Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 38: daydream

Some faintly missing moons hung in the dark but shining blue stars in the night sky. This is also the beauty that can only be seen with the low brightness around and the openness. All the flames on the Buro collar have been captured by the new lords and militias here. It was completely extinguished, and the thick smoke of its own was scattered with the strong wind.

"It's so quiet... I never thought that this place was still being invaded by the demihumans 3 hours ago..."

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere as usual now, Silica sighed calmly while looking at the abandoned village outside the carriage.

"Yes... everything comes and goes in a hurry... It's like a nightmare that makes people wake up and feel so good..."

Lisbeth also leaned against Silica to respond to it.

"Silica sauce! Lisbeit sauce... don't you sleep? It's late at night?"

Xing, who was wrapped in a fur blanket on the side, blinked and asked the two girls with his watery eyes.

"Hmm...Hmm... soon... how is Brother Yun?"

"Master? I still have a high fever as usual! I'm still applying ice to my forehead!"

Hearing what Silica said, Lisbet pointed to the three girls not far away, sleeping on the ground, and said to them with a cloud with a wet white cloth on their foreheads.

"Thank you! I'll take care of it next! Silica sauce! Lisbet sauce! You guys go to bed first! I'll take care of it in the middle of the night!"

Fortunately, who had added his sleep, put the blanket on his body on the two of them and told them to him.

"Um~hmm...thank you, Xingchan! Then we'll sleep for a while! I'll change you in a while!"

Seeing this, Silica said to Xing with a smile, then hugged Lisbeth, who was sleepy on the side, and slept together on the wooden floor covered with fur inside the carriage and fell asleep...


With Yun's uncomfortable sound, Xing quickly came to his side and wiped his hot sweat with a wet towel.

"Sure enough, I'm still having nightmares and a high fever? I don't know if this runaway will ruin Brother Yun's body... I feel so worried... Hey~ 咻... 咻~ 咻!"

Seeing Yun's painful and unbearable appearance, I couldn't help but feel distressed slightly. Although the two were not relatives, they were also good friends who had known each other in adversity. She felt a little uncomfortable seeing their friends feel so uncomfortable.

"Don't... don't go...!"

At this moment, Yun suddenly grabbed Xingdeyu's hand and called out to her in fear.

(It seems to be keeping someone? It should be very important!)

"It's okay...I won't leave...I'll be by your side! Sleep at ease..."

Fortunately, he gently patted the back of his hot hand with his other jade hand to comfort him.

"Yun... can't you let me forget you... I really can't bear you..."

Obviously, although Yun no longer remembers Yun’s things, his body’s habits and language still remember the name. This is what he sleeps in his body’s memory and is his own experience, and this experience also happened when Yun stormed away. It manifested that he unconsciously used part of Yun's abilities, and the runaway was also out of control because of this...

(It looks like it's a girlfriend or a wife! Big Brother Yun is crying like this! But I didn't expect Big Brother Yun to be the famous three-hundred generals of Yun. If this time the counterattack hadn’t happened, it’s possible that the five of us would have arrived. The destination is still in the dark, and why he has to do so much to us is to atone for our sins, to help us...)

Fortunately, I looked at this sweaty cloud and sighed slightly. After all, if Silica and Lisbeth couldn't keep it from behind, I wouldn't take advantage of the time when Yun was in a coma.' La~ let's say it all...

(It’s weird...I remember that Brother Yun’s wife is not Miss Lord Lord? And even if she is the one she loves or her daughter is also called Aisha and Kirito? Then which is the fourth person Yun is? ...I don’t think about the mess! Be careful to get angry!)

Fortunately, as if knowing some untold secret, I stopped my thinking. After all, this is Yun’s private matter, and I don’t need to think so much...

The next day, early in the morning, the sun was shining, and even the air was fresh and comfortable to breathe. As a ray of sunlight shining into the carriage, the warm clouds opened their eyes slightly, and they slowly stood up a little stiff. The aching body sat up.

(Am the carriage? I feel so uncomfortable for my head and body...)

"Um... I have a slight headache and muscle aches all over... It seems... I defeated the pighead leader by running away... I won the counterattack... I feel a little uncomfortable all over..."

Yun, who is holding his forehead with his hand, can't remember the following things clearly, it should be caused by the direct coma.

"Ah~Ah! Brother Yun, are you awake? That's great! You've been bleeding since then, and I don't know how many boxes of potions you took to stop it!"

"Yes! Master! You have used up all our potions! What do you think we should do next?"

"Is it so serious? seems to be what's going on...aha~hahaha..."

Hearing what Silica and Lisbet said, Yun didn't believe it at first, but when he turned around and saw a lot of empty bottles in the car, he turned into a smirk.

"Big Brother are awake! Are you okay?"

And while the three were still talking, Xing, who was still asleep wearing a blanket, was awakened by a few people, and smiled and said hello to the cloud.

"Fortunately, you woke up! The last three hours in the middle of the night was really hard for you! Ah~ahhhhh...I should go to bed too! After all, Brother Yun always kicked the quilt during these three hours, I I don’t know how many times I’ve built it! See you at noon...huh~hooh...huh~hooh..."

Seeing that Silica, who was fortunately awake and guarded for three hours, yawned, took the blanket and fell asleep. The big nasal blisters blowing out of her nose looked so big and small there. Very cute.

(Sleep in seconds... It's hard for her! x3)

Yun was quite apologetic to see how tired Silica was. After all, he had to take turns to take care of him when he fell alone. Yun was still very moved.

"Compared to this... as my good apprentice! Lisbet sauce? What did you do?"

Thinking of this, Yun immediately turned his head and looked at Lisbet, who was a little dodged from the left and right, which really made her a little embarrassed.

"No... I didn't do anything... and... I was still asleep! Sorry, Master, I am a girl with no feminine power! Please forgive me!"

Seeing Yun's disgusting Lisbet was almost crying, and she couldn't control her sleepiness, so she couldn't take care of Yun.

"Forget it! As a punishment! Go collect the empty bottles here and wash them! Remember to wash them! Otherwise, if the medicine you put in again has a problem, you will be upset!"

Seeing that this apprentice Yun, who can almost not only fight and be cute, is also the first two big ones, there is no other way but to throw this kind of work that ordinary people can do to her.

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the task! Master!"

When she heard that Yun gave herself a task, she stood up and put these empty bottles into the inventory in one breath, turned around and ran towards the wellhead outside. Seeing how active she was, she wouldn’t blame her for a while, just a question. Three little fools who don't know!

"Is Brother Yun awake? It just so happened that Lord Rita said that when Brother Yun wakes up, he would go to the village to look for her! Now she is still overseeing the restoration of the territory!"

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