Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 316: Large-scale war nerd tactics exchange meeting?

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

Seeing the two leaders in such a panic, several generals of the town who had already stood up bowed deeply to them, then pointed to Klein's hands and reminded them of Moss.

(Is the inference wrong? And is the key point in this Lord Klein?)

(In this situation...I seem to vaguely understand that Klay has made them look like this because of what makes them look like this!)

"Then I'm rude Master Klein!"


Realizing that these generals had something to say, Moss and Kirito nodded knowingly, and then walked towards Klein together. When Moss faced him with his hands directly palms, he already fully understood his subordinates. The meaning of the words said!

(I really don’t know how to deal with my own problems! A very nervous big brother!)

"You! It's really careless sometimes! Wouldn't it hurt to hurt yourself so badly?"

"Huh~huh, papa~papa"

And looking at this inevitable evidence, Kirito, who guessed the seven-seven-eights-of-a-kind, looked like "I can't stand you", embodied a pink potion, and captured his rough big hand with a jade hand. , And then pour the medicine directly into the palm of his hand for necessary treatment.

"I'm sorry...Tongren sauce! I have to trouble you to help my big brother exist! It makes you a little embarrassing!"

Seeing Kirito's appearance as his younger sister caring about his brother, Klein, who felt ashamed, bowed his head apologetically.

Obviously, he felt a bit guilty and discredited Kirito's face for this mishandling behavior that unintentionally exposed his identity! After all, for the generals in this town, his existence is a manifestation of shaking their military spirit and fear. That's why it has caused such a big chaos and made the gap between the two sides seem to be more serious...

"Actually nothing! I have to officially disclose your existence to Moss and others, otherwise I hide it and let them submit to our subordinates, and I feel our insincere and distrust!"


And Kirito, who didn’t care, healed the wound on his hand quickly while comforting Klein, and while he was still preparing to blame himself, he covered it with his free jade hand. What kind of frustrated mouth.

"His Royal Highness Kirito! Could it be that Lord Klein just finished thousands of miles away to take the lives of our army, just like the one who was trying to get things? And that level of attack...could it be that his power was completely reproduced?"

Although Moss saw this scene of ironclad evidence, he still couldn't believe that this shocking fact might be possible, but sometimes the facts speak louder than words, and the wounds that are still in a fresh state are obviously not left long ago. ,

And the one who can do this kind of thing and leave such scars, is only the one who has the insight into the overall situation and then sends out an incomparably accurate arrow attacker that is the best qualified existence.

They all wanted a satisfactory answer. What kind of person was it to solve the two weird and indeed shocking attacks this time? What kind of method was used to complete it! This is the huge puzzle they have always wanted to solve, and Moss who seized the opportunity represented that all the generals and soldiers in this town gave Kirito a serious heartfelt message.


(His Royal Highness Kirito-chan's mother, Kirito! xN)

Looking at all the personnel now, their eyes were on Kirito and Klein, plus the surprisingly quiet situation where only the sound of their conversation and the burning of the brazier could be heard.

Asuna and others on the side could not help but become a little worried. After all, once this situation does not have a satisfactory answer and explanation, it is very likely that the matter of shortening the gap between the military leaders of the two sides will simply fall through, or even worsen and become worse. Trust is possible.


However, Kirito didn't take it seriously, and even turned around as usual, walked to a place where everyone could fully focus on him, and bowed slightly in the direction of everyone.

(What does he want to do? xN)

Although everyone did not dare to speak easily, they still looked at each other as if they did not understand, and even scratched their heads together, looking at what the iceberg beauty, whose joy and anger were not easily expressed on her face, wanted to bring to them. Remarks.

"First of all, let me take a reassurance to you Weiwei! Just like you guessed, the one who bombarded and observed you thousands of miles away without error is this Klein himself, who is infallible and has all reconnaissance missions. He did all the long-distance strikes alone!"

Obviously, Kirito neither concealed nor deliberately concealed anything. It was so simple and straightforward that he told all the people present the facts.

(What? So amazing? xN)

For a while, the audience was stunned. After all, they didn't expect Kirito to tell them so directly, the answer to the suspicion that had been in his heart.

"is that a lie?"

"No wonder we don't care where we hide, the attack is like long eyes, wherever we are!"

"It turned out to be like this! Wasn't there anything special from the beginning? Aha~hahaha! xN"

"I really care about how I did it!"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

It didn't take long for the people present as if they had done unnecessary worry, and they caused a roar of laughter at the same time.

The relaxed and unexpectedly relaxed look made them very excited to praise Klein, and even directly and politely asked him for advice.

It seemed to be hospitable, and would not easily bear grudges and then anger at Klein who had dealt with their army. It really makes people who don't understand feel incredible...

(No? It’s that simple? Or for the war madmen who have their talent points in strategic tactics and command the army, it’s not a shame and taboo, more just want one. Reply, and an explanation of how to do it? It’s really a bunch of weirdos! I don’t know what is going on in the heads of these generals at all? xN)

"We always feel that our worries are as cheap as donkey liver and lungs!"

"Yeah... I really can't understand what their thought circuit is like! A group of war nerds! xN"

Asuna and the others, who relaxed for a while, felt like worrying or worrying about these completely incomprehensible existences. After all, they were so optimistic and laughed again and again, and even friendly and affectionate with their thick arms, holding them together. The popular Klein neck...

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