Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 224: The bits and pieces in the battle

There is no time for these new recruits to hesitate. According to the experience of the veterans, the second wave is coming soon, and the enemy will naturally rush to kill them by victory. Only in this way can their defensive resistance ability be weakened! So these veterans are like chasing ducks. The new recruits who can still fight, set up on the city wall and defensive zone with cover positions!

"The first wave can be said to have affected all the opponent's defense zones. Almost the Golu location is already close to destruction. They tried to use the dead as fortifications to forcefully create a bunker in the Golu area! Come to fill me up with arrows Prepare to prevent the opponent from succeeding!"

   "Yes~Yes! Your Highness Klein! xN"

After hearing the information that Klein told them with his eyes closed, they let a soldier communicate with various places below, while filling Klein's quiver quickly, allowing him to once again enter the preparation for an air strike. status.

"That's it! I didn't expect how wide Klein's sword skills covered, almost all of the defense locations in the town have been hit, very good! Let Shirayuki and Kazuka prepare to use the second magic attack to give the opponent. Be caught off guard! At the same time, remind all personnel that the opponent may rush out to fight anytime and anywhere! Be alert at any time!"

   "Yes~Yes! Your Highness Kirito! xN"

   After hearing the report given to him by Klein, Kirito smiled slightly, and then began to order Shirayuki on the other side to give each other a second gift! At the same time, let all the personnel in other defensive positions be ready to respond to the enemy's sudden surprise attack at any time!


   "What happened to the situation just now? Didn't you let the enemy reach the foot of the city?"

Obviously, the extraordinary rain of arrows that was amazing just now was not rushed by Lord Moss, who was in armor, to figure out what caused such a large-scale casualties. So when he rushed to the vicinity of the city wall, he just The captains of the guards here were questioned.

"In fact, Lord Moss! The opponent is still thousands of miles away, at least we can confirm this! But the opponent is too abnormal. According to the intelligence of the surviving lookout soldiers, the opponent seems to have passed a mobile commanding height. It’s incredible to snipe all the people in all our towns from thousands of miles away!"

   "This really can only blame us for being so ignorant!"

Speaking of this, it is obvious that all the commanders feel extremely sad for their momentary carelessness. After all, because of such a small mistake, many of their commanders and soldiers have been killed, causing unnecessary casualties. To weaken their defensive ability.

   (What? This... Although you know that they have some kind of anomaly, didn't you expect it to such a degree?)

   "Damn it! How about the casualties? Did the enemy take the opportunity to attack the city because of the ultra-range strike!"

Realizing that the problem was the same as when he was fighting with an overly unknown enemy, Moss gritted his teeth, as if the enemy knew their weaknesses, but he was still in the dark as if he was being slaughtered. This situation was affected by his deployment from the beginning. After the other party was hit so hard, it was vaguely noticed.

"Yes~Yes! Lord Lord! Almost the number of people hit has dropped from 10,000 to around 7,000 to survive, and among them, the number of people who are disabled and unable to fight has been sorted out, and those who are able to fight have been reduced. At about 5,000 people, this kind of disability method obviously has the intention of consuming our medical supplies!"

  "Lord Moss should be clear about the specific handling of the disabled! However, the other party did not take the initiative to attack the city because of this situation. It is very worrying, as if the other party knows that there are other enemies, there is vigilance!"

   Although they know that these disabled people are indeed still alive, they live like a burden, and they can't fight this time. After all, their medical level here is limited.

Unlike Kirito’s army, which has abnormal physical recovery capabilities, it can even use the pink potions produced by Kirito to accelerate the speed of regeneration. Therefore, they have to make some decisions to ensure that this town will not be as safe as possible. Only if it is captured!

(So ​​that's it... It seems that they should have adopted some means to know that we have "reinforcement" stationed around us? It seems that the commander of the other party is not a novice! It's really a headache! ...)

   "Do they still have the ability to produce troops?"

   After thinking about it, he directly pointed out this kind of use that only requires people to be alive!

   "Some okay but some not! xN"

   After carefully recalling the situation in which he had obtained the report, these squad leaders responded to it.

   "That's good! If you can send it to the rear to take part in the surge operation, if you can't, just wipe their necks to make their death easier, and then store them as emergency food!"

   "Yes~Yes! Lord Moss! xN"

After hearing about Moss’s ruthless methods and, these squad leaders didn’t seem to be disgusted by it, but more of habit and obedience. It seemed that these squad leaders could communicate with Lord Moss. The commanders of, are also veterans who have experienced more cruel years and eras!

What they know is how to make the troops survive as much as possible, and let them guard the places they want to defend, instead of being overly feminine and emotional. Soon they began to treat people and people for the first time in this town. The layoffs of combat power take action...

   "Klein-sama! Your Royal Highness Kirito's instruction to continue has come!"

"To understanding!"

   Klein, who received the next continuous command, started the second round of long-range strikes.

   (hasn't it reached us yet? Klein has already begun the second arrow rain attack!)

After watching Klein start the second round of attacks without hesitation, Shirayuki, who felt that she was about to be robbed of her presence, became a little anxious, but Hexiang on the side looked at the direction of the surrounding plains and hills with her own eyes. Up! It seemed to be investigating something with his magical ability.

(Sure enough, there is no movement? Is it true that the two armies of lords that should have been supported, like the words of His Highness, must come back to attack us after a good time? Isn't this too gangster behavior? Already? This kind of people who take advantage of the danger and grab the fruits of other people's labor always feel that they should all die!)

   After using magic to detect that there are no enemies around, Kazuka despises these things in his heart, and the lords of "Barrio" who are still fighting during the national crisis rise up...

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