Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 213: Aisha and Cloud

"After all, they also want a real soul to rely on and love them for a lifetime! I have confessed to them before! I am actually not as open and heroic as their eyes...because I am also an ordinary person! A slowly growing People who got up!"

Seeing some little Lisa who was completely disoriented with mosquito-repellent eyes, Yun still held her little fragrant shoulders in a gentle and elegant manner, and continued to explain with her head to the head close together.

To be honest, if there are outsiders looking at it, don't you know how to say that the two are loving little lovers? Or is it like a father and daughter who loves him like a mountain? In fact, it makes people feel unclear about the concept!

(Sometimes I can’t be together because I like it; I stay with me for a lifetime because of commitment and responsibility; I am infatuated with countless women because of a man... Can I say that Brother Yun is actually a playboy? Obviously aroused the affection of so many women , And each one is as spoiled as family and wife and daughter, I am afraid that all of them will be spoiled!)

"Brother Yun is also very hard! To be caught among so many girls, still loving and caring for them equally! Would you harm others like this? Make countless women fall in love with you and even ignore the predecessors, even if Is it possible to be a concubine or a maid just to be by your side, to get that sweet and dreamlike love that exists like honey?"

Hearing this, I began to understand what kind of man Yun was! He is destined to commit this life to peach blossoms, and he treats every woman he gets acquainted with like a family member. It can be said to be nosy, but it makes people love it! This kind of harm to women should be unforgivable...

But just like other women who were bewitched by him, Aisha couldn't easily get out of his gentle trap, because the more you understand him, the more obsessed and intoxicated he will become. Single-minded, but this love is still fearless.

"So... if it turns out I want you to propose! Will you accept me? Yun?"

It can be said that this proposal was caught off guard, and Aisha obviously changed her name from sibling to equal tone, which made Yun subconsciously stare slightly, even though he had anticipated this possibility...but Unexpectedly, the other party would show love to himself so straightforwardly.

"Then I ask you Aisha! What do you really like about me? As you know, my situation is so unsightly! I don't know what will attract your attention so much, and in turn, I understand everything. My attitude and emotion towards you are in a showdown. Why did you choose me?"

Wei Wei recovered from the stunned Yun, and asked him with a serious face. After all, what he wanted to be sure was...for Aisha! What kind of existence is he!

"The care and consideration for all girls who treat all girls equally, will not despise everything about me because I am a widowed woman. We have always looked at your kindness to our mother and daughter, although at first I was just because You say that you like me, or that you lament that I marry early and let yourself lose the opportunity to marry me is a joke!"

"But after your respect for me, every action and cherishing action, plus the enthusiastic look in your eyes from time to time, I understand that you are not joking, but you really care about and like me! Can't you say this? Are some things and things that I am passionate about?"

After hearing Yun's question, Aisha drank the wine she hadn't drunk, and then took this opportunity to question Yun again.

(Has it been discovered long ago?)

"How come! My every move is exactly the same as Aisha said! I love you to the point of wanting to marry, but later I realized that this kind of love is not allowed, so I am commensurate with your sister and brother. , I want to use this identity to accomplish I can't directly care and love you!"

"Sure enough, I'm still a hypocrite! Doing such an unsightly thing to please Aisha, I don't know if you will be disappointed!"

Yun shook his head. He would not deny what he did dishonestly, because he did approach Aisha for impure purposes. He naturally knew this, and he had already let big acquaintances know it. These facts were concealed with bluffing words, and she even looked at Aisha aside with a wry smile.

"For a beloved woman, I have tried my best and even took great pains to care and love her. How many girls or women do you think do not want to have such an infatuated man? I also said that I was unrighteous for a while, which is obviously a duplicity. It's just a coward looking forward and backward!"

"But you and I like this kind of contradiction very much. At least you care about my feelings, not like a bully. You don't care about the other party's feelings and only care about your own selfish desires! You a passionate big fool! "

And Aisha did not hesitate to poke the tip of his nose with a jade finger. This minute she appeared as lovely and pure as a young girl in love or as a wife for a long time, she did not completely obliterate that. The long-hidden girl's feelings for a moment, and thus the longing and longing for true love, is not because the strongest self must match the strongest partner!

It's the pursuit of true and true obsession with a man who is worthy of trust for the rest of his life. Maybe she is the same as the wife and young lady of the lord at the time.

"Ha~haha! I didn’t expect that my evaluation in Aisha is not so good! Although there are derogatory words in it, most of me sound like praise me, you are not afraid of me as long as I am cute Are beautiful women a big hungry wolf that eats all sizes?"

Unexpectedly, after Aisha's evaluation of herself was so high, Yun of the deity was a little embarrassed, and she even teased the woman who was obsessed with herself.

"What are you afraid of? I said that I will marry the person you are going to marry for the second time! Is it possible that you are still afraid of being abandoned by you! You have to know! I still have the authority to cancel the covenant of the'Natata' clan! Don't! Forcing me to use the last resort to force you to marry! Now I am giving you the most suitable and equal opportunity, depending on whether you will agree to me!"

The slightly domineering appearance at this minute showed the domineering image of the leader's wife, and it even made Yun a little bit amused.

"I know this! But doesn't Aisha treat herself badly like this? Wouldn't she be a bit out of status if she has to bend down and marry me as a married man?"

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