Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Beast mother! ! !

   "Correct! As expected, a very clever host can understand the most basic order here by just looking at it! But it's not that simple here! Plus it's still the way it was! This ring can enhance its growth by absorbing external animals, plants and even material varieties! And here are the ecological laws of nature! Animals and plants and this magic stone tree can be bred here! The master can also wait to upgrade the level of this space ring to obtain more permissions and abilities to transform the world! 》

   With the humanized explanation of the prompt sound, Yun confirmed his inference.

   "It turns out that I can do some necessary transformations here! But it's also in the future... By the way! How do I plant the sorcerer's stone branches? There is almost no difference when I look at the soil here?"

  Yun lowered himself and grabbed a handful of dirt and asked about it.

   "Otherwise! Please smell the soil scent here carefully and the owner will know the difference! 》

   "Scent? I haven't carefully identified it... So that's it... What is the ingredient of a strange dark fragrance?"

   After listening to the advice of the prompt tone, Yun sniffed it and found that it was mixed, a touch of weirdness like honey but some sweetness of mixed mango.

"This is the scent produced by the crystallization of magic power, and it is also condensed by the magic power remaining in this space, but although it will be exhausted, after the magic stone tree matures, this endless magic substance can be naturally generated from production and sales. Improving your own quality is a weird life form! 》

   "Then can I just plant this branch directly?"

"Yes it is! 》

   After getting the affirmation of the prompt sound, Yun planted the branch on the ground, and became happy when he watched it enter the soil and began to send out buds on the branch.

   "Teaching is over! From now on, the owner can freely enter and leave this world through the "Space Ring"! Welcome to visit next time! 》

   "Wait, I will pay..."

Before Yun had a deeper understanding of the world, he saw a dazzling light, causing the leader of'Nattata' and Yun to subconsciously close their eyes, and once again returned to the front of the magical stone tree before. .

   "You're so amazing, little guy! You will be driven out by the "Space Ring"... But if you make so many things at once, there may be a problem with the energy supply..."

   If it weren't for the ‘Natta’ leader who was still wet on the side, and the ‘Space Ring’ in his hand, Yun couldn’t believe that everything was true just now.

   "It's really amazing! This way I can do a lot of things!"

   Yun smiled, and now Yun felt what was the real different world and the magic of the previous Cthulhu and Yui goddess, he inadvertently squeezed his fist.

   "Okay! Although we haven't been there for a long time! But the banquet is about to begin! Come with me!"

   looked at the way the people around him nodded to him, the leader of "Nattata" nodded knowingly and then took the lead, taking the lead for Yun, and Yun also cleverly followed it and walked elsewhere...

   One person and one beast just follow the "light pavilion" with various styles of shells and various energy-using things that use the "sorcerer's stone". The more it looks, the more it looks like a small tribe with a philosopher's stone civilization that does not pay attention to appearance.

   "Would you like a glass of juice? It's delicious!"

At this time, a cute beast girl with cute triangular ears on her head, wrapped in a beast pattern dress, handed her juice from a stone cup, if it weren't for her moving ears and dangling from the back With the dangling little tail, Yun almost thought it was a human being.

   "This...this is...Aren?"

"Yes! We are the demihumans of the'Natata' tribe! Only females are like this! They don't have horns yet! And the males are like that kind of big furry monsters, isn't it a bit too surprising? "

   The beast mother smiled more than a cat's paw, and she looked pretty well-behaved.

   "This... this, this... you guys are good... there is such a cute beast girl! I am so envious!"

   Seeing this cute creature, Yun’s heart is sweetened...

"Woo~oo...Don't praise people like that... I'm not outstanding in this race! Other males think I am as thin as a child, obviously they are very big... But this baby-faced appearance and small body are not My fault…"

   Hearing how Yun praised her, the beast mother blushed all of a sudden. After all, the people here didn't like her who looked too small, but she was still shy to be praised by others.

   (Sure enough, once you meet a female, you can’t walk away! I didn’t expect this little guy to like this little female. It’s really a weird guy? It’s obviously stronger for the sake of future generations...)

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You little guy knows that teasing the female is gone! This is not your home court! Come inside with me!"

Seeing Yun flirting with the beast mother again, the leader of'Natata' hummed slightly, and then picked up Yun's collar with his big sturdy paws and dragged him away. When he was leaving, he was here. The beast mother also blew a kiss to Yun, causing Yun to nod slightly in a satisfied manner.

Once it reaches the innermost part, it can be said to be full of light. The entire large cave, which should be a black hole, is illuminated by the'light pavilion' as if it is daylight, and many beast girls and'Natta's are all talking and laughing. A stone table is filled with various meat dishes, and of course there are some assorted salads made of vegetables and wild fruits, but mainly meat dishes.

   (This really looks like a beautiful banquet! I didn’t expect to make so many delicious treats for a new friend like me to entertain me! Isn’t it a waste?)

Looking at this situation, Yun was slightly nervous and was arranged by the leader of'Nattata' to sit on a stone bench. UU read and at this time there were a lot of sturdy eight pieces of tendon flesh. The beast mother with abdominal muscles sat on the left and right sides of the cloud with a smile on her face. Although it is indeed very beautiful, her strong muscles still feel a bit too hard...

   (Although not bad... but the muscles can kill as many beasts as one fist!)

   Yun looked at the bulging muscles sweating profusely, staring at these beast ladies a little blushing.

   "Little brother! Isn't it rude to look at your sisters' muscles like this?"

   "! I didn't mean it! I want to know how your muscles are built! It looks so powerful and wild! It's just a little curious...ah~haha!"

   When asked by these bodybuilders, Yun moved what he was thinking to the table and asked about it.

"Sure enough, my little brother has a good vision! This is a strong fighter who has defeated many pigheads alive, plus the strong muscles that have been trained by the more powerful "Ghost Bear" family than our "Natata" family. I think if If you are with your little brother, you should be able to breed powerful fighters!"

   I saw the bodybuilder beast mother blushing and confessed to the cloud, which made him burst into a cold sweat. He didn't dare to marry such a sturdy beast mother, it would be better than the cute and beautiful beast mother just now.

"Oh ~ Oh ... my sister Mo kidding! Hedeheneng younger sister can take heart discuss it!"

   Feeling the dangerous information, the cloud immediately declined and declined the sturdy beast mother's confession...

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