Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Boar and Kobold double boss alliance

In the sewers of the starting town, it has been occupied by a large number of kobold warriors. They are happily transporting the female players obtained from the streets outside the town. In a sense, these female players have been destroyed physically and mentally. , Has become a toy and a tool for venting these kobold warriors.

   (Is there anyone... come and save me!)

   Although the female players are physically and mentally devastated, they still have a trace of expectation and prayer deep in their hearts, but in this torch-lit sewer, their treatment is still crudely used.

But I don’t know how long they have come to a field. It’s still in the afternoon, but the surrounding dense forest makes it look a little sparsely light. Although the body is being used roughly, the eyes are still visible. .

   (! No!)

   But seeing it is a more tragic situation, because they find that the forest they came to is indeed full of things that scare them even more. They want to struggle, but the limbs of some girls have been mercilessly amputated, and their resistance has become a spice for these wild monsters to enjoy.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Female! Female!"

And while being transported, the wild boars who had huge bodies, a handful of female players who snatched part of the kobold warriors, facing their huge bodies, the female players had already thought of what they were going to do next. When is it, tears of horror have been flowing everywhere!


   The desperate and wailing voices of multiple female players for a time resounded through the entire silent forest.

And in the deepest part of this forest, under a huge tree, there are two monsters of almost the same size, sitting together in front of a big bonfire, one is a giant boar man with brown fur all over the skin, he The big pig's head and the many scars on his face looked hideous. He was holding a huge piece of meat and was tearing and chewing with his sharp fangs.

   "I said Lord Kobold? How long can these hateful humans live if you and I join forces?"

   The boar man who was eating meat with a rough voice asked the red-skinned kobold lord at the side of the animal skin armor that had not changed much in beta.

"Huh~huh! How long? It reminds me of when they abused and killed me and my compatriots, they wanted them to be driven to death by us, those despicable humans, especially the three nasty humans who killed me together at the time. !"

"Lord Boar! Do you know? The feeling of being killed a little bit controlled by these weak things at the time! It is the shame and unforgettable memory of my life! If I meet those three guys again! I want to They broke the corpse with their own hands! Let them feel my pain and regret at that time!"

I saw that the lord of the kobold still seemed to remember the painful memory of his being attacked by the three people in the beta period. He gritted his teeth and held the big knife beside him, raised his resentful hands up and slashed a piece of wood next to him neatly. Fell to the ground.

   Seeing how angry the lord of the kobold was, the lord of the boar also grabbed a large piece of roasted meat in a large wooden plate and handed it to him.

   "Come on and eat! This time the **** maze is gone, so you can bring your troops to my place, yes! I also have some good tree fruit wine here! I wonder if you are not interested? Ahaha!"

   The Boar Lord, after the Kobold Lord took the big piece of meat, remembered something and handed the two large pots made of clay to the Kobold Lord.

   "O~O? There is actually tree fruit wine! Ahaha! That's a good thing! Come on! Let's drink to the imminent extinction of humanity!"

The kobold lord who was still holding a grudge heard that there was good wine, this man became relaxed, and took a big tank in the hands of the boar lord, and after touching the tank directly, he hugged it up and poured it in. In his fat casserole belly.

   "Report to the two lords! This time we have acquired a large number of human females! We can continue to breed excellent warriors! It is expected that we will be able to win a big victory soon!"

   At this time, a wild boar and another kobold warrior came to the two lords and knelt down to report to them.

   "Huh? Soon? Is it possible that the battle is not over yet?"

   The Boar Lord was a little unhappy and looked at these two men with anger. This tone and eyes made the two low-level wild monsters tremble with fright.

   "Damn your subordinates! Now in the human towns, there are still a large number of humans struggling to resist, and there is no way to suppress them all for a while! The subordinates are not doing well! The subordinates are not doing well!"

   These two low-level wild monsters began to desperately kowtow to admit their mistakes.

"Forget it! It would be too boring to kill them all at once! I want them to know that the real pain is better than death! Go down! Wait! You said you got a lot of human females, right? Two human females killed me! Hahaha! Lord Boar! How about a cabaret show? I haven’t tried what it’s like to be with a human female?"

   The kobold lord suddenly thought of a new way to avenge humans, he smirked and patted the boar lord on the shoulder and proposed.

   "O~O? Does the human body feel good to use?"

   The Boar Lord looked at the subordinates who bowed their heads in front of him and asked with some curiosity.

   "If you go back to Lord Lord! It's really great! Although some are smaller! But it feels very shocking! I just tried it! It's super sensational! It's an unprecedented experience!"

These two low-level wild monsters have **** smiles on their faces are still reminiscent of the memories of the human body that they have just tasted. When these two lords saw their subordinates, they had already revealed such an unconscious appearance , Could not help but become more interested.

   "Interesting! Is it better than a female of the same race? That's quite interesting to me! Shall we go and enjoy it? How about? Lord Kobold?"

   Seeing that his subordinates highly recommended it, he gestured to the lord of the kobold beside him.

"Ha~Haha! I can't ask! I want to torture these **** human females! If you let me find those two **** females in it! I must let them enjoy it with their bodies, this kind of tearing The pain in the lungs! I don’t know why? I suddenly became addicted to this self-interested feeling!"

The lord of the kobold imagined in his brain that if he really found Kirito and Aisha, he would ruthlessly use his most ferocious way to take care of these two enemies who had caused him such a humiliation and great humiliation, and let them Experience and experience the most rude and effective method specifically to deal with females, to torture their minds and bodies.

The two lords, led by their subordinates, came to the **** scene where a large number of female players were still in use. The beautiful screams and begging for mercy were like a moving chorus for them. Let them be intoxicated.

   and pushed away two of his subordinates casually, snatched two intact female players from them that had not yet been used, and began the torture of the **** on earth for human females...

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