Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 252: The beginning of a young general war

"Wait! We are still... Damn it! x3"

Before the three little giant brothers wielded their weapons again and were about to intercept Kirito's army, the three phantoms moved before them and blocked them, preventing them from chasing and approaching the army for half a step, making it a little bit awkward. He gritted his teeth like a tongue.

"I said! You are the ear food of Lei and the sisters! Don't even try to escape from our sisters!"

And the three hairs on the head dangling as big as alive, and then the black-haired girl who claimed to be Lei raised the Oriental Machete in her hand, and gently pointed the tip of the knife to the three of them, and she was so firm. Its a declaration!

"Little girl movies! We have endured you for a long time! Let me die! Haha~ahah!!! x3"

Suddenly, the muscles of the three little giant brothers were clearly visible as strong blue veins, and even gritted their teeth, raised their arms in both hands, and blasted the three girls on the heads of Lei fiercely!

"Sister Lei! Leave the long-handled battle axe and warhammer to me and Youjia! My sister needs to deal with the big sword-handling guy the most!"

"Yes! Looking at the words of the big guy we are responsible for, he is the big brother! I'll leave it to you! Sister Lei!"

"Hey~Hey! Wait! Why are you ignoring the opinions of my third sister! 〒▽〒"

And one after the other, there is a black-haired girl with four big dangling hairs, supposed to be Wu. Then she moves five big sluggish hairs in the same way as the next, and the same-looking girl called Youjia, just like that. Later, Ruthlessly left Lei alone in place, and then each greeted the prey.

Lei, who was left alone with a crying and tearless expression, had to sigh slightly, as if he had no choice but to grab the Eastern Machete in his hand, and charged towards the little giant boss instead of retreating!

‘Dang~Dang~Dang, Swap~ Swap, hoo, hoo, hoo’

As the three of them attacked each other continuously, they all led them to their respective spacious places, and the three young generals battled the duel combination so that they were isolated from each other...

"Ding Ding~Dangdang, bang~bang"

(It’s so overbearing, even the battle-tested me feels my hands are slightly numb! This little girl named Lei, who dances with this kind of sword that is close to me is like a weapon! It’s a bias! Powerful swordsman! It's really a match for the opponent to make people have to take it seriously!)


After receiving several fierce and domineering attacks from this little guy, some little giant muscle brother Guigui who stepped back a few steps looked at the heavy sword still screaming in his hand and let him Some felt slightly uncomfortable and had a headache.

After all, he had to subconsciously admit that this little guy with delicate skin and tender flesh did have the strange power bestowed by his body, so that he was very vigilant to keep a distance from her and turned into a two-person turn state and fell into a stalemate state.

(This guy is still so cautious after encountering my attack! That's why it makes people think that experienced veterans are very tricky! But in actual combat, I didn't expect that the keenness of observation and anticipation of the attack is not ordinary. Disgusting, disgusting to the point that I can't take advantage of it every time, and I'm a little bit annoying!)

"So? The arrogance that was inevitable just now has dropped so much! Big guy? Is it possible that you are already a little afraid of me as a little guy?"

But Lei shook the three big dumb hairs, transformed into holding a big knife in one hand, and began to provoke him with a playful smile.

Trying to make the other party fall into a state of anger in defending her dignity, and induce her to use more reckless moves, so that she can find a chance to kill, quickly resolve the battle to support the soldiers who are gradually descending.

(Little girl compares my mentality and experience with me! You are a lot more tender! Even if I lose face, I am not impatient or impatient, and treat every person who fights carefully! My character was also made by my youth. Lesson learned from this old scar!)

(Let me understand that pride is good, but once it gets too much, it will end up succumbing to face and suffering. In the end, on the road I climbed up, there are a lot of people who fall on the ground who can't hold back the fire like this! Poor experience!)

But the opponent also followed the position of Lei’s eyes and observed the situation on the battlefield. Some of them slightly understood her intentions and kept a wait-and-see attitude that ignored her, intending to let their defenders break through to restrict the three of them and the soldiers. Their actions, and then together they encircled and suppressed the tendency of the gate towers that were being deprived.

"It's okay! We have a lot of time! Your people won't be able to open the door for a while! Our long-term staff knows this best! Little Nizi!"

Seeing through Lei's limited time, Qi Qi shook his as if he was unhurriedly grinning, Lei couldn't help but feel a lot of headaches...

(This big guy...Isn’t he a brash guy with his brain full of muscles? That would be quite annoying! There is no way we are short on time here! I can only do it first!)

Driven by helplessness and situation, Lei couldn't help but feel a little bit stunned for this kind of brainy and mentally muscular brother, so she lowered the big knife in her hand, and the ground sparks splashed and even "Zi~Z~Z". Sounds, obviously reminding the opponent to take the initiative to attack him and gallop like fast!

(Come! This momentum! This feeling of wanting to kill! It is really full of expectation and passion! I didn't expect to feel the crisis-ridden battlefield feeling from a little girl again! I really have to admire The young generals nowadays are really better than blue!)

"Come on! Little girl! Let me see if you want to kill me like this!"

And those eyes are like seeing someone who is going to kill, full of murderous aura, so that facing her own strangeness, sweating coldly, and yelling at her as if looking forward to it...

‘Dang~Dang~Dang, Bang~Da, Hucha~Hucha’

(What kind of weird power is this! I can't beat it! It feels like Big Brother even calls it a natural brute force!)

"Ha...Ha...Are you a monster? You are really inhumane, and the sea is incomparable!"

And after slashing it back and forth several times, some of the little giants with long-handled tomahawks who felt weak and muscular brothers were expensive, so Yujia, who was holding five big dumb hairs and holding a double-axe, was forced to reach a certain point. The corner position is a bit the opposite, but this is the case!

He doesn't know why this cute and cute Youjia is such a powerful woman!

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