Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 16: The beginning of the journey

(There is this trick! I will try it too!)

Seeing Argo’s offering to Fokker for free, Cullo sneaked over and prepared to do the same to squander a real estate.

(Yeah... here comes the trouble!)

"Culo? Why are you here! Is it possible to stop?"


Yun, who knew what Ku Luo wanted to do, directly amplified his voice and shocked Argo, who was still negotiating with Fokker and the others, and grabbed the Ku Luo who was just about to walk past her and turned his head. Seeing Argo's more'harmonious' smile, he couldn't help but shudder and was imprisoned there, admitting his fate.

(Want to fight with me! Cullo, you are still a little tender!)

And Yun looked at the business situation in the Shura field with a smile of a little devil.

"Then... Do you have any questions?"

In order to facilitate Yun Ye's cursive copy, you can hire the introduction scroll of the subren to put it aside and continue to ask other people.

"No more! xN"

Everyone looked at each other and then shook their heads at Yun.

"Then everyone will return to their duties! By the way! Kirito, Aisha, Klein and Agillie! Remember to take turns training recruits when you have time! Lena and Fokker! If you want to join When my army family collects troops, I can discuss with the four of them! If you hire demihumans! You can also use the scroll I just drafted to negotiate with Gus and the others! I have prepared three copies here by Aisha Jiang, Tongren Jiang, and Agillie will keep one portion for one person!"

"we know!"

The few people who were spotted looked at this very useful scroll and nodded.

"Well, that's all for today's meeting! Disband everyone!"

"Yes! xN!"

After the end, everyone left the office, but only the three lords, Argo and Silica, and Lisbeth stayed.

"There may be some time to talk over there! You two pay attention! We will leave at noon! Do you want to go shopping or pick up some things now?"

After looking at the bargaining situation, Yun smiled and proposed to the two girls.

"Yes! But my economy is not enough..."

"Master...Actually, I am also ashamed..."

Although the two nodded happily, they were a little frustrated at the thought that there were no gold coins, and they were embarrassed to draw a circle in mid-air with their hands.

(After doing it for a long time, it's hard to move without money, right? Let's just take it as the subsidy I gave them this time!)

"It's okay! I'm not short of money, or you can go shopping with me to the shopping street or the warehouse as needed! Just treat it as my financial subsidy! After all, you still have to bring some necessary things to go out!"

"Really! Brother Yun is so kind!"

"Thank you Master! Master is the best!"

Two little guys who were much shorter than Yun, one on the left and the other took Yun's arm, and jumped up happily.

"Okay! Let's go!"

"Hmm~hmm! x2"

These two little guys followed Yun and walked towards the warehouse opposite the tavern...

"Three hundred people in the cloud will be good!"


After a brief greeting, Yun took Silica and the others to the warehouse, and Yun asked the locals here to pass the list of existing items to the two little guys.

"Wow! There are so many things! Liz sauce! What do we want?"

"Of course it's food, seasonings, spices, daily necessities, change of clothes or something!"

"It's also true that I haven't traveled far! I don't know what to bring for this kind of long-term travel!"

For a while, the two girls talked and laughed, and sometimes even seriously selected materials, and Yun, who was already used to it, quickly chose some food, water, clothing, daily necessities, and some raw materials and collected them. In the inventory, it seemed that the two people on the side were slightly surprised.

"so fast!"

"Why does the master only take raw materials?"

Seeing this situation, the two of them came around and asked Yun with interest.

"Compared to the finished product here, the finished product in my hands is ever-changing! This way I won't be affected too much by temporary changes and sales! This is what I can guarantee!"

Yun smiled and talked about his talents to the two of them.

"Sure enough, what Aishajiang and Tongrenjiang said! Brother Yun is a perverted monster!"

"Masters are amazing! This way you can really avoid not being sold and you can also receive private orders! It is indeed a lot more flexible! I have learned it!"

Hearing what Yun said, Lisbeth also made up his mind to choose some raw materials and necessary tools, trying to find the necessities as frugally and as possible as possible, and Silica was also inspired to replace many things.

With preparations for this period of time, Yun and the two obtained a lot of supplies in the warehouse and shopping street. After receiving a carriage, they set off from the town.

"Darling... take care!"

"Children be careful along the way!"

At the door, the mother and daughter of the lord came to see Yun off with a worried expression.


Yun responded to the two.

"Yun... remember to come back early!"

"Bee... I'm waiting for you!"


Kirito also bought time from Asuna to say goodbye to Yun, and Asia also took time from her busy schedule to watch Yun leave.

Although the people did not come all but the blessings were sent, Yun beckoned to them with a bit of reluctance, then drove the carriage away from the starting town, and drove to the southernmost city of Milan, Seondre...

The weather today is good. Although it was the departure at noon, there were clouds covering the way so that the clouds would not travel like they were exposed to the sun. And they had left the starting town all the way, and drove the carriage to a wilderness area that passed through the large forest, but it was sparsely populated, and it looked like an endless plain.

"Are you going to travel far? Speaking of coming from this world for almost two months, I have been busy with the things inside the town. I have never explored the outside world. Now when I come out, I feel that I have returned to the time of the adventure. This clear air makes me feel refreshed and happy!"

Yun drove the carriage and recalled the situation of the past two months, and from time to time he took a deep breath and felt very refreshed.

"Brother Yun! Teach us how to drive a carriage! Otherwise, you will be very tired if you are alone!"

"Yeah! Master! Let us also learn to learn and hurry up in rotation!"

And watching Yun control him for a long time, the two of them proposed to him with some worry.

"Yes! Who of you will try first?"

Seeing this, Yun stopped the carriage with a smile and asked them.

"I~I am! I just looked at it and I think I should know how to do it! I'll try it first!"

And Silica preempted Lisbeth to make a request to Yun, as cute as a curious baby!

"Well then! Silica first! Lisbeth next time! I will sit next to you and watch!"

After saying that, Yun sat aside and let Silica come to the front with the reins.

"Is that so? Drive~ahhhhhhhh! Hurry~hurry up! Brother Yun! Help..."

"Help... Master..."

As a result, Silica stunned the horse as soon as she used her force. Although she was joking, she just started to rush forward like the horse mad, but Lisbeth behind was so scared that she directly hugged the clouds. The thick waist yelled, but Yun had a happy face and laughed...The gray wheel dancer of the sword

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