Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Chapter 17: Raiders group selection and training talents

   When the few people in Yun were still shopping and dating happily, showing affection, it was already boiling in Sao! At 09:30 when they started dating today, the strongest intelligence merchant Argo issued an invitation letter to all online players in the entire sao's interior.

"The second floor of the maze boss room has been found! If you want a shame, you can participate in the boss strategy meeting in the second floor square! Here will provide free special equipment, weapons and weapons that can greatly improve the strategy boss. Consumables!"

The message of Argo spread all over the ears of the entire Aincrad online players. They have always been worried about the previous first-tier boss, and they have been drinking hatred and have not vented. This time, the second-tier boss is absolutely Can't be snatched away by the last Triangleteam!

Otherwise, the entire sao players really can’t hold their heads up. This is the idea of ​​most players. Although their levels are around 20 or so, they will find that the boss room can also get the necessary equipment and consumables at the same time. , Let them gather in this relatively wide square, and suddenly there was a crowd of people.

   Although it is not all 3000 players, at least there is a scale of 800~1000 people, and they are very interested in this double opportunity. Except for the players who came here in particular, the intelligence merchant Argo had not yet appeared in the center of the square, and they began to whisper to each other.

   "You guys? The Triangleteam that dominates this matter! Will it come and kick it?"

   "Who knows? After all, they came to the last challenge last time! It should be let us test the waters, and after we find the strategy, we will take the opportunity to win the final victory! Just think about it!"

   "Don't tell me! What is the truth!"

   "It feels like the props are used and thrown away!"

   "Give me the data! I can do it too!"

These players’ impressions and reviews of the Cloud Trio were not good at all. Some even started to add fuel and vinegar in it, causing all players to be dissatisfied with them. After all, no one still believes that they are defeating the troublesome boss normally. Now they are 100% confident that they can definitely beat it.

   (I only talk nonsense! You are now the same level as the first-tier bosses, so naturally you don’t put Triangleteam in your eyes. Anyway, their image descriptions are pretty similar to those of Brother Yun? Could they be Brother Yun and Triangleteam?)

It is not that Argo has not come, but has already mixed in the player group to interview and investigate the situation, find a good team to help Yun train a fully equipped Raiders team, but she couldn't help but shook her head when she looked at these mixed and even talkative players. , Began to continue to find a suitable target in the vast crowd.

   "Why don't you come! Is that Argo intelligence merchant credible? Isn't it fooling us?"

   "Shhh! Be quiet! Don't you seem to have lost the right to purchase special information forever! There are some things that only Argo can handle! If you offend her! Don't turn back in sao in your life!"

   These few people began to teach a guy who was stunned, and told him not to talk nonsense, and looked around vigilantly.

   (Yeah! People don't have much power! Dying Tian makes you regret entering sao for life! But the quality here is so low! I feel that they are all players of miscellaneous level!)

Argo looked at her real-time time with a bit of annoyance. It was 10:00 in 10 minutes. That was the start time of this boss strategy meeting. She had to sigh and slowly get away from the inconspicuous place. Came to the central square.

Argo stopped moving when Argo entered the center of the noisy square. Their eyes were focused on this small cloaked man. The high-profile feeling made Argo very unaccustomed, so he had to take off the hood on his head. , Showing fragmented short blond hair looking at these players staring at him.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hello everyone! I am Argo, the initiator of this second-level maze boss strategy meeting! Please give me your advice!

  Argo showed a cute smile and bowed deeply, but all the players just looked at her quietly! There is no response. Make Argo a little embarrassed!

   "That's not too much nonsense! Let's go straight to the subject!"

  Argo instantly turned his map information into four huge display windows so that everyone can now see clearly what it is! As soon as the map came out, as Argo turned the page, all players were watching these data closely!

   "This is the second-level maze map, the shortest route, and the detailed data of wild monsters sold to me by the frontline pioneer players! Then I will introduce you to the battle-type NPC skeletal general who joined the boss strategy battle that sao debuted this time!"

When    Argo's words came out, all the players couldn't help but swallow. The name of this combat NPC was spread last night, and everyone wanted to see the respect! When they watched a skeleton full of black armor coming onto the stage, their eyes widened.

   The solemn and solemn steps are full of the temperament of the elders and leaders, so that they can't help but move their eyes along with its movement.

   "Hello everyone! I am a mercenary combat NPC who participated in the second-tier boss strategy battle this time! Please give me your advice!"

General Skeleton used his skinny body to send greetings and friendly smiles to all players. In terms of his manners, he was the same as humans. Some people even suspected that he was controlled by humans, but when he saw that level lv34 surpassed the current sao players. , All of a sudden everyone was boiling.

In other words, this time the Raiders battle is similar to Gao Wan's Skeleton General, and it can be said to be stable. Everyone feels relieved that they can participate in this call. Even if you do this, you will be stunned even if you hold a thigh. ! At least it won't let the Triangleteam dominate!

   In an instant, the entire square began to look at each other again. If it weren't for the bone general's ability to deter the audience that day and clap their hands, they might not be able to stop.

"Okay! Let me talk to you about the weapon preparation and consumables mentioned earlier! But because of the limited number, we need a rough idea? Hmm~hmm! A team seems to have a maximum of 8 people! We can provide free for 3 teams Provide these materials! So to the best players! I think you should know what this means! Of course, we will show some of them for everyone to understand!"

   General Skeleton looked at the surrounding players, then turned his head and asked Argo to provide a weapon, a set of armor and a few consumables for a demonstration of information!

"First of all, this "White Iron Sword" is strengthened by +10, which greatly increases the value of all attributes by 5%, adds 30 all attributes, adds hit4, and obtains the passive skills of the weapon after equipment: seamless burst (there is a low probability that the sword will be launched After the skill, a random sword skill of the system will be released again. If the mp is insufficient, it will not be triggered!) 0cd."

   This white iron sword exploded as soon as it was released. Almost 80% of the players have stood up in surprise, looking at the data in the screen and feeling that the saliva is going to flow out!

"Then the "Silver Iron Set" defense +50, all attributes increased by 2%, all attributes increased by a fixed value of +30, after preparing a set, all attributes increased by +10! Passive skills: damage immunity once (no matter how high the damage is Completely resist once) cd1200s!"

   saw this complete armor set again, and many players were about to fall directly.

   "The "Mixed Potion" instantly restores the 30% double recovery effect of maxhpandmaxmp value! cd20s!"

   When this potion appeared, many people with things in their hands fell to the ground. Percent potion? Almost catching up with the effect of restoring the crystal! The usual potions are fixed values, but this is a percentage!

   All players have been in an uproar, this kind of equipment and consumables that are almost and completely excessive from the early to mid-term! It's the gospel of sao rookie players like them! Their eyes are full of greed! I began to regard these things as my own.

   And their competitors are all players other than the 7 players who teamed up with them, that is, a knockout match where 800~1000 players enter 24 players! The prize of victory is the exquisite novice suit that can be all the rage and temporarily put them at the pinnacle of saobeta! The conflict in their hearts began when things came out.

   "The decision method is very simple! Win the team pk! It is based on the principle of destroying all the opponents, and the opponent is completely resolved within 10 minutes, otherwise it is considered that both parties are unqualified and eliminated!"

  Ten minutes and a short time super high-level team to cooperate with the annihilation battle! This is the biggest test for team battles, because battles can often determine the victory or defeat in a short time! Soldiers are expensive and fast, and soldiers are tricky. This is the tactics of the strategist.

   Everyone has been ignited to fight, because this reward allows them to become great gods in a short time! Often the difference in preparation, attributes, and level is the most real cruel gap in VRMMORPG games. They have begun to replace and adjust their teams in their hearts, and begin to fight for this new goal.

   "Then! Give you 10 minutes to prepare! Then continue with the multi-team knockout competition here! Above! Free time!"

As soon as the General Skeleton announced it, he turned and left the square with Argo. All the players couldn’t wait to start reorganizing and adjusting the team based on the crowd they knew. Of course, there were also people who challenged with the current team in the same way, but most of them have already In order to reward, change the configuration to improve the winning probability of your team.

   Not long after 10 minutes, all the players and their teammates were sitting neatly in the square waiting for the host to arrive, and under their anticipation, Argo and General Skeleton stood in the center of the square again.

"Now the draw starts! Team captains are asked to register their teams in the first Raiders Trial Tournament created by Argo players! Once you register, you will get the number shown on the electronic ticket, and you will compete with players with the same number. ! Each team enters the arena directly following the numbers! I announce the official start!"

   After General Skeleton waved his hands, the players had already started to operate. Soon the 8 teams from the first group had entered the field. The elimination game started automatically after General Skeleton and Argo retired and the countdown counted down.

When the first major group of battles began, everyone's initial naive ideas were ruthlessly broken by the on-site situation. Because there was no systematic division of the on-site venues, everyone's battles would spread to the entire central battlefield, and it would evolve all at once. It became a big melee.

   These players don’t understand what they really cooperate with. It can be said that they are fighting around! No one is in command at all, everyone is fighting on their own! I didn't know what the cooperation was. After a while, he slashed the enemy on the left, and then turned his head to fight the enemy on the other side. In the end, he slashed to the point where no one knew it, and he directly returned to the rebirth point.

   The Skeleton General and Argo who were watching directly slapped their foreheads, what a mess! Neither they nor the players on the scene thought that this would be the case. Even the players involved in the competition would just be blind as long as they saw that they were people! It was not until the time was up that they were all eliminated. They also stood in place with a dumb face.

   "What's the mess of this fight! Compared to the perfect connection between Yun, Aisha and Kirito, I think these players are not filled with **** in their heads!"

   Even the skeleton general couldn't help but swear. Argo shook his head and looked at these players who were even more **** than rookies. They felt a headache. I was afraid that giving them everything was just a drop in the bucket.

Seeing this scene, the attitude of many players has changed significantly, because they know that if they take a fluke or play casually, they will be uglier than the following players. They began to think and draw up plans. When General Skeleton and Argo saw that there were many players It seemed to see a glimmer of hope during his actions.

   ( looks like it might still be a play!)

The two continued to watch the game of the second largest group with the mentality of watching. It really started a lot better, but they were still eliminated by all members, but their changes clearly inspired the remaining team's combat strategy. , Watching them communicate more and more time while watching the game, and even getting more intense, the two finally saw the real signs.

About an hour later, it was surprising that only 6 teams were eliminated in such a short time. They looked a little tired physically and mentally, but the fighting spirit in their eyes was really fierce. They are now in the finals, and they have gone from winning the prize. Need to find a new goal-the honor of team and battle.

It must be said that after the baptism of the practice of pk confrontation, these 6 teams have improved their tacit cooperation and mutual understanding. It can be said that in a short period of time, it is second only to the cooperation of General Skeleton before joining the cloud team. Strength, but the difference is that they rely on the traditional multiplayer switching recovery and the coordinated play style of sword skills, and even the play style that has dual wielding bonuses with the Yuns is similar to the same.

   But the most basic seamless connection can still be achieved. The six teams as a whole have reached the requirements for continued training, because they have gradually changed from a desire for items to a serious attitude towards combat.

   "It seems that even if the remaining three are eliminated! You can still pay more attention! After all, we have the precious resources of first-class forgers, smelters and pharmacists to cultivate a strategy team! Although we are not tired!"

   General Skeleton pointed to the six formed teams present, and Argo nodded in agreement.

   "How about this! How about I create a mercenary guild and leave the president to you? General Skeleton?"

   Argo, who has found a new business opportunity, elbows the armor of General Skeleton and proposes.

   "Hmm~hmm! This proposal is not bad! After all, I am also a mercenary NPC, so I just need a unit to belong to!"

   The General Skeleton didn't care what Argo was thinking behind his back, he just felt that there was a bunch of plasticity that made him feel sorry for his talents.

Soon the finals began. The battle was very exciting. Whether it was through seeing through the opponent’s weakness or defending one’s own flaws, a fierce offensive and defensive battle with enthusiasm was formed, but there is always the survival of the fittest. About 4 minutes have passed. 2 groups have been selected!

The last group is still competing with each other. Those 2 groups who were eliminated were not so discouraged about the Instead, they supported each other and left the square crying and laughing, but they were on the way they had to go. Argo has been waiting here for a long time, and she has sent invitation letters from the guild to these teams.

   Although they were still a little puzzled when they saw this move, they heard that if they entered this guild, they would have the opportunity to get this or more rewards again when they were very excited to accept the invitation and left the passage happily.

   It didn't take long for the last group to be the winner, and the General Skeleton had walked to the side of the winning team, and Argo slowly came to their side after inviting the last team.

   "Congratulations! These rewards are yours!"

The General Skeleton visualized the three sets of equipment supplies that had been transferred to him in front of them. Each set was exactly the same as the data provided, and the most amazing were the outstanding potions and crystals. Players who have not left as the audience are very envious and hateful!

  The players who were equipped with the equipment were extremely excited. They didn't expect that they had actually obtained these coveted things. When they were excited, the skeleton general coughed to interrupt their bragging behavior.

"Although very abrupt! You are now officially a member of my strategy team! Our task is very simple! Raid all the maze bosses, of course our current task is this second-tier boss! Let's go! Time waits for no one! We You must reach the third floor within today! Of course, players who lose the selection don’t worry, you will have the opportunity to join our Raiders group in the future!

   General Skeleton announced to the audience! All the players greeted with cheers and applause and led them to the portal of the first battle of the Raiders team...

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