Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 187: The emergence of new technologies that interfere with perception

Then, carrying the living and dead prey obtained today, he moved forward to his place of residence. The route did have some changes from the first time Yun entered and exited here, making him very concerned.

(Strange? Is it the first time I didn't remember the route clearly? But I always feel that something is wrong there!)

"Sister Aisha! Has the road changed? It feels a little different from when I first came here?"

And sometimes, a cloud who asked without shame, he asked Aisha about the questions that had always been in his heart.

(Yeah! At that time, our technology hadn't been released yet! So Brother Yun didn't know yet, right? It's also possible that this is why I met this stupid girl!)

"No! From the beginning, our route was the only one! But there were some small reasons that made our route look different now!"

When she realized why the cloud appeared in that forest location and met Lisa, Aisha already understood what was going on, and then she told her with a smile.

(It hasn't changed? Add some small reasons! It seems that the weird I felt before is on this!)

"Sister, please explain! I am very concerned about this weird phenomenon!"

Hearing some inferences that coincided with him, Yun looked at Aisha with a serious look and asked in detail.

(Woo~Woo! This look for knowledge is also quite intellectual! It seems that Brother Yun is not only in the use of force, but also in the text, has some achievements? Woo~Woo...I regret it more and more!)

"Of course there is no problem! You are my lovely brother! I will tell you everything I want to know!"

After seeing this intellectual appearance, Aisha also embraced it in her arms very fondly and drank it for her winning streak.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am going to be smothered to death...don't do this..."

"Woo~Woo! Brother Yun hates my sister! QAQ"

But the cloud covered by the softness pushed Aisha away from her embrace, otherwise she would be suffocated by her alive, and instead caused the other party to have a bit of reluctance and hang down her triangular ears. It seemed that he was in a low state for Yun to break free of his embrace.

(Bad actions and overreaction! This in turn hurt sister Aisha's heart!)

"How come! I want to be with Sister Aisha the most! It's just that I'm going to die! So please forgive my brother~ Well!"

After realizing that he had rejected Aisha's kindness, Yun blushed and pointed to the position that almost made him dead, and explained it positively. After all, he didn't hate Aisha to do that.

(It turned out to be like this! Brother Yun is really an individual man! What should you do if you make your sister like this! It's so distressing! The more you get along with Brother Yun, the more you find that Brother Yun is nice and considerate!)

"Brother Yun is really gentle! The older sister won't be too insensitive!"

But after understanding that it was her own problem, Aisha blushed slightly, looking at the brother of the rational man, and hugging him with a measure but not too much.

(Just solve the misunderstanding! Wait... My sister seems to... haven't answered my question yet!)

"Sister Aisha! You haven't answered my question properly yet! Don't take the opportunity to vague me!"

After calming down Aisha's mood, Yun recalled what he was still asking, and answered it like a reminder.

(Yeah! I have forgotten what I wanted to explain because of the ups and downs of emotions! I am too emotional!)

"I'm sorry~ I'm sorry! My good brother! In fact, after you left, our researchers have developed a technology for the use of magic stone energy, which can center our residence and produce a similar Yu makes creatures have the ability to lose their way! It's like... what's that?"

When talking about this place, Aisha also squinted her eyes suddenly, and she became a little stuck and vague...

"Is it an inductive ability that makes the senses wrong? It's like walking in broad daylight with your eyes open, but you can't see your fingers as if it's dark around you, stupidly not knowing the direction?"

Hearing what Aisha said, the cloud with the concept quickly analyzed and came to a conclusion.

(Uh...I don’t understand it very well, but it seems to be this way! Actually I don’t quite understand the things in these articles...)

"It seems so? After all, I do have some deficiencies in literature, but if I use force! My sister will definitely not lose to anyone! I can assure Brother Yun about this!"

After being unable to understand Yun's literary and artistic statement, Aisha realized that there was a serious generation gap between the two in the text, and she panicked, fearing that Yun would dislike such a literary herself, and then show her strength in force. When she got up, she was afraid that the brother she liked so much would hate her because of it, so she felt too uncomfortable in her heart as if everything was gone...

(Sister Aisha is so cute! I am not a man who is afraid of the big-beauty sister's brains, as long as it is sister Aisha herself even a little stupid, I will tolerate and love it!)

"Sister Aisha is really a lonely elder sister! Why would I hate my favorite elder sister because of your brother Yun! Your shortcomings are my strengths in my brother's eyes! Otherwise, how can you let my younger brother be my sister? Show off your strengths and talents in front of you~Ah!"

But Yun smiled and hugged her. UUreading even stroked her slightly swaying triangular ears, and then comforted her.

(Brother Yun... Sister is so happy!)

"Why is my significant other not Brother Yun! I feel so sorry! There is a male who loves me and cares about me like this, unlike a rough male who only knows how to fight and kill but doesn't understand the taste! There is not even a little bit of my cute Yun Good thing! You are so good what should I do for my sister!"

Seeing Yun being so considerate, Aisha was a little moved and was about to cry. In a sense, a beast girl like Aisha is still very pure and beautiful, and even after marriage, she is as lively and warm-hearted as a girl.

"I'm very happy to hear what my sister said! But after I arrive at the place of residence, let me take a closer look at the operation status of this new technology and how to establish it? After all, it is a way of hiding one's position or location. Very good technology!"

"Of course! We will be there soon!"

And to hear such an interesting new technology, to the cloud who is keen on knowledge and exploring, it is quite tempting like an addictive poison...

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