Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 123: Reasons for the "Ghost Bear" clan to fight

Although the cloud closed his eyes, the White Wolf knew that this cloud that existed like a blind man, just because of this appearance, had just continuously attacked many'ghost bear' fighters in the forest area, and even the behemoth below. It proves that he can see most of the battlefield without using sight, and he can also know that he has been watching his every move and even his expression.

"So... if it doesn't come in! Wouldn't the arrangement of the Three Hundred Generals of the Clouds be in vain?"

Hearing what Yun said, the white wolf asked him in a cold sweat.

"No~no no! It will come! Although it can directly destroy the terrain with its ability, and then take my dog's life without taking the usual path! But the risk is too big, especially if you face one, you can hold it anytime, anywhere. For an enemy who wears it proudly to defend against magic, it is simply a way to lose more than his life..."

"On the contrary, if I follow the trap I set up! Although it will be hindered, the consumption and danger will be reduced a lot, because in some places I may not be able to directly snipe its life, so I set up traps to prevent it from approaching. , I think if it calms down now, it will have its own wisest choice. As for whether it likes gambling or not, I don’t know! If there is the kind of life-threatening method I said at that time! It's up to you, the white wolf!"

Yun shook his head and analyzed the pros and cons of this decisive battle place to the White Wolf, then smiled and asked him...

(Stopped... It seems that there is still a place that archers can't sniper, but here is a little troublesome!)

And with a lunge, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" avoided Yun's arrows, and with a tactical roll, he came to the door of the decisive battle that Yun lured.

(Let me see... Except for the high mountains, there are some trees and forests! It can be said that there is no place to hide, and the archer is estimated to be at the end of the valley, which means this place. It should be suitable for setting up an ambush!)

Although a little bold, the "Ghost Bear" leader cautiously stretched out his head, looked around this place like an entrance, and slowly analyzed it.

(Then it's up! But obviously it should be within his sniper range. I have to climb up carefully to observe it!)

After a brief survey to obtain the rough situation of the passage below, the giant'ghost bear' leader jumped and grabbed, and then climbed up the mountain next to him with agility. When it was about to reach the top of the mountain, it first Subconsciously used a thing to stick out the top of the mountain.

"Shoo~hoo, bang~bang"

As a result, he was knocked out by the sound of breaking through the air. At first glance, he knew that the other party had deliberately reminded it not to mess with any more crooked brains, making him gritted his teeth slightly.

"Forget it! Looking at this appearance, you can only walk past the route he prescribed!"

Seeing such a situation, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" sighed slightly, and then fell straight down as soon as he let go.


With this loud noise, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" returned to his starting point, and then moved his muscles and bones.

(Then the next step is to break through the level! Who knows what this opponent has prepared for me to make me enjoy!)

Upon seeing this, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" smiled and walked into this valley with an upright smile...


"Is it the last one?"

"Yes! Two leaders! The one who just wailed was the last ‘Ghost Bear’ soldier!"

After the last ‘Ghost Bear’ fighter fell to the ground, the ‘Pighead Overlord’ and the ‘General Pighead’ who looked like overseers on the side confirmed the Pighead warrior on the side.

(So...the next one is the big guy! But letting a large army surround it here will only increase casualties! Only me and the general can help Yun Sanbai general in that place, right?)

"Well, I'll leave it to you to take care of the aftermath yourself! I'm going to "General Pighead" to reinforce the Yunsan Hundred General!

"No problem! Overlord and general just go! Let us take care of this! xN"

"Let's go! General!"


After seeing these pigheads full of confidence, the "Pighead Overlord" nodded, and then took the "General Pighead" on a sprint and ran towards the mountainous area where the cloud is...

(Oh~oh! Sure enough, I came here by invitation!)

"White Wolf! Go and fight with other Shadow Warriors!"

"No problem! Ooooooooooooooooo!!!"

After Yun confirmed that the opponent had entered the valley, he set up a bow at any time to support his shadow warrior and the White Wolf, and the White Wolf also roared quickly as if he couldn't wait, and stepped on the rocks and ran to the cloud where he was told... …

"It's so quiet... this quiet is obviously too much!"

Since entering this valley, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" has been vigilant about the surrounding situation, but there has been no movement, just like a normal valley, calmly making it feel scared.

"To be honest, I didn't expect how you would walk in step by step! After all, if you look at the characteristics of the'Ghost Bear' clan on the battlefield, you should choose the **** road above. It's a pity that you don't have it. How to do it, is it because you have gained wisdom like humans that you will make a humane judgment in doing so?"

And just when the leader of the "Ghost Bear" was still looking the voice of the cloud resounded through the valley, and it didn't dissipate for a long time!

(Come on! Is this what the commander who has been fighting against me said? I can hear the emotion of having been talking to me on the chessboard for a long time!)

"Maybe! But I don't think this is shameful. At least there are a lot of things that can be avoided directly rather than rashly can be solved! Don't you say that? The enemy general who destroyed my 300 elite fighters!"

Since Yun wanted to chat with it, in order to get the detailed information of this mysterious cloud, it was also willing to talk to it.

"Ha~Haha! Actually, I was forced to do it! But I really want to know why you invaded this ‘pighead country’. If you just grab the territory, it would be a bit too domineering!"

In fact, Yun has never figured out the reason for their invasion here, or even if it is to expand the territory, some things are not quite right... After all, there are too many opponents who can't figure it out, and some make them confused.


"Since ancient times, our tribe has been living here, but I did not expect that in a period of time, such a foreign race came to occupy our sacred place, and even became a king and began to have disputes with us. It is a pity that this forest But there is an unusual disunity among them. We have invited various races, including the outermost'Natta's..."

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