kirito nodded slightly. Slowly walked to the front of the Skeleton General, embodied the task item in his hand and handed it to the Skeleton King.

   The Skeleton King was holding this long-missed thing in both hands. He was both happy and worried. He felt that this skinny NPC suddenly became emotionally rich, and several people smiled slightly at the corners of their mouths.

"Adventurous! This is indeed the goal of my commission, and the previous promise became a reality at this time!" After the bone king solemnly announced the completion of the commission, the previously promised daily will provide players with a large amount of lowest-level materials and ores. The permanent reward has been recognized by the system.

   and it has been shown in the trio’s information that a very small number of today’s production rewards but a complete list of acquisitions has been placed in the messenger's place, and you can go to the NPC messenger's place to get it after returning to town.

   After seeing that the rewards and permissions had been obtained, the three Yun and the three laughed at each other. In this way, a certain amount of materials and ore were paid in every day. Although it was low-level, Yun had forging and smelting skills and these things would definitely not stay at this stage. But as soon as they were about to turn around, General Skeleton had already quickly approached them, but the system next to them had issued two prompts at this moment, which made the Yun three people a little strange.

   When they watched the prompt carefully, they didn't understand it even more. They even drew out their own weapons and turned them back in a combat stance. Because the above system prompt message is one good and one bad.

  Good news: General Skeleton has officially become a companion NPC of the player's camp or considered as a player to be considered as an adventurer.

  Bad news: The bone king who obtained the hidden props has changed his identity, lowered it to level 40 and became the key maze hidden boss guarding the boss room on the second floor! I wish you all a pleasant journey! by: saogm

(Ah! It's terrible!) At the same time, the brains of the three people in Yun have already greeted this **** operator and the eighteenth generation of its ancestors neatly, and the appearance of the bone king in front of them has changed. .

He clenched the handrails of the throne with his hands tightly and appeared whole body trembling, but his appearance was obviously very wrong, black breath erupted from his body, he let out a harsh roar at a few people, all of a sudden he He burst the throne he was using instantly and produced a thick cloud of smoke and dust. Seeing this sudden situation, the four of them formed a common y-shaped formation and retreated a short distance back, tightly holding two-handed weapons in their hands. , Looked into the thick white smoke.

(Dual wielding weapons? This is the first time I've seen combat methods! Isn't ordinary adventurers dual wielding when they only have shields and swords?) This is the first time the skeleton general behind Yun and Kirito has seen this look. The adventurer couldn't help being a little surprised.

And it is also very interesting that after the first-tier boss battle with two-handed weapons, Yun, Kirito, and Aisha were recognized by the system at the same time and dual-wielding passive skills were opened, as long as the power value was greater than the sum of the two weapons. You can directly equip it on the left hand, and get the weak effect of flat a plus 1hit and 5% attack power, damage base, rigidity reduction, attack speed, and action acceleration.

And Aisha has also been quite proficient in adding attribute-enhanced buffs to all members, and she could not help but pull out a relatively portable one-handed sword with her free left hand. This is based on her previous experience. Prepare for close combat in case.

And just before the General Skeleton had figured out the purpose and true strength of Yun, Kirito, and Aisha, the boss in the thick fog acted. First, there was a violent sound of stepping on the ground, and a dark shadow already carried a certain degree. The smoke came straight towards the skeletal general in the center.

The General Skeleton had already sucked in a cold breath when he noticed that the opponent was eyeing him. He wanted to avoid this sudden charge first, but he remembered that it was when Asia was not far behind him that he realized what the opponent wanted to do. Thinking that the opponent actually took aim at this opportunity of two birds with one stone, the General Skeleton had to bite the bullet and try to force him to stiffen it by slamming or flicking it when he was about to launch the next attack, but there was only one chance. , If you miss it, you are dead and even have trouble with Aisha who is behind you.

The black shadow gradually became clear. Although the top of its head is still "Bone King" but the level has been changed to level 40, but there is a difference in that its performance has been different from the previous meeting, and it has been shining with a fierce red light. What is revealed is the ruthlessness of treating the enemy, from a harmonious and humorous emotional skeleton to a killing machine that eliminates all invaders, holding a one-handed sword about 170cm in one hand and nearly two-thirds of its height. The big shield is only a few meters away from the bone general.

Just as the one-handed sword in its hand was stained with a red halo of sword skills, the General Skeleton had already swung the Nagata sword. His intention was to flick the knife. However, the King Skeleton smiled at him from zero distance at this moment. When he saw this, the General Skeleton had already secretly screamed in his heart, and he had to send it like an arrow on the string.

The King Skeleton interrupted the sword skill of his right hand in the air, twisting his body in the opposite direction, waving the big shield of his right hand, enveloping the light blue sword skill, a fierce shield hit hit the bullet knife The head of the failed skeletal general made it spin violently to the right and fly out.

   "General Skeleton!" The Yun three people sounded worried words at the same time.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The weapons of the two were given to the bullet knife, and suddenly the two appeared to float backwards at the same time.

The bone king, who had recovered his mobility, ruthlessly used his left-handed one-handed sword against Yun’s abdomen for two consecutive flashes. When he was about to end his sword skills, he used the large shield of his right hand to launch a shield-based two-strike to Kirito. The attack, first was a fist-swinging shield blow. Homeopathic was a blunt-arm blow with a shield and elbow 2hit, causing both of them to fall to the ground at the same time.

Yun's abdomen was invaded by two sword marks with deep visible internal organs, and a large amount of flesh and blood flowed down with the wound, while Kirito hit the head directly, and he had not been able to command his body to stand up for a while. It seems that the nerve signals have been disturbed.

"Cloud! Kirito!" Aisha shouted in grief and angrily to recover the three wounded who fell to the yellow blood, but the Skeleton King will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and has already launched a charge against Aisha. He raised the one-handed sword in his right hand to start the sword skill.

"Thinking beautifully!" The Skeleton General closest to Aisha suddenly stood up, raised the Nakata sword in his hand and hit the Skeleton King with a violent blow, forcibly interrupting the action of the Skeleton King, which was somewhat careless, and went into a freeze. Situation, as the saying goes, it will kill you when you are sick! The Skeleton General did not hesitate to use the sword skill 5hit's Random Blade Combat. This is a sword skill he only used when facing a powerful enemy. He wielded a long sword entwined with light green brilliance against the stiff Skeleton King. The high-speed three consecutive spurs connected two or so bottom-to-up picks in the ending pose to lift his body into the air, creating an artificial floating in the air.

   And this did not end. He used his own skills as a backhand to speed up the action, relieved his sword skill once and obtained an excessive speed up effect in a short time. He once again raised the Nagata sword in his hand and launched a triple blade dance against the already floating Skeleton King, draining a quarter of his first blood.

   "Kirito! Yun!" The Skeleton General yelled to the front, no longer caring about honorifics!

   "Oh! (Give it to us! At some point, the two of them endured the wounds that had not fully recovered, and they had brought their weapons to the sides of the bone king who was still in the air and began to use their sword skills.

Kirito uses the magic sword to strike at the start, plus an attack boost buff, followed by a piercing stab to beat the floating bone king to stand on the ground and superimpose the debuff, while Yun uses his left spear. The forward stabbing combo is the starting hand, and after Kirito just stacks the debuff, it connects to the gap period, and then uses the right hand to launch a triple slash to connect the skill. All of a sudden, his blood volume was knocked out to one-half of the second tube of blood.

With the support of Aisha’s wooden clubs, the trio’s MPs were restored again, and the Bone General, who was the first to enter the cooling process, used the 2hit combination technique of Ying Gouyue, which was a jump and then a backflip hook. Go straight into the sword skill stiff.

Seeing that the general skeletal entered the stiffness, Yun used his sickle to make another reverberating slash and spear-type one-handed Daarashi attack. As the cloud entered the 2nd stiff, Kirito reconnected with his hand and sonic impact, and then Practice using a single direction horizontal square cut. Under the seamless second round of the three men, the blood bar of the Bone King turned into yellow blood and fell to the third remaining position of the third tube.

   The King Skeleton jumped back to the rear of a few people in a vertical leap at this moment, and escaped the third time with the sword skills prepared by the three. Due to the escape of the target, the General Skeleton directly hit the air with a very embarrassing Lieshan slash. Three times of 3hit's continuous movement of using a horizontal slashing hand to turn into an upward slash and a downward slash, chopped out a piercing sound.

   "Cut! Run away!" The skeletal general, who was awkwardly swinging his air sword skill, stiffened his sword skill in the same place.

   "Attention!" Kirito reminded Yun, Aisha, and General Skeleton.

   "Ou~Ou!" The three nodded slightly.

However, the King Skeleton roared at several people in great anger, and threw the big shield aside, and another violent jump directly hit the direction of its throne. The Skeleton General saw this trend and faced the clouds. Several people shouted.

"It's going to use a killer trick! Everyone should pay attention!" Obviously the bone general should know what the bone king's hole card is, but a few people can't completely think about it, because their addition may add unexpected changes to the original thing. .

The bone king raised his one-handed sword with both hands and faced his throne. It was a powerful slash. In addition to dividing the ground that once had the throne into two, the one-handed sword in his hand was also broken into two sections. The tip of the sword had already flown in front of a few people and plunged into the ground, and the Bone King didn't care and threw the broken sword in his hand casually aside.

Directly inserted both hands into the cut-out gap on the ground, took out two two-handed big swords shining with black air from the ground, and held them one left and the other right, and once again showed an evil smile to several people. Roaring, he saw the two big swords in his hand, the bone generals fell into silence, because this was not the killer of the bone kings he knew. Obviously, the changes had taken place. Yun and the few people looked at the bone generals on the side. From his serious look, he already knew that his previous guess was not wrong, and that it had indeed changed!

   But the Skeleton King did not give the Skeleton General the time to think It slammed a large number of broken stones of various sizes on the ground with the blades of two big swords and directly attacked Yun and the others.

"Go away! General Skeleton cover Aisha!" Kirito quickly issued an order, and then jumped out to the left and right together with Yun, and General Skeleton came to Aisha's side. The general still had a look of horror. She was caught under her armpit and quickly escaped from the original position. A few people had just completed these actions, and the loud collision sound had smashed a lot of smoke out of their place.

Before the cloud, they completed the remaining evasive actions, the bone king who couldn't wait to have raised his two-handed sword and jumped towards the cloud, and saw the growing black shadow on the ground. The cloud used his right hand sickle while he was floating in the air. Hooking to the huge gravel on one side, he forcefully pulled a 180 in the air and rolled back to the ground on the other side.

As soon as he landed on the ground, there was already a huge collision sound. With a'bang', violent wind pressure and gravel were blown from the rear, lowering the cloud's HP to the yellow blood position, and he quickly stood up, but There was a fierce tingling pain in his right arm, and he couldn't raise his arm for the time being. It seemed that the muscle had been strained under the circling movement that was just overloaded.

Until a green light lifted up his body, his pain and muscle strain could move as if it did not exist at the beginning, Yun turned his head and looked at Aisha, who was safe but tired and sweating and still panting. A sunny smile.

"Thanks! My lovely girl! This is the power of love you gave me!" Yun began to talk again and again at this minute, and the tension was so good that he made it too easy, even though Aisha's face was flushed. , But the roar of the Bone King from a distance brought the people back to the reality of the battle...

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