Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 245: Excellent training venue and love sauce that is just showing off


After this small ball of light bombarded the target location like a baseball, a small big explosion, accompanied by a mushroom cloud scene, suddenly destroyed the grass field within a certain range, and the surrounding creatures also felt the light. The danger of the ball has already been concealed in a catastrophe.

"Master are..."

"Look! There seems to be something wrong!"


This sudden destructive action by Yun himself caused the beast ladies who were slightly scared to cover their triangular ears, and subconsciously complained and found that they became tedious.

It's true that after the smoke passed, it was a scene of destruction with burning, cracked and dark pits, but surrounded by a ray of blue halo, it began to slowly recover as before, and it didn't take long before nothing happened. That's it! And this situation has proved why Yun listed this place as a training place.

"No way?"

"It will be repaired automatically?"

"This is amazing too! xN"

All of them were stunned, rubbing their unbelievable eyes with their jade hands.


"Okay~ okay! Now your worries should be gone! So to save time! Let's start the competition! After all, the real purpose of your coming here is to complete my dear devil training, and then make yourself stronger! There is me who should be the weakest beast mother in your eyes! Let me prove to you my dear teaching ability!"

Looking at these surprised beast ladies, Ai Chan clapped her hands without hesitation, and declared it this way.

After all, just now after Yun used Magic Xiaolu again, he has a little more credibility as an instructor. Now it is hard to say what kind of impact can be given to them by looking at the love sauce that is like a master.

"That's good! Come and come! Who is afraid of who!"

"Let's go! Sisters! x4"

Although the five strong beast ladies heard this, they swallowed subconsciously, and then calmed down, and walked to the center of the venue with Ai Jiang to prepare to fight.

"Let me talk about the rules first! The means are not limited. The conditions for victory are simple. After the opponent has all abstained and cannot fight, and there are no other people outside the team, it will be the final winner! Understand?"

"Understand! xN"

After Yun walked to the center of the two parties and read the rules in this way, Ai Jiang and the beast ladies responded to Yun at the same time.

"Then the timeless challenge officially begins!"

After gaining the approval of both parties, with a wave of hands and a slam backwards, Yun announced the start of the competition and quickly left the field.


What's interesting is that I didn't expect the 5 beast girls here to move first! I am encircling Aijiang in all directions, preparing for a joint siege trend.

(So ​​fast! This is the siege and hunting formation that the ‘Natta’s are most adept at. Didn’t you expect that the opponent’s unit of five is to accomplish this goal? It’s really interesting!)

While staying in place, Ai Chan, who was watching the surrounding situation, could see the opponent's formation at a glance, and then slightly entered a state of vigilant defensive counterattack.

(O~O? Faced with this ‘Natta’s hunting formation, but still not running away? It seems to be quite confident to break us! Then try it! xN)

Seeing Ai-chan's defensive trend that never changes in response to changes, the five beast girls exchanged their eyes, and then they started to attack them in a chaotic manner in a single and plural way.

‘Swipe~swipe, tap~ta, 噌~噌’

As the five beast girls quickly exposed the sharp claws on the jade hand, they attacked the defensive Aichan fist, foot, and claw methods.

(That's it! Looks like some sisters who are more tacit understanding! But! Just like you are familiar with yourself! I also know the attack modes of the "Natata" beast girl, and which ones are inseparable!)

First, a beast girl who is facing Ai-chan, first slams on her, then raises her claws and strikes at Ai-chan’s heart and thighs, in order to attract her attention and if there is a chance. Destroy Aijiang's ability to move and directly plunge it into chaos.

But the love sauce, which is like water, has long lost the impulsive temper that I used to be untrained before, so I quickly tore off my long sleeves and the extra part of the skirt that was inconvenient to move. Claws on her leg, and at the same time, her right hand turns into a hand knife. From her inside, tapping on her centripetal wrist, breaking her offensive trend!

(What? Why do you act so fast? Obviously there are so many extra movements, but it is still faster than me!)

And the beast mother who attacked was still slightly surprised, and saw that Ai Chen had turned into a sliding assault along with the kicking trajectory, and went directly into the vicinity of her arms.



And when she entered zero distance with this beast mother, Ai-chan had already squeezed her jade hand and turned her palm into her hand. She slapped her hand fiercely against her lower abdomen, and knocked her alive a distance of tens of meters. Fly out.

(So ​​strong! Actually hit it directly! xN)

For a while, the remaining four beast girls and the people present who were originally following the attack opened their eyes wide.

("Listen to the Voice of Debate", it seems that there is a beast mother who is about to attack me at the back left!)

With the moment when these people were slightly dazed, after moving her triangular ears, Ai Chan followed her own rules of action and swiveled a 180° angle with her toes as the axis after landing. Facing a beast mother who is on the right side of her now, who is about to fist and fist to herself, she strides forward again and again in front of this beast mother.



And as soon as Ai Chan got close, she used her jade foot to break through the ground where the beast girl was standing, allowing her to cooperate with her to disrupt the other party's balance, and then her left fist suddenly hit her left cheek with the back of her hand. , So that her head was stunned by the huge detonation power, and then her right hand turned her palm and patted the middle of her ribs with her fingertips.

It only took about ten seconds to avoid the two beast mothers' surprise attack, and instead bombarded them out of the 5-person attack formation.

"How come! Only in such a short time! x3"

Seeing that they were supposed to enter the violent combo attack of the 5 of them that made their opponents unparable, Ai Chan, who was suddenly beaten by this sudden beckoning attack, caused 2 of them to fall under such a fierce and merciless punch After being unable to get up again on the ground, the remaining three people were a little bit afraid...

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