Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 145: The inheritance of multiple beliefs, and the story of the leader of the "Gh

This was the first time I saw the leader of the "Ghost Bear" a little surprised, after all, it was the first time he had ever seen the use of blood to reshape an object! Can not help but nodded.

(Sure enough?)

"Just as I expected, the basic auxiliary magic was the same at the beginning, but later branched out. The pig heads evolved into flame-related magic, gaining the ability to control and have a certain resistance to flames. According to its proficiency, the flame can be theoretically invalidated later!"

"But look at the situation where'Pighead Overlord' almost killed himself this time! Most of them haven't practiced home yet! The white wolf side is the wind manipulating magic. Although there is nothing immune to it, it has reached the physical level. The pangenetic ability to deviate objects or creatures' trajectory! It's really amazing!"

Zaiyun carefully watched the two magic scrolls, and only the recorded magic conditions can be understood, but the information left by the goddess described above is still relatively different!

"I don't know if I can share a share for us... Although I don't know if it can be used, but as a cultural heritage, it should be very helpful to our mixed races in the future!"

"Hmm~hmm! x3"

After seeing the emergence of the second magic scroll, although the "Pighead Overlord" knew that according to their beliefs, not everyone could learn the possibility of various high-level magics, but in the future, they must jointly build a demiman Kingdom words of race! There is still the possibility of a lot of inheritance and popularization of beliefs!

(This is a good proposal! However, I don't know if it is a good thing for the goddess Yui who has a high desire for exclusiveness, and this kind of multi-deity belief problem, and it is not clear whether it will be a double-edged sword that will split it again! )

The cloud frowned slightly just thinking of these possibilities.

"If you want! I don't care! After all, which goddess you want to believe in is free! If it is too forceful, the effect is not satisfactory! I agree to give you the exchange of magic scrolls and mutual inheritance behavior!"

Although he knows that his own decision will cause some problems with Yui's influence in this region, but he also knows that it is too forceful! What will happen to the demimen who are not protected by the goddesses?

It's not the same as waiting silently for changes in the living environment, and the possibility of whether you survive! It would be better to give them the options in one go, and let them choose by themselves!

(Three hundred people in the cloud! Thanks! x4)

After obtaining Yun's permission, they bowed slightly to one of them, and then slowly took the Yun and handed them a copy of the magic scroll about the goddess of the future and the goddess Lily, and each has its own race. You can watch it, so you can prevent it from being stolen and used by illegal foreigners.

"Since the White Wolf and the Pigheads have all explained clearly! Then the next step is your confession from the leader of the "Ghost Bear"!"

After confirming that each race had got two magic scrolls, one red and one green, Yun turned his face to look at the last key person with information about another Yui goddess!

"That's natural! I already have the inheritance of two goddesses here! If I don't hand over the inheritance of my goddess, it will be a bit unreasonable! But I don't quite understand... Yui who will serve Yunsanbai Does the goddess have no magic inheritance yet?"

After hearing Yun's words, the "Ghost Bear" nodded slightly in the first lead, but he also asked Yun about the information of the goddess Yui who was only awakened by magic in the later stage.

(That's true! After all, when we met Yunsan Hundred General, he was still a little ignorant of the concept of magic. Is it possible that the goddess Yui was also a backward goddess who had just started magic? x3)

After hearing the words of the leader of the "Ghost Bear", the pig heads nodded their heads with some concern.

(Ah~Ah! The leader of "Ghost Bear" is also talking about my heart! I also wonder how the magic talent of Yui Goddess can be so slow...)

"Unfortunately, my Yui goddess is almost the same as a waste goddess with knowledge and some abilities except for using magic related to space! Even the formation of magic is when I met me and the first one The evil **** in this area has gradually evolved from the opponent’s magic... In fact, I feel very desperate to have such a goddess..."

Speaking of this, Yun is the goddess Yui on his side, and his magical talent can't help shaking his head. The magic system of the goddess Lily and the future goddess is at least close to having a specific skill tree, and the goddess Yui... Still in the process of self-exploration and development...

(It seems that there is also a gap between the survival of the fittest among the gods! Why is the gap so obvious that they are all goddesses? x4)

Seeing that the cloud does not look like not to lie and has a they already understand that the cloud is also helpless to stand on such a "waste chai" goddess and feel sad, even fortunate that the goddess they believe in is still there. Only belongs to one's own magic branch!

"In that case, it was the encounter between my goddess and I..."

And after expressing sympathy for Yun's helplessness, the giant ‘Ghost Bear’ leader began to tell Yun and the others about himself and the Lord Goddess...

"Do you still disagree? If these foreigners are allowed to ramp up again, I don't know what this big forest of everyone will become!"

It was the night, and the Great Forest tribe, who had lived together for many years, such as the'White Wolf' tribe and the'Natata' tribe who were also the Great Forest, once again gathered in a large meeting of the highest leaders, and were ruthlessly rejected and expelled.' The leader of the'Ghost Bear' determined by the Pigheads.

Then he came back frantically and smashed the table and bench to vent his hatred... But in a sense, this method not only failed to relieve the hatred, but even made him more and more angry.

"The leader is not excited! Wouldn't it be better for us to take the opportunity to wipe out these poorly minded races?"

"Yes, yes! If they ignore the gradual genocide behavior of the pig heads! Wouldn't it be okay for us to take the initiative to let them accept our rule? Why should we talk to these weak people! I don't know if it will be tomorrow. It’s better to surrender to us guys who want to be annexed!"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

Obviously, the fighters of this "Ghost Bear" tribe are a group of masters, and some even look down upon a nation that is weaker and timid than their own race...

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