Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Cloud’s command and multi-ethnic joint operations

Just as Yun gave the order, the crack in the space behind him opened up in a mischievous manner. That's right, this time its scale is obviously several times larger than the previous time, and countless locals and pigheads have fallen. ’S corpse immediately began to turn into cloud invisible blood, rushing into the hole like crazy. The huge bone clock that appeared for the first time before also appeared again, and its pointer once again followed the influx of blood, Accelerated the rotation of the next moment.

(This is the blood bank and the natural disaster bone clock! It is true that my king did not expect that when there is nothing now, there are two large abilities. Although there is no way to see their true power, they are enough. The more I look forward to where the king of this world can conquer!)

"My king, it's okay! This is the great pain you brought to your strength in the future! At the expense of your future but absolutely powerful existence! Shunhe! Let's go! Take a ride!"

"My king promise! Drive!"


After seeing Yun's strengthening preparations for the later stage, all the breath of death naturally cannot escape the eyes of their advanced undead. Although Yun does not know that they have seen things they can't see, at least many things have been personally confirmed. In other words, this pain will be used as a report of his strength in the future, and he will naturally smile confidently from the pain...

(It turned out to make me stronger... But what is the feeling of bursting in my body now... It always feels as uncomfortable as something bursts out in my body... Damn... Has the body started to burst into wounds from the inside? One hand of blood...)

"Brother Yun! You bleed!"

"Big Brother Yun! This is a healing potion, drink it!"

Seeing this look like a blood man, Silica and Xing took out a few bottles of emergency medicines that were in good condition and Yun gave Silica a spare. The two gave them to Silica without hesitation, with an expression of pain and ferocious expressions. Cloud.

"Thank you!"

As soon as Yun took it with his hand, he poured it directly into his mouth, and the sound of killing around was like a good thing to divert Yun's attention, causing him to slightly distract his spirit.


"Don't leave one! They all have to be sacrificial offerings of power for the king!"

"Kiaaaa!!! xN"

The current situation is due to the delay of the human forces in front of the opponent, plus the pursuit of the sub-humans of the Alliance who have renewed their courage to fight, and the life-for-life of the Undead Corps Bone Warriors, with the two main forces of the Bone Knights and the Dark Knights. The cavalry's super breakthrough power and combat effectiveness.

(It's not efficient to fight like this alone! It seems that I must be in charge!)

Seeing the situation in front of him, Yun frowned slightly. He was observing the movement of the entire battlefield while drinking the potion. He had discovered a serious problem. The poor coordination of all the troops made the attack efficiency and defense function a little too rigid.

(Bone warriors continue to maintain such an encirclement to contain the overall movement of the opponent, and prevent enemy forces from converging and breaking through!)

(It's my king!)

After receiving the ‘troop instruction’ from the cloud on the hill, all the skeletal warriors in the entire battlefield began to execute the order from a fearless charge to a containment of the opponent’s actions, dividing the opponent’s forces into multiple small square movements.

(Bone archer, perform a long-range sniper effect on multiple enemy units at the position of 1000 steps! The archer of the right person advances to 700 steps and then starts remote support shooting to all friendly melee units, Silica sauce, you go and take the local team Join the battle! The little giant Boar is throwing stones from the main position over-range, and some of the little giants are free to supply throwable objects on the spot!)

(It's Brother Yun, three hundred generals!)

Following Yun's next instructions, Silica, who had participated in this kind of encounter for the first time, also brought up the spirit of twelve points, and linked it with the long-range attack support of the named troops.

(Although I am a little apologetic! You let this corps of crossbow cavalry familiarize yourself with the shooting practice of crossbows at 500 steps away from the enemy! Try to complete the task of killing the opponent as much as possible! They will cover you and learn!)

(It's Big Brother Yun, three hundred generals!)

Following Yun's orders, Fortunately, fortunately, he took the courage and followed this new crossbow cavalry forward to practice combat.

(Shun He! You take the Skeleton Knights and divide it into 8 lanes and the local light cavalry here, branching and charging from the enemy's weak points horizontally and vertically to guerrilla! To exert the mobility and explosive power of the light cavalry linkage!)

(It's my king cloud three hundred generals!)

Following Yun's command, Shun and smilingly took two light cavalry of different races and started a surprise attack.

(Brand! You led the Dark Knights in 4 ways, relying on heavy weapons to make a breakthrough from the enemy camps! I believe you and your subordinates who have experienced battles are just a piece of cake, right?)

(Obviously! My king! Arrows! Charge me! kiaaaaa...)

The Dark Knights that received Yun's order issued a terrifying roar like chicken blood, and the soldiers divided into four groups to deal a devastating blow to the divided position from the front.

(Bone Berserker and Boar Berserker bombard the opponent's defense from the side with a single breakthrough!)

(It's the three hundred generals of Yun!)

For a while, Yun’s command was like a gorgeous waltz. On this war-torn battlefield, a beautiful red flower was drawn, and the uncoordinated chords of the multi-ethnic troops suddenly unified and merged into a wonderful The melody, more than that, the shadow warrior cloud on the other battlefields, like the main body, exerted their original military command ability.

Let the trend of the clouds, which were originally low in combat power, reverse, chasing their butts alive, and spurring a long time-consuming guerrilla warfare after less than an hour of joint operations, thinking that the few pigheads were captured alive, and there are still Under the situation of a pig-headed leader who is a man who is in charge of Wan Fu Mo Kai, the final battle situation is ushered in...

"Kiaaaa...why there are so many demi-comrades and undead enemies who are helping a small human tribe! Incomprehensible and totally disagreeable! kiaaaaa...Who is your leader telling him not to hide out with me? A fight to the death! Otherwise I'm not convinced! kiaaaaa..."

From a great distance, you can hear this little giant pighead who is several times bigger than all quite dissatisfied, facing this kind of three-layer inner and outer three-layer nets, showing quite stubborn as if Like a natural warrior, he is not convinced by this multi-ethnic joint strategy to fight his own army.

"Get away from the craps of the weak! Leave no one!"

He furiously bombarded the bone warriors approaching him with that huge giant axe. Although they would regenerate indefinitely, if they were hit all the time, there would be no way to reshape his body, and he was stuck at the stage of reshaping. . Seeing this situation, Yun continued to drink the healing potions, while shed blood on a avenue made by all the troops, and came to the vicinity of this crazy little giant.

"My king! Please don't mess around... you are still very weak and are slowly transforming your body! x2"

Shun He and Brand, who had been waiting here for a long time, looked at the cloud that was already covered in blood, and greeted him and told him.

"I'm fine! Let it talk to me!"

"Big Brother Yun, Brother Yun! Don't be can no longer fight like this!"

Silica Kazuyuki, who had been by Yun's side all the time, grabbed Yun's blood dripping arm and shook her head with a worried hand...

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