Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 293: Ai-chan and the actions of the squad leaders

   The one who was attacked by the snake girl before was covered with wounded eldest sister head, and took the remaining 3 people of his own team, walked in like this very anxiously and bowed to her on one knee, and reported it like this...

at this time? A new race of demihumans was born, and they attacked and provoked us? This is a very interesting situation! xn


   "Oh oh? Isn't it just a newly evolved demihuman? What are you pulling!"

   "We are not afraid of monsters larger than her, is it possible to shoot a snake?"

   "Yes, yes...xn"

   For a while, I heard such a blatant provocation of the prestige status of the beast mothers in Natata, and all the beast mothers who listened to them were all aggrieved.

   During this period, was suddenly attacked by a demihuman of the snake tribe who might know that we have a large number of scales? And it is easy for them to escape, but only take one person as a hostage? It always feels so tricky!

   After hearing such a general situation, Ai-chan closed her eyes with a bad feeling.

   Then the outside voices that were isolated from all around began to fall into contemplation. After all, based on the brief introduction of this matter, it seemed that it was not so innocent on the surface.


"Everyone, stop the pointless behavior of venting hatred, eldest sister! I hope you will give me the original feedback of all the passing, and don’t add any words and jealousies. According to your words and deeds, it can affect my judgment. All you need is Just tell me the original story! Do you understand what I mean?"

Suddenly opened her eyes and patted Yushou's Ai-chan. By the way, her eyes were very sharp and she was watching the eldest elder sister who came back. In addition, her words and deeds carried a certain sense of power inexplicably, which made all the beasts. The elders all closed their mouths subconsciously, and they all focused on the eldest corporal leader who had returned.

   I repeated the important thing twice in the words in cooperation with her, although it has not been the third time that the elder sister understands that the seriousness of the matter may increase again!

   Guru Guru

   Xiao Ai shouldn’t have such a thing before, right? It feels full of majesty! Is this another aspect of her growth?

   "Subordinates obey orders! This is how things are..."

   After feeling the inexplicable coercion and leadership temperament that Ai-chan suddenly appeared, after swallowing slightly, he honestly explained what happened from beginning to end.


   And the surrounding beast mothers who were burning with anger, after hearing this detailed process, everyone closed their mouths in a true sense.

  Because no matter how bad their brains are, they can still smell an awkward smell. Especially in this kind of thing, it must rely on Aijiang's change as a commanding talent to do it.

   That's why they and the returning elder sister head corporal again, together they focused on Ai Jiang, who is the decision maker.

So that's it... If the other party really wants to kill us, it might be possible to do it quietly before they come out, but the other party didn't do it... That is to say, they want to contact us on a whim, but they don't know how. Contact? Of course, it does not deny that the other party will choose to expose himself in an upright manner to show us the absolute strength gap!

   After all, this situation can always be reflected in many predators with status! So I'm not quite sure what the other party wants to do? Even as she said, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of simply torturing us for fun, as the strong intention to toss and toss food until exhaustion, and then slowly enjoy them!

"I always feel that there are fewer key clues...Let’s do it! The eldest sister’s Wu, plus 23 members of the guard, I went to the site for on-site surveys, what should the rest of the staff do first, and we will inform everyone in our own way. Yes! Do you have any comments to mention?" New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   After a little thought, he felt that there were too many possibilities, and there was no way to really judge what the other party wanted to do? Therefore, we can only think of ways to collect intelligence and information that can be used as a basis for judgment in various locations where the opponent may leave clues, so as to obtain the opponent's intentions and ideas as much as possible.

   In order to know what special proposal you have, so I proposed to the beast mothers.

   "Is this...really good? A place not long before it happened, are you afraid that the other party will set some fatal trap?"

   "Yes! Master Xiao Ai! Will you send more corps to follow, or stand by in a nearby place, so that we can support adults anytime and anywhere, even if there is something to do! Wouldn’t we be more comfortable with it?"

   "This idea is very good! It is also the key position we think about! xn"

And hearing Ai-chan's words, the heads of the beast mothers put forward some suggestions, and even many beast mothers have this idea, so that Ai-chan on the side could not help showing a gratified smile, at least the beast next to her. The damsels are not fools who just listen to orders, but don't have their own opinions.

"This is not bad! Then the corporal leader of the proposer will bring your team and several corps leaders who have the same idea, and go to this river with me. You will wait in ambush in these positions. Naturally, we should also pay attention to the safety of ourselves and our sisters. After all, we still don’t know if the other party will let us investigate the scene of the crime!" First issue https://https://

   Just perfecting her flawed or inefficient proposal is enough to solve her problems! Make it smile like to suggest to the squad leaders of the beast mothers, so please exhort them.

   "Yes! Please don't worry, Mrs. Ai, let us cover with our peers! xn"

   After seeing that their proposal was affirmed for a while, these beast mothers and army chiefs all saluted them with great enthusiasm.


   "Then everyone starts to rest, patrol and act on their own according to their own tasks! Disband!"

   "Yes! Little love adult! xn"

   After confirming that everyone had no other opinions, Ai-chan patted Yu's hands. After giving such orders to everyone, he let the heads of the beast mothers act on their own and walked out of the big account together...

   唰 唰啦, click

   "Sir Xiao Ai! Probably let the support team stay in this position, and after another 1,000 meters, you will be by the river!"

And just in the past ten minutes or so, the two teams that Xiao Ai personally accompanied have come to the high grass area about 1,000 meters from the river. Also at this time, the former eldest squad leader was right. It's so admonishing...

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