Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 69: Complete the adjustment and reach the border of the "Pighead Nation"

Just after teasing with the two girls, Yun began to demonstrate and explain in detail the magic stone for the 7 little guys. They had the same knowledge as the magic stone circuit. For a while, Silica and the others were familiar with this magical magic stone. There is a lot more impulse to study.

"Let me see!"

"No no! I'll take a look first!"

"Me too! x5"

It's a pity that they are not scientists, even if they get a small magic stone from Yun's hands, they don't know where to start, but in the end they still give it back to Yun after being addicted for a while.

(Cute! As expected, they are all kids together!)

"Okay! Now you take this magic stone and powder bag first as I said! Let's equip another wooden personnel carrier! After all, there is a template for reference installation! And this is my re-drawing The additional magic stone and circuit equipment map! Go study it!"

"Understood! Let's start!"

"Oh~oh! x6"

With Silica getting the updated equipment map! Call on these little villains to hold a magic stone and a cloud of magic stone powder! He happily got into the second wooden personnel carrier!

"Boss! What should we do then?"

"Yes, yes!"

See Silica and they have assembly drawings and new technology to practice! Leo took the bandits and came to Yun to ask for his orders.

"First, familiarize yourself with the operation of the wooden personnel carrier that has been configured! Remember when Silica and the others want to look at the internal installation parts, they should stop and give them a priority reference and inspection!"

"It's the boss! The little ones work!"

"No problem! xN"

After getting the order, Leo began to take the driving guide scroll that was rewritten by the cloud and began to take the robbers to familiarize themselves with their vehicles.

(Next is the craftsman trailer and experiment trailer I will use to install the magic stone and circuit! But the logs may not be enough!)

"Pighead warriors! Someone needs your help!"

"The three hundred people in Yun will give all their orders!"

"Will you cut some more logs for me? Just leave it to my half of the robbers! Will you arrange it for me then?"

"No problem! Guys work!"

"O~O! xN"

After hearing how Yun's simple request, the pigheads began to cut the wood while admonishing the extra robbers, and Yun also got into these unmotivated means of transportation to complete his work...

It is about noon for a while, the cloud side has completely finished the installation, and Silica and the others have just finished, Leo and the others have also completed their driving training at the same time, and it can be said that they are familiar with the road.

"Brother Yun! Brother Yun! Come and check!"

"Boss! You think we drove well!"

For a time, people from both sides flocked to Yun, who had just ran out from the trailer called the experiment, to ask for credit.

"It's okay! Silica sauce! The best inspection plan is to try it! You can observe the circuit and the operation of the Philosopher's Stone on it! Then Leo, you send two people to drive Silica and the others. A wooden personnel carrier! Carry out a joint test run and commissioning! Then you guys will try to drive these vehicles!"

"Everyone is moving! After confirmation! We take a break and have lunch and are ready to arrive in the'Pighead Kingdom' before this evening! By the way, Pighead soldiers, you also get on this giant troop carrier with me! I'll teach you how. operating!"

Soon, in order to save time, the task was assigned to everyone again!

"Yes! Big Brother Yun, Big Brother Yun, three hundred generals! xN"

After receiving the order, everyone quickly took their place! Finished his main task, and Yun also watched the other people take the pig-headed people after they acted, got on a wooden giant personnel carrier made with them, and started to practice the most basic operations...

Everything is ready at noon! After completing all the things that should be done, Yun let the giant troop carrier clear the way, Silica and Leo, behind them, started to rush for the last part of the distance at a very fast speed...

"The Three Hundred People of the Cloud! With this tool, I think I will be able to reach the border of our country in about an hour! But this is our first level! I don't know what the Three Hundred People of the Cloud think!"

In the cab, the pig-headed soldier in the driving seat asked Yun about the follow-up policy while driving the personnel carrier.

"'s probably impossible to be invited in by a kind invitation! When you drive this giant personnel carrier and meet your border guards! Just stop and say that this thing is from another country you robbed. The spoils are all you need! And I am a captive captured by you to provide this technology, am I? Then I will let Silica and the others land in a small warehouse in this huge troop carrier!"

"That~that? Why do Yunsanbairen still let them follow us? Wouldn't it be over if we just enter this warehouse?"

Hearing what Yun said, the pig-headed soldier questioned Yun in a daze.

"Then when I have to drive, I don't know how to deal with the problem, right? Besides, I am not familiar with the road and the actual operation here! Wouldn't it be a mess if there is an emergency?"

"That's it! I didn't use it at first because I wanted to train your subordinates? No wonder Yunsanbai will bring these recruits with you! Is it to complete the task and to hone their strength? I finally understand why you want to do this. Turn around and do things!"

Listening to what Yun said, these pig-headed fighters finally solved the doubts that had been plagued them, and smiled and cooperated with Yun's training...

About an hour later, in a dense forest, the pig head people's giant troop carrier stopped! Seeing this behemoth stopped, Silica and the others stopped behind.

"What's wrong? Is it there?"

"Yes! But the situation feels a bit wrong! Please also Yun Three Hundred people will let your subordinates hide in quickly! There may be something wrong here!"

"Okay! I get it!"

After receiving the warning from the pig-headed soldier who is most familiar with, Yun contacted Silica and them in a private chat, and then instructed a pig-headed soldier to pull down a handle, and it was in the giant troop carrier. In the end, Fang slowly opened a door and lowered a ramp, allowing Silica and the others to follow the ramp and enter the interior before closing the door!

"Containment is over! Go ahead!"

"Yes! Three hundred generals in the cloud!"

After receiving Yun's order, the pig-headed soldier in the driver's seat ran the giant troop carrier and approached the border guard that was about to arrive.


"Stop! Who are you! Get out of this weird thing quickly!"

Just shortly before the giant personnel carrier went deep into it! He was stopped by many pig-headed warriors in leather armor! The magnificent front is actually a giant wooden city wall, towers, suspension bridge gates, and countless pig-headed troops who gnash their teeth and raise cold weapons and giant crossbows! Seeing that they are so vigilant, what should be the case!

"Don't be impulsive! We have something important to report to the king!"

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